Saturday, July 16, 2022

Calorie deficit but not losing ANY weight... hormones or something else?

Hi everyone, I'm going to post this to a few subs hoping there is someone with some kind of advice.

I'm 26F, 165cm, 68kg and I've been trying to lose weight for the past 6 months. I'm going insane at this point and nobody is helpful online. My body just refuses to give up any stores of fat and it's always been like this.

Before you type "you're definitely not in calorie deficit, you're eyeballing, the soses and coffee etc..." NO, I am by 400cal in deficit, I'm eating like a poor peasant from the middle ages, I have a digital scale and the only thing I'm not weighing is the air that I'm breathing.

I do weight lifting and cardio, and I'm a waiter, so I do min 7000steps.

Also, In case someone is going to mention "starvation mode" it's been debunked so many times.

Anyway, I've been gaining weight since I got out of puberty, which I'm guessing was around 19-20, when I was 55kg. No lifestyle or diet changes, always ate normally, yet the weight is going up (metabolism going crazy?) and I've been getting A LOT of cellulite on my thighs (not genetics, even bigger family member don't have it or have very little).

Maybe I should get some hormone tests done or something. I've also seen some people mentioning PCOS, but since I don't have any cysts (I go to regular gyno check ups) I'm guessing It's not that.

Note: I have adhd, so my dopamine is kinda out of wack, and I don't know if this can affect weight loss to this level, since I'm not taking medication.

Sleep is average, water intake 2-2,5L.

Thank you all in advance

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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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