Tuesday, January 1, 2019

M/40/6’[251>240=-11] first goal met!

After several lighthearted attempts to lose weight over the years, I’ve finally gotten back into a successful routine.

I’ve been in to camping for several years, and that has recently grown into a desire to do some long distance hiking. So I set May ