Monday, October 1, 2018

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone

I had the best day of 2018!

The place where I work is pretty toxic. My coworkers and supervisor have a history of being very disrespectful to each other and especially me. I’m introverted and quiet—- and extremely nice to others. In the past people have used this against me. A part me believes I let them get away with it because I believe I deserve it. But that all changed today.

Today I reached out to one of my coworkers and suggested a different course of action for our client and she was just awful to me on the phone. Yelling at me- telling me I don’t know her and I don’t what she needs. Just being completely nasty. In the past when my coworkers have been rude to me it’s more like sly underhanded mean comments- and I just take it- but this was crazy. I somehow kept my cool and said what I needed to say and calmly got off the phone with her.

As soon as I got off the phone -another one of my coworkers from a different team texted me asking if I was the other person on the other line of my coworkers phone call. She told me how shocked she was by how she was talking to me. (Apparently a lot of people had overheard the phone conversation- how embarrassing!)

I cried in my car and then I decided I was sick of this shit! I went into the office - found my coworker in the hallway and told her I needed to speak to her. Off the bat I told her, “I didn’t appreciate how you spoke to me on the phone.”

She said: “how was I speaking to you?”

I said: “ you were disrespectful and rude and I did not deserve that.”

She tried to accuse me of yelling and raising my voice. But I didn’t and I told her I didn’t because that’s not like me at all. She continued to try and justify her behavior but I stood my ground and finally she apologized to me..... several times. I advocated for my client and she gave in to my plans.

She then wanted us to hug it out.....but the whole time I was over the moon. I stood up for myself. Me non-confrontational me. I was finally tired of it. I think my self-worth is changing and I think a lot of it has to do with this weight loss. I have so much confidence now. And I’ve only lost ten pounds.

I wanted so badly to reward myself. I kept thinking about ice cream. Stopping at Dairy Queen on my way home but I didn’t. I went to yoga class instead and had a great time.

On my way out of the studio I saw that quote. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone! It really does.

submitted by /u/0liviathe0live
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How steady was your weight loss? Wondering what realistic goals to set to myself.

Hey everyone,

I'm curious about what was the pace of your weight loss. Did you manage to lose weight at a steady pace pretty much the whole time? Or did you find losing weight much harder after a few months? Thanks for sharing!

For people wanting the whole story:

I'm almost 30 years old, and obese since now 10 years. I started my first real weight loss mission two months ago. Started at 105 kg (231 lbs), targeting 77 kg (170 lbs). Those first two months, I lost 6 kg (13 pounds), averaging 0.7 kg (1.4 lbs) a week.

I'm now trying to set intermediate goals to help me stay motivated. I think I can keep that 0.7 kg pace until the end of the year but not much more.

I did some little projections and here is what I came up with:

  • 8 weeks to go from 100 to 95 kg (11 lbs loss)
  • 10 weeks to go from 95 to 90 kg (11 lbs loss)
  • 14 weeks to go from 90 to 85 kg (11 lbs loss)
  • 16 weeks to go from 85 to 80 kg (11 lbs loss)
  • 9 weeks to go from 80 to 77 kg (11 lbs loss)

I guess all of this seems a bit weird and way too precise, but what do you know, as a web developer I'm used to estimating time and being plain wrong at the end. What do you think?

submitted by /u/Leimina
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing weight with BPD

Hello and I hope this is okay to post here, wasn’t sure if I should use r/bpd but anyway I just wanted to know if anyone else has struggled with self image/identity mental health issues when losing weight? I have always struggled with disassociation and unstable self image but last year, I joined SW and I lost 4 stone in about 5/6 months, it took me a long time to see the difference but when I did i just couldn’t recognise myself at all and had a huge onset of paranoia with psychosis and hospitalisation... I want to start again as I put the weight back on (19st highest and 15 lowest) but I don’t know how to get back on the horse, I’m scared of not being able to handle my emotions to maintain the weight loss and stop using it as another coping mechanism, I don’t want this to be my excuse to be fat I’m just stuck right now and any advice would be so welcome 🙏 sorry for any typos or if the layout looks weird I’m on my phone

submitted by /u/PeachesMcgee89
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I made a podcast about calorie counting and weight loss that focuses on why losing weight is so hard and how to make it easier. Featuring experts from Mt. Sinai Hospital's weight loss progam, Mayo Clinic and more! It's out today

It's called The Calories and features interviews with:

Rich Weil, Director of the Mt. Sinai Hospital Weight Loss Program

Kristen Vickers, Director of Wellness Coaching for the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program

Adam Smotherman, Assistant Strength Coach for the Clemson Tiger Football Team

Dana Hunnes, UCLA Obesity Professor and Dietitian

After I lost 100 pounds in 2015 I started to realize why trying to lose weight by just eating healthy and exercising--the way I had been trying for most of my life-- is so hard. Or really why losing weight is so hard and why eating healthy and exercising doesn't make it easier.

