Wednesday, November 28, 2018

One Year Later (NSFW for Scantily Clad Dude)

Hi, r/loseit! I keep telling myself that I'll post here one day when my weight loss is "done" and I look amazing but I figured out that there's no reason not to share now. Especially since it's been roughly a year. I've also found myself wondering about a few things that I'd like to hear your thoughts on.

Height: 6'0" SW: 230 CW: 157 Started in November 2017 so it's been a year!

Just a little background in case anyone is curious: I had been overweight my whole life. I owe a ton to this subreddit, as reading posts here is what got me curious about losing a few pounds. Thank you all so much for sharing your stories and pictures. Even though I never post, coming on here gave me a sense of community. Starting out, I tracked everything on MFP as recommended and kept my daily intake mainly around the high 1000's. (1600-1900) No special diet but I do my best to eat tons of vegetables and drink a gallon of water daily. I go to the gym 3-4 days a week.

A year later, I'm feeling better but I'm posting to remind myself that it's not over yet! I want to recommit to this and continue to put a lot of energy in to improving myself!

The thing I'm kinda stuck with now is shaping up. As you can see, I am quite "skinnyfat." I know the common advice is to build muscle so I do machines at the gym 3ish times a week but I have to admit I don't enjoy it at all. I would also ideally like to be slim and not flabby looking so I can't seem to put my heart in to building muscle. Do you think there's any way I'd shape up if I stick to a deficit and cardio?

Thank you all!!

P.S. Sorry if the speedo isn't your taste but I always wanted to try wearing one so getting it was definitely a NSV! Haha

submitted by /u/lettucegarden
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Thursday, 29 November 2018

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feelin worthless after big weight loss

Hello dear community,

First of all I would like to thank you all for exsisting. Without this sub i would never lose 70 kilograms (140 pounds) and weight 68 kilograms as off this moment.

But, recently i began feeling worthless. Like im still a big ugly piece of lard that cannot do anything right. I started to cry every night because of that. (27m). Today is my 27th birthday, i have done nothing i thought i would have done by now. I got rejected by my tinder date, my girlfriend left me two months ago because i have a lot of body issues. My lose skin in the stomatch reminds me of failure every day.

I sincerely dont know what to do, i am insecure, i think im ugly and unattractive, im so vain it seems because it bothers me so much. Every night i need to spend one hour listening to music and crying before i can go to sleep. Slowly losing contact with my friends and I live like a pig. All of these things added up and I binged two large pizzas and vomitted afterwards because i make myself sick. I have started smoking again. I just feel worthless. Literally i cant think of one thing that makes me happy atm, except for the morning cigarette and coffee.

Was anyone in a similar situation and what do you recommend to do? Im thinking of seeing a therapist just want some advice from people who know whats it like to battle with obesity (and social issues it causes).

Thank you so mucu for reading.

Sorry for my english, i am from Europe.

submitted by /u/nhoyd
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting at 1200 Calories and Too Hungry (Advice)

I am a 209lb 23-year-old 5'0 female. I recently started my weight loss journey to feel better about myself and be healthier, but I feel like I'm struggling. I generally walk about 10,000 steps a day, which is pretty good for me considering I was sitting on the couch all day and have a sedentary lifestyle; however, I find myself to be struggling quite a bit. I've tried intermittent fasting, but I seem to struggle with staying in the timeline I'm supposed to be eating. I'm also trying to stay around 1200 calories a day, and I drink a ton of water, but I always feel so hungry. What can I do so I don't end up binge eating outside of my eating times, and actually feel full?

submitted by /u/egg_devito
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My Rocky Road with Weight that Led to a Mountain Top.

It was January 28th of this year when I had my wake up call. The scale was over 400 pounds and sadly this wasn't the first time. In 2014 I had reached a peak weight of 464 pounds. In that year I took my first steps to get the weight off. Between 2014 and 2016 I got down to 292 pounds. I was quite happy with myself, I was making awesome progress. Sure I had gone up a little and down again but I was still away from that 400 pound mark.

