Monday, October 1, 2018

If you like to dance to Hip Hop, you may like this workout!

To all of my fellow r/loseit peeps workin' on their health goals!

I know that you are rocking this week already with those goals on track! I heard something from Mel Robbins today using the words "limitless"...which means "we should limit ourselves LESS"! (I thought it was great!) Let's start doing that immediately!

Today, I was looking for a workout for kickboxing, actually. Then I started looking for a live kickboxing class to engage me more (I love GOOD music, and I like the feeling of a "live" class). I ran across Les Mills' channel on YouTube and found a new video that was just crazy! A few of his team members created this dance workout video in concert with Reebok, and the music is freakin' awesome! And it's Hip Hop, ya'll!

If you have not done your workout today, do some of this video! They do break the steps down a little bit and then get into the groove, kind of like Shaun T...then again, no one is like Shaun T, right?! These folks seriously get down to business...and I found that the music was off the charts! I was yelling "woohoo" at the TV down in my basement, which is precisely why I go down there to work out! I couldn't keep up with the Asian guy, but he has some serious moves. The only thing is that they only seemed to lead with one side of the body...and I am used to most workouts working both sides (or switching the lead).

I really just wanted to share this video with folks because we ALL need to move - not necessarily for weight loss - but for health in general! I would literally pay for a subscription to this type of thing, so if anyone can recommend virtual live classes with this type of music and production, please, please let me know!!

Here is the link:

You may not be a great dancer because I certainly am not, but I like to move to good music. I know I couldn't keep up with all of the complex moves, but I just kept moving as much as possible because even the "mistakes" use energy!

Happy Monday - get your groove on before the end of the day to something!!


submitted by /u/marcella_bella
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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