As you guys know losing weight is hard because while you lose weight by definition you are on a calorie deficit--not eating enough for your body to continue at it's current size. And while you're on a deficit you're going to be hungry. It's hard to be hungry when your boss yells at you. It's hard to be hungry when things are weird with your partner. We only have so much willpower throughout the day.

On the podcast Rich Weill says that of the 900 participants in the Mt. Sinai hospital St. Luke's weight loss program one person has lost weight every single week. One! And most of us do not have the full resources of a top-level weight loss program at our disposal. Some weeks we will mess up.

To me, the idea that the process of losing weight is saying ENOUGH! TIME TO TURN MY LIFE AROUND! and becoming a perfect human being who jogs every day and has an impeccable diet of things like grilled chicken, quinoa and asparagus is ludicrous for 99% of us. Some days we don't have it in us. Some days we get invited to weddings! Some days our friends have a party.

"If you think you're going to have to give up mac and cheese for the rest of your life to keep your weight off you're going to be a miserable human being" Rich Weil says in episode one.

Calorie counting is not for everyone for reasons ranging from calorie counting can be tedious and annoying to being triggering for certain people with eating disorders. But I think understanding that creating a calorie deficit is the basic mechanism for weight loss helps when you're choosing and managing a diet regardless of your weight loss plan.

You can find the podcast here:

submitted by /u/Poemiest
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

If you like to dance to Hip Hop, you may like this workout!

To all of my fellow r/loseit peeps workin' on their health goals!

I know that you are rocking this week already with those goals on track! I heard something from Mel Robbins today using the words "limitless"...which means "we should limit ourselves LESS"! (I thought it was great!) Let's start doing that immediately!

Today, I was looking for a workout for kickboxing, actually. Then I started looking for a live kickboxing class to engage me more (I love GOOD music, and I like the feeling of a "live" class). I ran across Les Mills' channel on YouTube and found a new video that was just crazy! A few of his team members created this dance workout video in concert with Reebok, and the music is freakin' awesome! And it's Hip Hop, ya'll!

If you have not done your workout today, do some of this video! They do break the steps down a little bit and then get into the groove, kind of like Shaun T...then again, no one is like Shaun T, right?! These folks seriously get down to business...and I found that the music was off the charts! I was yelling "woohoo" at the TV down in my basement, which is precisely why I go down there to work out! I couldn't keep up with the Asian guy, but he has some serious moves. The only thing is that they only seemed to lead with one side of the body...and I am used to most workouts working both sides (or switching the lead).

I really just wanted to share this video with folks because we ALL need to move - not necessarily for weight loss - but for health in general! I would literally pay for a subscription to this type of thing, so if anyone can recommend virtual live classes with this type of music and production, please, please let me know!!

Here is the link:

You may not be a great dancer because I certainly am not, but I like to move to good music. I know I couldn't keep up with all of the complex moves, but I just kept moving as much as possible because even the "mistakes" use energy!

Happy Monday - get your groove on before the end of the day to something!!


submitted by /u/marcella_bella
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Mindful Eating Month -- Wish me luck!

I've been weighing and logging my food for the past 483 days. I've lost 63 lb, about a third of my starting weight. I'm done with losing, and I'm transitioning into maintenance.

For the month of October, I'm running an experiment to test how well I can eyeball my portions. No more tracking, just eating. I hesitate to call it "intuitive eating" because my intuition is broken. If I listened to my body, I would go back to my old habits. Instead, it's mindful eating. I'm still cognizant of what and how much I eat, I'm just not tracking precisely in My Fitness Pal.

At the end of the month, I'll weigh and measure myself and see how I did. I hope I maintain my weight, but if I do gain a couple pounds, it just means I need to get back to external tracking, and that's okay.

This has always been my long term goal -- to learn how to eat appropriately to maintain a healthy weight. The weight loss has obviously been important (obese to healthy weight!) but the bigger picture is learning new habits.

Wish me luck, friends! (I'm celebrating by going on a big baking spree, and I'm going to leave a couple cookies here for myself and take most of them to work.)

submitted by /u/PureFicti0n
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally getting off my plateau after 3 years

It's been a painstaking journey, but I finally figured out what I needed to do to get off the plateau. I don't know if this is considered a lot, but in 12 days, I managed to lose 0.75 inches off my waist. Any progress is good progress in my book.

It really was CICO but, most importantly, consistency. I would be good for 5 days and then get off for 5 and just keep bouncing back and forth.

I also had to stop relying on exercise for weight loss. I had to learn that weight loss=diet, not exercise. I mean yes, exercise contributes to it, but not as much as clean eating.

Started off at 230 lbs. Last time I weighed myself I was 179. I am focusing on measurements now since the scale is so fickle.

Here's my numbers:

Thank you so much for all the great information, losers! 😁

submitted by /u/Steve_FS
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from loseit - Lose the Fat