Monday, October 1, 2018

Mindful Eating Month -- Wish me luck!

I've been weighing and logging my food for the past 483 days. I've lost 63 lb, about a third of my starting weight. I'm done with losing, and I'm transitioning into maintenance.

For the month of October, I'm running an experiment to test how well I can eyeball my portions. No more tracking, just eating. I hesitate to call it "intuitive eating" because my intuition is broken. If I listened to my body, I would go back to my old habits. Instead, it's mindful eating. I'm still cognizant of what and how much I eat, I'm just not tracking precisely in My Fitness Pal.

At the end of the month, I'll weigh and measure myself and see how I did. I hope I maintain my weight, but if I do gain a couple pounds, it just means I need to get back to external tracking, and that's okay.

This has always been my long term goal -- to learn how to eat appropriately to maintain a healthy weight. The weight loss has obviously been important (obese to healthy weight!) but the bigger picture is learning new habits.

Wish me luck, friends! (I'm celebrating by going on a big baking spree, and I'm going to leave a couple cookies here for myself and take most of them to work.)

submitted by /u/PureFicti0n
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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