Then 2017 hit. It stated right away in January. Before the end of the first month I was back over 300 pounds. Then by March I was 330., over 350 by May. I told myself I could lose it, I knew how. But still I spiraled out of control. By September I was pushing 380. Despite knowing how to lose the weight there was this mental block in my mind. By the end of 2017 I was damn near 400 again, by January 26th of this year I hit just over 407 pounds.

The anger and frustration I felt with myself was overwhelming. I was rapidly heading back to 464 pounds and maybe beyond. It was January 28th when I had my "Day 0" I decided to force myself out of this depression that I was in. No more excuses. The time was now. Within a few months I would be turning 40. Is this how I was going to enter my 40's?

When I when I was younger, I went to a mountain in Colorado named Longs Peak. I was in my mid 20's and in pretty decent physical shape. Fear prevented me from making the mountain top that day and it never stopped haunting me.

As the years went by and the weight gain struck, the thought of returning to that mountain seemed impossible. So on January 28th of this year, I decided that if I were to lose this weight, that I would go back to that mountain and take that hike from the bottom to the top. I didn't think it would be possible this year. I did it in 6 months.

Between January 28th and July 28th I lost 130 pounds and returned to Colorado. On July 28th I stood at the summit of Longs Peak and all my hard work paid off.

In the months that followed I lost a little more weight, but then it stopped. I stopped. I gained a little bit back. Was I doomed to head down the roads of yesterday? Oh hell no! After a few months of slacking, I'm back in the game. This isn't about weight loss, it's about reclaiming my life. In a lot of ways I thought Longs Peak was the end, but as it turns out, it was only just the beginning.

If you struggle with weight. If you lost a lot, then gained a lot back, I say to you. It's not too late to take the control back. If I can do this, then you can too! Find your mountain, what ever that may be.

I hope my story can you.

submitted by /u/nysnake78
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

how much does sleep effect weight loss?

i have a very unusual relationship with my sleep schedule. last night, i went to bed VERY early, at 7pm. i thought that for sure i would wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and energetic. (wrong) i woke up at 8am, which is over 12 hours of sleep!! and for some reason i was still dead tired x(

as soon as i got home from class i took a nap. like, a 5 hour one. so far i only had around 500 calories today but i'm hesitant to eat more because i know that if i sleep for that long, i definitely won't be burning the standard 2,000 calories that i usually would when i'm awake the entire day.

i usually eat 1,200 calories for my deficit but i'm scared that if i actually do eat that amount i'll end up gaining weight because i slept for so long.

am i being crazy/paranoid?

submitted by /u/tiredretailworker
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thoughts on an 800-1200 calories a day diet and bitter melon?

1600 calories I break even. Last time I was on a diet I managed to do <1200 by cutting out dairy and dressing. I am over 260 lbs(5'4") and lost 9lbs in the last two weeks just eating roasted high fiber veggies. I haven't been counting calories but I'm starting today.

Looking at low calorie vegetables(besides watery ones like iceberg, cucumber or celery) I saw that bitter melon was 20 calories a cup and very nutritious (I've had it before and I know its gross)

I heard the best way is to make it spicy and garlicky to mask the taste (mom makes it with tofu, tomato, and a little ground pork) With a little black bean sauce I can make it about 55 calories a cup. I was thinking that as bitter as it tastes, I could eat it as a (large 3 cup ) meal for under 300calories. And probably have it as a side to fill me up almost daily.

I drink my coffee black now, and can somewhat tolorate/ignore the bitterness, so I think maybe this can work. I'm hoping to lose at least 100 pounds in the next 2 years, but I'm really hoping to get down to 200lbs by next year.

Also, I can only diet for weight loss, I was hit by a car and I am unable to work out, even sitting upright is a lot of pain.

submitted by /u/GothGeminiGirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat