Tuesday, November 13, 2018

When all clothes become an option...

Random, but here goes. I hadn’t realized until I started losing weight that I had so many clothes labeled in my mind. “I’ll wear that when it fits me” or “that’s cute but I feel fat in it” or “that shirt is too tight in X place”. And I don’t know if they really did look as horrible as my mind envisioned, but regardless, I wasn’t wearing any of them. And all of those things were limiting my wardrobe selection SEVERELY.

Now that I’m moving forward in my weight loss journey, and much closer to where I want to be, it’s as if my closet has OPENED and I feel fabulous in everything I wear. I no longer have clothes labeled as unwearable because I feel a certain way in them. And it is SO refreshing.

So if you need that extra little motivation today, take a look in your closet and think about the clothes you subconsciously push behind the rest because they haven’t been an option for so long. Work for those!

submitted by /u/hotlikesummmer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2B5s2E3

So my roommate isn't exactly the most supportive dude

My roommate never encourages me with my weight loss. Though he's a healthy weight, he never exercises and eats whatever he wants. Which is fine, and he doesn't have to encourage me with my weight loss at all, it's my journey.

But he always has snide comments to make about my weight loss. A few days ago I ended up cheating on my diet outside of my cheat day (probably for the first time in months mind you) and when I mentioned it to him yesterday, there were no words of encouragement, no reassurance that I can get back on track, just...

"and whose fault is that?"

Bitch. You're not even active. You don't give a shit what you eat. I fell off the wagon for one day, and I just wanted some support from you or advice about it, and you essentially say "it's your fault, you fucked up". Yeah, but for someone who always refers to my eating plan as "your stupid diet" and calls me inactive even though I work out 6 days a week, which is 6 more than you, don't fucking act like you know how easy or hard it is to stick to a diet.

It's fine that you don't give a shit about my weight loss, but keep your rude comments to yourself if you have nothing nice to say about it.

I guess it's kind of petty and not really a big deal, but I don't get his attitude really. For someone who always called me fat last semester, I'd think he'd at least be a little bit encouraging? Whatever, I guess I'm not gonna discuss anything weight loss related around him ever again.

submitted by /u/tenamonth
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2B5x03H

I Fear That I Am Going To Die

I am 27 years old. I am 5 foot 10 inches tall. I weigh 357lbs. I don't have any health complications from being overweight.

But its true. I feel like I am going to die from being so unhealthy. I have been overweight for as long as I can remember. I have ALWAYS been big. I went to the gym yesterday, weighed myself, and walked out crying.

I am not trying to have a pity party. I'm really not. I just don't know where to go. My whole life, I have had been told the age old anecdotes of "You are a growing kid", "You will get a growth spurt", "You are young, don't worry about it", "Its all about portion control, you can eat whatever you want". All of these I know we have heard before. And in a way, I still use these to this day to excuse my behaviors. But, I feel like I cant do it. I get into these phases of "Okay, I can do this" and then I look in the mirror and then I get sad and depressed and repulsed at the weight I have, and then I go back into my old ways and habits and say "fuck it" i'm gonna die anyway I might as well live it up. And then reality kicks in and I get back into the "I can do this" phase and it just repeats itself. When I get into the mode to where I can do it, I cheat all the time. And it just perpetuates itself. I feel like I cant live without Diet Soda.

The tough love routine doesn't work for me. It just makes me more depressed and I begin to resent people and myself. I've thought about weight loss surgery, but that's not the easy way out at all. If I slip up once I can potentially die. I just. I dont know what to do. I dont know what is helpful. What is useful.

Can anyone give some advice?

submitted by /u/maitaacc
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2QBCoAV

I just started working out and eating healthy so I can have a surgery to remove my ovaries in six months.

I have a predisposition to ovarian cancer, so my endocrinologist and my gynaecologist recommended to Lose weight and remove them as soon as possible otherwise I won’t be able to do the surgery. Unfortunately I am 40kgs overweight since my first broke up two years ago due to depression.

I am 23yo right now and 170cms tall.

My goal is to lose 2kgs a week so I can lose all 4 in about 6 months. Last 2 months I was already working out but it was just so I could handle the weight loss training without injuries.

My diet is minimum 800 calories minimum per day + what I can get if I can handle 30min+ bicycling that day.
Before I ate anything I wanted and probably around 2000 calories a day, which would be okay if I weren’t fat already or pretty much worked from home.

I log everything I eat and do on MyFitnessPal.

I am going to the gym every morning but Sunday because it’s closed.

