Monday, May 22, 2023

Lost ~15 pounds without going to the gym

Hey y’all! Apologies for the misleading title (I can’t change it. It’s been a while since I’ve posted in here. Basically I’ve started working a physically demanding job since February and I’ve dropped the pounds.

I entered this job weighing somewhere in the 180s before I started. After a month, I got to 169. I was flabbergasted. This is also a lack of going to the gym because I’d be so exhausted that I basically had no time to go to the gym. However, I’d meal prep like crazy. And I wasn’t tracking my calories too (not encouraging that, I genuinely forget to do so).

As of may 11, I’m at 165, and I’ve had poor eating habits but doing my best to switch that up. I’ll admit since I’ve started working the graveyard shift, I’ve literally eat an orange with a 6-10 pack of Oreos. Not the best.

But yes, when they say that weight loss is 80/20 they ain’t joking. I will say that even though I lost the weight, I feel gross and my body isn’t giving weight loss. But imma do my best get back in the gym and eat better

Also shoutout to everyone reaching major milestones in this Reddit!!! It’s amazing and very motivating for me to get off my bed! God bless y’all!

submitted by /u/b3from01
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Has anyone found a “free” food?

I don’t really mean “free” - everything has calories, and calories count.

But I can eat like…50-100 calories of blueberries and strawberries and not count them. I still lose weight pretty close to the rate that I am supposed to. I used to eat four big strawberries and weigh them and put in the 40 calories, but I just don’t bother any more.

Anyone found any foods you can eat a small amount of, and not bother to track, and it doesn’t throw off your weight loss? Obviously, you can’t just set up a smorgasbord of a dozen tiny snacks and go from one end to the other and eat 300 calories. But having a small thing to snack on when I get HONGRY is sometimes helpful to me…might be nice for others too.


submitted by /u/Layered-Briefs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

9 Anti-Bloating Foods for a Flat Belly

Bloating can feel like a cruel trick when you’re trying to lose weight. Even when you’re sticking with your healthy eating plan, you can get a noticeable bulge in your belly after eating. Not only does bloating make your midsection look bigger and your clothes feel tighter, the pressure in your abdomen can be uncomfortable and even painful at times.

Chronic bloating may be a symptom of a serious medical condition, but for most people it is an occasional problem that can be relieved with a few smart choices. Here’s what you need to know and what you can do to reduce it:

Bloating can happen when your body is retaining a lot of fluids, you have excessive amounts of solids in your gastrointestinal tract or gas is trapped in your digestive system. Irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease and various cancers can all cause bloating. If you experience frequent or sudden bloating, discuss it with your health-care provider to be sure you’re not suffering from one of these or another serious ailment.1,2

Bloating may also happen when you have trouble digesting certain foods. Products containing wheat, such as bread, baked goods and cereal, can cause bloating for people who are sensitive to gluten. Consuming dairy products can result in bloating for people who cannot tolerate lactose. Kidney beans, black beans and other legumes may produce excess gas and bloating in some people who do not eat them regularly.1

Constipation (defined as fewer than three bowel movements per week) is another frequent reason for feeling bloated.1 There are a wide range of causes for constipation but two to keep in mind are dehydration and insufficient fiber in your diet.1,3

These anti-bloating foods may also help you prevent or relieve that abdominal discomfort. To help you include them in your diet, we’ve provided a few fresh ideas for how you can enjoy them.

Bloated Belly? Address These 7 Causes to Get Rid of It for Good

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1. Avocados

freshly cut avocado

Your body often retains water and feels bloated when it has an excess of sodium. Potassium plays a vital role in helping your body manage its sodium levels. Avocados are rich in this important mineral, while also containing fiber that can help prevent constipation.4  Including avocados in your diet has also been shown to promote gut health, according to research from the University of Illinois College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.5

Try: We love avocados for so many reasons that we compiled 14 brilliant ways to use them. Your whole family will rave about rich and creamy Chocolate Orange Avocado Pudding.

