Thursday, October 12, 2023

Body dysmorphia after weight loss

I have always been big, I got bullied a lot throughout my childhood and heard some really awful comments from adults that have scarred me. I started disordered eating at 12 and was praised by all the adults around me from my weight loss (didn’t last long as I gained it all back and more after moving to the US). I have always been very insecure and was finally able to get a consistent workout routine and diet. I am currently at my lowest weight since I was 12. I am still a few pounds overweight but I look considerably better since I started this journey 2 years ago. I get so many compliments, even from strangers at the gym, but I can never truly believe them. I feel the most insecure I’ve ever been, I literally get panic attacks and start crying at the gym just looking at my body. I tried therapy but it didn’t really help, my last therapist told me that I “wasn’t even fat so stop obsessing over that”. Last week I tried the last pair of pants I bought, they were a size 6, which was super tight since I had been stuck on a size 8. When I tried my pants they looked huge. The problem is that I cannot see it. I feel so big and huge, every time I look at the mirror. I feel like I am going crazy and I am so sad that I cannot enjoy my hard work. I eat a very bland, strict diet, weight lift 2 hours a day 6x a week and do spin and yoga classes as well. I am exhausted and terrified that I will never look the way I want. I just needed to vent and see if I’m the only one struggling with this

submitted by /u/Just_a_racoon_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to Start a Weight Loss Journey

Hi, I (16F) am 5’1 and 175ish lbs (~79kg). I don't exactly have a problem with the way I look, but being a few pounds lighter would definitely boost my confidence. To do this, I would need to need to start losing weight.

The thing is, I don't know where to start. Should I create a workout plan? If so, how? And what about meal preps? I hardly know anything about those.

I have no clue what to do and where to start. Reddit, please help point me in the right direction.

Also, I don't eat many veggies but would like to start including them in my diet. Any recommendations on the tastiest vegetables?

submitted by /u/Plastic-Term5113
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can you share your weight loss advice?

I’m male 5’6 and 160. I was around 152 during the summer but starting college I picked up a decent amount of weight and can’t seem to get it off at all. I want to get down to about 130 and currently I just do intermittent fasting. It worked for me back when I first started to lose weight but now it’s hardly helping. I did OMAD back sophomore year and that worked out fine, but I don’t really think that’s sustainable for me.

Any advice would help, preferably from people around my height and weight or weight goal.

submitted by /u/throwawayrna22
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Struggling to lose those last 5 pounds

I (23f) started my weight loss journey in may 2022 and went from 160-155 and after about a year and a half stabilized around 138-135. I realize it’s a big change, but I want to lose that last 8-5 pounds but have been really struggling with it.

I stopped dieting as much over the summer, keep a pretty active lifestyle (8k steps a day with training 3/-5 times a week) when not slammed with school and generally eat well.

When I initially started my weight loss, I ate around 1500 calories, but now when I’ve tried to do it again I’ve found that number to be way too restrictive. I’ve changed my mindset about food and no longer have a negative relationship with food and want to maintain that.

Do y’all have tips? Things I can implement or change my mindset on? Things that helped y’all lose those last 5 pounds?

submitted by /u/v_the_saxophonist
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Hi, I am new to the gym and I have a lot of questions

Hi, I am new to the gym and I have a lot of questions. I used to be 55kg but due to stress, the pandemic, and forgetting to take care of myself (even if I hate admitting it), I am now at a high of 75kg. I know, I hate it, and please do not judge me, I have been really mean to myself lately. So, because of that I decided to hire an online coach and go to the gym.

  1. How many times should I go to the gym? - At the moment, I go 6x a week but my coach says it is okay if I just do 4x. However, I feel like I need to push harder to lose more.
  2. I want to lose the weight for one year, is that possible? - If anyone could give me a better view of how this weight loss thing works, that would be wonderful.
  3. I cannot take whey protein whether vegan or not because it makes me vomit and it makes my tummy ache so I opted for pre-workouts. Is drinking pre-workout okay? - I feel really strong but I don't know if that is placebo or whatnot.
  4. When can I actually see results?
  5. Should I do cardio before or after my strength session?

