Saturday, October 27, 2018

Left leg amputee - looking to lose weight to help with prosthesis.

I am a 5’3 23 year old female and I lost my left leg to cancer when I was 15. If you’re curious my surgery was the rotationplasty.

Anyways. I’m on the heavier side. Certainly not obese but certainly not thin.

After chemotherapy I had gained a lot of weight from steroids and hated myself. I spiralled into disordered eating and dropped close to 70lbs within a year. It was a really toxic situation and I restricted a lot of foods from my diet. But I was thin and light on my prosthetic leg. My doctors and prosthetician told me this is an important aspect of being an amputee for full quality of life.

Once I started university I packed on lots of weight while still struggling with disordered eating including binging and purging (lots of laxatives). I would eat bags of trail mix and then just throw back handfuls of laxatives. It’s gross to think about it now.

Eventually I was able to overcome the weird eating habits (like eating bags of trail mix) and purging, but now out of uni I still struggle with emotional eating and proper exercise.

I am wondering if there are amputees that have gone through weight loss and what advice they may have to offer? I find it hard to do cardio as I have arthritis in the bones that support my prosthesis. Moreover, I do not know how to properly modify exercises that are meant for someone with two functional legs (i have stoppers on the back of my prosthesis that prevent me from properly squatting for example) I am also very self conscious of my leg when I go to the gym.

I hope there are some people out there who can relate? I am working on my mental health to help with emotional eating and my husband and I work together to make proper meals. I just need some support on the amputee side of things.

submitted by /u/jmillstew
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Progress Pic :) 19 months

I realised I was carrying too much weight last March. My BMI was in the Obese range at 31, I was on some medication that was slowing my metabolism and increasing appetite. I’d always been a skinny guy and I liked that... not all dudes care I think. I talked to my GP and he advised that I don’t change what I eat, just start walking for one hour every day. I’ve been doing that maybe 70% of days for the last 19 months. I saw some weight loss and decided to change my diet a bit. No more midnight maccas(no wonder I was overweight, right) and black coffee instead of having milk and sugar with it. Eventually I started doing intermittent fasting OMAD. Not perfectly, I’d say it was at about 60-70% I actually did it over the 19 months. I went from 88kgs (194 pounds) to 67.5kgs (148 pounds). I feel way better about my body now. Don’t really know why I want to share but yeah...

submitted by /u/ifritftw
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

30 Day Accountability Challenge - November Sign Ups

Welcome everyone to another edition of the 30 Day Accountability Challenge. I’m Joisan and I’ll be your host for the month. The wonderful MountainLioness is going to be focusing on NaNoWriMo so she asked for someone else to take over the duties of writing the nightly posts for the challenge. For those of you who might be new to the challenge, how it works is you set goals for yourself and do your best to meet them over the course of November. These can be goals for things you want to do every day, a certain number of times per week, or a goal you want to reach by the end of the month. You can set as many or as few goals as you’d like, and they don’t have to necessarily be fitness or weight loss focused either.

Every evening I’ll make a new post for everyone to check in on how their goals went that day and anything else about their day they feel like sharing. If you miss a day, or several, no pressure; just check in when you can. Remember that this challenge is supposed to be about accountability so I encourage everyone to check in regardless of how you’re doing with your goals. Everyone here is super kind and supportive and we want to hear it all… the good, the bad, and the ugly. Remember that this community is ultimately what you all make of it so talk to each other, cheer each other’s successes and support each other when people are struggling.

I’ll kick us off by introducing myself for those who don’t know me and my goals for the month. I’m Joisan, 29 years old, originally from California now living in Colorado with my husband and looking for a job after graduating with my Master’s last summer. My goals for the month are the following:

1, to weigh under 135 by the end of the month. I’m at 139 right now so I think that’s achievable as long as I’m consistent.

2, to meet my fitbit goal of 15,000 steps per day. I want to have a 30 day streak going by the end of the month! That’s probably going to be the hardest one for me, but also the most valuable I think encouraging me to get off my butt and out of my apartment.

And finally, because for those of us in the USA it’s the month of Thanksgiving I would like to name at least one thing in my life that I am grateful for each day.

Now let’s hear from all of you! What are your goals for November?

submitted by /u/Joisan08
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hit a weight loss plateau.

First post here so hoping this follows all guidelines!