2. Bananas

freshly chopped bananas in a bowl

Bananas are one of our favorite anti-bloating foods. You also get plenty of potassium and fiber from this favorite fruit.4 It’s mild flavor and soft texture makes it especially easy to digest when your belly isn’t feeling its best. According to Medical News Today, bananas are less likely to cause bloating then apples and pears.6

Try: Bananas are convenient to take with you and eat raw wherever you are. Try them in our 10 banana recipes to go bananas for! If you want to start your day with the goodness of bananas, check out the quick and easy three-step Banana Pancakes.

3. Beets

fresh beets

The dark-red roots are high in potassium and fiber, too, and have fewer calories per cup than bananas. They get their color from a compound called anthocyanin, which helps to support the microbes that break down food in your digestive tract, according to a study, published in the scientific journal Nature. Keeping these microbes healthy and active helps your body process food efficiently, reducing the risk of bloating.7

Try: Make yourself Roasted Rosemary Beets and Carrots and see how sweet a serving of vegetables can be.

How to Beat Belly Bloat

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4. Cucumbers

fresh cucumbers sliced on a cutting board

Cukes are mostly water, so they help you stay hydrated which can prevent constipation.3,4 Plus, cucumbers are a fiber-rich veggie that’s less likely to produce gas when you are digesting them than other vegetables.8

Try: Crab Stuffed Cucumber Cups make a simple yet elegant meal that fills you up with protein and fiber.

5. Fennel Seeds

fresh fennel seeds in a large wooden spoon

The fragrant seeds (they smell a bit like licorice) of this herb have a long history as a folk remedy for gas. They are high in fiber, which as we mentioned earlier, can help prevent constipation. According to Healthline, fennel seeds are anti-inflammatory and may help relax intestinal muscles, which may also help relieve constipation and gassiness. However, please note that more research is needed on this unique seed and its potential benefits.9

Try: You can make a soothing tea with fennel seeds or add them as a flavoring to many meat or fish dishes.

6. Ginger

fresh and ground ginger

There’s a reason your mother gave you ginger ale when you had an upset stomach. Ginger contains a digestive enzyme called zingibain that helps relax and relieve inflammation in your digestive tract, letting food pass through your system smoothly and keeping you from feeling bloated.10

Try: A warm cup of ginger tea is a quick remedy for bloating. To prevent it, make a batch of Wasabi Ginger Salad Dressing, which adds a zingy taste to bowls of fresh vegetables.

These anti-bloating foods may also help you prevent or relieve that abdominal discomfort. To help you include them in your diet, we’ve provided a few fresh ideas for how you can enjoy them.

The Health Benefits of Ginger

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7. Peppermint

bunch of mint leaves

Another traditional remedy for indigestion, peppermint has been shown to relieve gas and bloating by relaxing the muscles in the digestive tract. Most of the research on mint has focused on peppermint oil, which is derived from the leaves.11

Try: Peppermint tea is simple to brew and you can enjoy it hot or cold. Our Strawberry Mint Smoothie recipe also includes plain Greek yogurt, another one of our favorite anti-bloating foods (more on that later!).

8. Pineapple

freshly cut pineapples

This sweet and juicy tropical fruit contains bromelain, an enzyme that breaks down proteins, helps with food digestion12 and may help with bloating, inflammation and swelling.4

Try: You’ll find lots of tempting ideas on our list of seven delicious ways to eat pineapple! Cinnamon Sugar Air Fryer Grilled Pineapple is a sweet treat that’s high in nutrients and low in calories.

9. Yogurt

yogurt in a wooden bowl

When you eat anti-bloating foods with probiotics, you nurture the microbes in your gut that manage digestion (and your immune system). Probiotics can help to decrease gas, bloating and constipation. Look for plain low-fat Greek yogurt with active cultures, one of the best sources of probiotics.13

Try:  You can use Greek yogurt in so many dishes. We love it in Spicy Greek Yogurt Dip, a flavorful way to enjoy raw veggies.

*Speak with your doctor if you experience frequent or sudden bloating. You should also speak with your doctor before making any changes to your diet.