Thank you and I appreciate your kindness and your non-judgmental answers because the weight I have gained is really taking a toll on me. Thank you.

submitted by /u/fortherantsonly
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to tone specific body parts?

Hi all.So I’m currently 90kg.My starting weight was 115kg.I’m also 5’9 so I got away with not appearing ‘fat’ as my weight distribution was mostly in my thighs and ass.But also in my arms and stomach which is motivation for me to lose weight.Plus being out of breath after walking for 10 minutes is quite embarrassing.

My goal weight is 70kg? If that is not healthy please let me know.But the problem I’m having now is even though I’m losing weight in my arms and stomach I’m slowly losing my ass and thighs.

I’m completely fine with this but how do I tone my ass? It’s still big but has more cellulite now due to weight loss.I just want it to look toned and good in a bikini.

I cannot go gym due work and commitments and have been losing weight due to portion control and some walking (not as much as I should be doing).

submitted by /u/SearchWinter2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Not losing weight, but DEFINITELY in a calorie deficit.

I’m here to seek advice as to how I should go about solving this problem, but first let me explain exactly what I’ve been doing and the results I’ve observed.

I’m a 5’8 male, recently home from college and have been making great strides in improving my health. I haven’t drank alcohol in three months, and have worked my way into an extremely consistent, affordable, and easy to follow diet in an attempt to lose the belly and back fat that has been plaguing me for the last few years.

I’m a relatively experienced weightlifter with a decent amount of muscle. (Enough that drunk people at the bars used to ask me if I take steroids, which I don’t.)

Over the past two months I have tracked some things to make spotting progress on this weight loss attempt easier for myself. Here is what I can tell you for certain:

I bike 1.8 miles to and from the gym at least five days per week and train intensely, starting off with a 15-18 minute treadmill walk (some days recently I’ve tried running) increasing in difficulty slightly daily, (I started out burning 120 calories on the treadmill but have increased at a steady rate to where now I’m doing 200 calories in the same time) followed by weight lifting intensely, to failure, before I go home.

I also have a fitbit, and ensure I do at least 10,000 steps per day, although I average 16,000 per day.

Every day I eat practically the same thing. I meal prep on saturdays for the week, either chicken breast, ground turkey, or salmon for protein and then frozen mixed vegetables. I never use any cooking oils, fats, or other ingredients.

In my chicken days, this comes out to 480 calories from the chicken, and 120 calories from the vegetables, so 600 calories in total.

In my turkey days, the turkey is more caloric, coming in at 670 calories, or 790 calories in total.

For salmon days, its 764 total, For tuna days its 640 total.

I also drink a protein shake daily, which contains two 30g servings of pure unflavored whey protein isolate (200 calories) two cups of frozen mixed berries (140 calories) and a serving of greek yogurt (200 calories). This comes out to 540 calories total.

So even on my most caloric day, I’m only consuming 1330 calories.

My fitbit calculates that I’ve been burning an average of 3632 calories per day.

This means that I’m in a 2302 calorie deficit.

Even if I did no exercise at all, I would still be in a calorie deficit of around 1000 calories.

I weigh myself every day at the same time in the morning after I use the bathroom. When I started this experiment, I weighed 207 pounds.

Through the first few weeks this dropped down to 198 pounds, which I assume is due to the loss of excess water weight and glycogen stores, then the loss slowed until around 196.5 pounds, which is the average I’ve been weighing in at for the last month.

This is where my frustration comes from, as essentially every source of advice that I’ve gone to about this has basically said that “if you aren’t losing weight, you’re not in a calorie deficit”

Except I am absolutely 1000% sure that I am not only in a calorie deficit, but a pretty hefty one at that.

If anyone has dealt with anything like this before or has any suggestions or advice, please let me know.

Also, just as a side note as I’m sure people will say this, I’m being very conscious of my health during this process. I feel very energetic, I’m not constantly hungry, I’m still functioning extremely well mentally, and I’m still eating an incredibly healthy amount of fruits and vegetables which I know most low calorie diets do not.

submitted by /u/IgorMcDigor
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from loseit - Lose the Fat