Yesterday I fell off an old chair and cut my left leg as a piece of the chair was stuck on it. I basically cry everyday because it’s so hard working out. And because my leg hurts so much I can barely walk. (Have been Uber riding 700m to the gym everyday)

Props to my girlfriend who wakes me up with a warm coffee every day. She helps me taking care of my meals and exercises, and helps me walking up the stairs and around the house. She always liked to work out so she is going together to help me through these next 6 months ahead and beyond.

I hope that at the end I will be able to maintain a healthy life style. I just wrote this because I wanted to share with someone else, even if nobody is going to ready it.


Give me any tips you guys have if possible. Any help is a big help.

submitted by /u/atasheep
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2PqtkSJ

I feel broken. I wish I was raised to have healthy eating habits in the first place, like everybody else.

I don't understand how the vast majority of humanity just instinctively knows how to eat just the right amount of food. None of my thin friends need to weigh things out, make sure they eat only one serving, or give themselves "cheat days" because they know they can't help but eat a whole sheet of brownies in one sitting (most people don't even want more than one or two - my defective brain wants so many that it makes me puke). They just know how to eat like normal human beings. None of them have ever thought about their eating habits. I think that's what people mean when they say that some people "don't even have to try". Of course they're doing something, and their bodies aren't producing a healthy result with no healthy input. But for them, this behavior is just a natural part of existence.

For me, it's a lot more complicated. I'm about 10 lbs overweight, down from being close to 100 lbs overweight. Every day is a struggle. I have eaten at or slightly over maintenance for the past week and I hate myself for it. I wasn't raised with healthy eating habits at all. Till this day, no meal is considered complete by my family members unless half of the plate is some form of greasy potato. I wasn't aware that the point of a meal isn't to be so full that it physically hurts to eat more until I was an adult. So naturally, I did that too, and it became an intrinsic part of how I think. It doesn't just go away because I objectively know it's wrong and unhealthy. The feeling is still there.

I feel like I'll be stuck this way for the rest of my life and it sucks. It's so disheartening. I wish I could just be like everyone else and have this stuff come naturally to me. I'll never be able to cook a recipe without spending an extra hour weighing everything out, making sure I weigh out my portions, etc. otherwise I'll just inhale everything in sight. The second I stop counting calories meticulously, I'll be on the path to obesity again, because my brain doesn't work like thin people's brains do. It sucks so much.

THAT is the part of weight loss that's out of people's control.

submitted by /u/cherryloaf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2TaXpnC

NSV: Weighed myself in public for the first time since High School

Ok, so some backstory in two parts: when I was in high school, I was around 200-210 lbs. I went to a high school that focused on medical, and one day we had to weigh ourselves in front of our ENTIRE. CLASS. I was the second heaviest person in class, and now everyone in my class knew that. It was mortifying. It gave me serious anxiety about ever weighing myself in front of another person and truly did a lot of work tying my self-worth to my weight (hooray peer pressure and embarrassment!).

backstory part 2: In the south we have a supermarket chain called Publix, and as I'm sure lots of markets do, they have scales at the front so you can weigh yourself. The last time I weighed myself on one of those Publix scales, I weighed over 220 lbs. Yikes. That was probably 2006?

This past weekend we went to Publix to start stocking for a Friendsgiving event we're doing this weekend, and I've been feeling really good about myself. I have been watching what I eat, eating more reasonable portions, and making healthier decisions for the last 8+ months and had been starting to get curious about whether my scale at home-- which was reporting 170-- was inaccurate. So I did the dreaded thing. I stepped on the Publix Scale.

166! It was the first time I'd ever seen a number that low on that scale, and I realized that I wasn't actually afraid to step on the scale that time. I'm 5'8, and my goal weight is 165. I'm officially down 33 lbs from when I got serious about weight loss (june-- my highest weight was 260-ish a few years back & been slowly trending downward with some upticks) and ready to maintain! But more importantly, I'm not afraid of facing my weight now. I feel happier than I have in a long time and I think I'm finally starting to grow comfortable in my skin.

submitted by /u/hayllyn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2B4Zivn

Weekends are the hardest!

So I have been on my weight loss journey for 18 months now. I have lost 120 lbs from 360 to 240. Im 6'4" so I carry that weight ok but I still would like to lose another 25 lbs. I do great during the week with dieting. Go to the gym 4 days a week without missing and am active the other days with tennis or golf. But come Friday evening my mind says, "you look good, no need to eat good. Friday night is pizza night." Then Saturday rolls around and it the same thing. Sunday too. Then Monday i'm disappointed in myself and start over eating good again. Basically I have been maintaining that 240 to 230 weight for the last 6 months and I feel like it is mostly due to the weekends. How can I get out of this rut? Obviously for the first year I was strict all week long on food. I am so close to my goal I just want to get there! Any thoughts would be helpful!

submitted by /u/Golfingdad85
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2FkNmcY