These anti-bloating foods may also help you prevent or relieve that abdominal discomfort. To help you include them in your diet, we’ve provided a few fresh ideas for how you can enjoy them.

Gut Health and Weight Loss: Everything You Need to Know

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The post 9 Anti-Bloating Foods for a Flat Belly appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Unexplained NSV

SW: 235lbs CW: 185lbs GW: 150lbs 36F 5'3"

So I started my weight loss at the end of August last year, wearing a size 20 in jeans. At 50lbs lost, I bought size 14 jeans. My weight has been stubbornly stuck at 185lbs for months now. But suddenly my size 14 jeans are big on me. The legs and the waist are much looser. I know that jeans relax over time with wear, but this is a lot looser than that. I'm tempted to go to Walmart and try on some size 12 jeans now.

How did I drop a pants size without the scale changing? I would think that maybe I lost some weight, but added muscle, but honestly I've not been doing much exercise lately because of headache issues and having a broken tailbone. And even when I do exercise, it's just light walking on a treadmill.

I'm not at all mad about losing a pants size, of course, but I'm just puzzled about how it happened. Any ideas?

submitted by /u/MotherOfDogs1872
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Newbie here! Where should I start in my weight loss journey?

Prefacing with: if you’re going to comment something rude/unhelpful save it. Thank you.

I’m 23F, 5’3, CW: 195lbs, GW: 150lbs

Some backstory: I work with children so I do a lot of moving throughout the day, but I’ve noticed running around with them outside lately I’m much more tired than I’ve ever been after 15 minutes of cardio.

I have to pack breakfast and lunch for work so KIND bars, the occasional fast food breakfast sandwich, and meal prepping are my go to. Once I’m home for the night I’m practically sedentary and on and off snacking on crap until I go to bed.

I go out and eat and drinking heavily maybe twice a month. I don’t eat dairy, red meat, or peanuts but I want to find a sustainable diet that keeps me from snacking so much.

I’ve looked into calorie deficits as a way to ease into adjusting better dietary habits, but I don’t know how to calculate it or what weight loss tips and tricks work more for women vs men.

I know I should also be moving more but I don’t want to overwhelm myself with changes and not stick with them so I figured food first might be the best way to go?

I know this is all over the place and nobody is going to hand me a cure all regimen but I am truly just looking for any guidance as to where to start!!! I know it’ll take time and patience and I want to try to be as healthy as possible about it so any information, ideas, recommendations, etc. would be greatly appreciated! 🙂

submitted by /u/idk-what-to-choose
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Restarting my weight loss journey

I’ve been wanting to lose weight for a couple of years now with me gaining some weight in lockdown and during the pandemic, and overall desire to be a healthier person. I decided to kick that into high gear with the turn of the new year in January.

I wasn’t noticing any results so I decided to suspend my weight loss journey in April. I want to restart my journey, and just want some basic tips to remember. I tried counting calories, but it wasn’t really helping. I’m not sure if I was doing it correctly. I’m really trying hard not to focus on how fast this journey takes, but how I can make it more sustainable process.

I feel like I eat pretty healthy, I work out regularly, I drink a good amount of water, but I want to kick my soda habit completely, and I’m just not sure how.

What are some tips I can have in my back pocket to make this process and journey easier? What made your weight loss journey easier to stick with?

submitted by /u/Hipcheckhamhuis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone else dealing with weight loss *aging* you?

Many people here look younger (!!!) after weight loss, but I'm curious if anyone else has dealt with looking older?

I had a 'baby face' up until 26. Losing weight caused me to lose the fat in my cheeks, which has seemingly aged me a bit. Almost overnight I felt like I went from looking 19 to my actual age of 27. Even my friends and co-workers have mentioned it. (Nicely, of course)

I suppose this is the appeal of face fillers? Curious if anyone else here is in the same boat? I love being a size small now, but miss being carded all the time 😅

my face gains

submitted by /u/Spirited_Cookie9524
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from loseit - Lose the Fat