For reference I am 24F, 5'9", and am broad shouldered with wide hips. I was around 160 pounds at age 18/19 then slowly started gaining weight and by age 22 I was 250 pounds. In August 2017 I was diagnosed with PCOS and started taking medication and really caring about my health. With regular cardio workouts and eating less I was down to 185 by August of this year. Since August, I have not lost any weight so I am now working out more with greater intensity and tracking all of my calories with My Fitness Pal. Based on my workouts (cardio 5 or 6 days a week, half an hour to an hour plus toning) MFP and several other calorie calculators have recommended 1600 calories a day which I am sticking to religiously. Other than being a vegetarian I do not follow any particular diet and am just focusing on CICO. I haven't set any sort of deadline for when I'd like to hit by goal weight (160) but sooner rather than later would be nice. I guess I am just looking to hear from others what helped them get over their weigh loss plateau to lose those last pounds and if 1600 is low enough. Tips, advice, and recommendations all welcome. Thanks!

submitted by /u/okaydeepbreath
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

After once thinking I would be obese for the rest of my life, my BMI hit 24 today

Progress pics:

I spent my entire middle and high school years pretty fat. Like probably one of the fattest kids in my school. I weighed my most around my senior year of high school at around 273. I had an eating disorder and literally just had to eat everything on my plate, even if I wasn't hungry. I'd overeat so much and eat shitty unhealthy food with my friends constantly. Literally the worst day of my year would be getting a checkup from my doctor, for most kids would be completely fine, because my doctor would just destroy me for how fat I was. My BMI was 32+.

I went to college the next year and gradually began naturally losing weight for some reason. I was still eating like shit (pints of ice cream and chips all the time). I ended up getting really sick with mono later in the year and losing 20ish pounds - giving me a taste of how weight loss felt despite my illness. At the beginning of the summer after my freshman year of college, I weighed 245.

I decided to get a gym membership over the summer as well as make an active effort to play pick up basketball with friends. People started noticing my weight loss as I usually went to burn 300-500 calories per gym session with a really low calorie diet. After a strong summer logging my food with the Lose It app, I finished the summer losing 25 lbs at 220.

I started my sophomore year of college and decided to work out less and just simply do a mixture of OMAD/Keto. I had trouble maintaining ketosis as carbs at times can be pretty unavoidable. I signed up for an intramural soccer team and have noticed myself becoming so much lighter and faster - and after almost 3 months of this I weighed in at 183 today.

It feels really good to not be such a slob anymore. At 6'1 and 183 my BMI is 24.1, which for the first time in so fucking long is healthy. For anyone reading this thread, it's so much more possible than you think. All it takes is diet and maintaining a routine.

submitted by /u/doughboyyyyyy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost and struggling....

So I started my weight loss back in May, when I was told I might need insulin for my type 2 diabetes! I cut calories and sugar and went from 225 to currently 186.6

Yesterday was a bad day and I ate a whole bag of pork grinds and a totino's pizza for dinner and then to top it off I ate some halloween pumpkin candies. I'm finding it harder to stick to my lifestyle change. I'm getting bored and frustrated that when I do cheat I always gain a few pounds. I feel like its okay to cheat every now and then and just exercise more the following days but I know that isn't right.

I'm obessed with losing this weight! I hate being overweight and I'm so happy with my loss this far but I seem to be lost how to actually get to a healthy weight . Any tips and suggestions would be great.


submitted by /u/BipolarStorm
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Body Dysmorphia after weight loss and muscle gain?

I’m 18 5’11.5 and currently 166 lbs.

I lost weight for the first time when I was like 13. At the time I was like 5’2 and weighed 145 lbs and it took me about a year to get to 5’5 113 lbs and I felt amazing about how skinny I’d gotten in order to play basketball for my school’s team but I developed a nasty habit of starving myself to do so.

Sophomore year I was about 5’10 150 lbs after another growth spurt and that the summer after sophomore year I got into lifting weights after a bad breakup as a sort of coping mechanism to keep myself busy.

A year later after working my butt off I was significantly stronger and had less fat at 5’11.5 170 lbs by the end of my junior year.

It all sounds good but over my junior year I got so obsessed with how my body looked that I developed an eating disorder which I’ve been dealing with since.

Last summer (the summer before my senior year) I started freaking out about my weight being higher than it had ever been before and in order to combat this I stopped lifting weights and started starving myself and doing a ridiculous amount of cardio everyday. I forced myself into a large calorie deficit everyday over the entire summer and barely lost any weight which led me to my current weight of 166 @ 5’11.5.

I know that based off of my height and weight I am healthy but I see myself as huge on my worst days. And my resting heart rate is at like 47 because of the immense amount of cardio so clearly my metabolism is suffering. But I almost want to lose the muscle? so I can feel skinny again, which sounds unhealthy and insane but it’s how I feel. By the time I go to college next year I just want to be a normal kid who can take his shirt off and be confident with myself.

Any advice?

submitted by /u/tjnet10
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from loseit - Lose the Fat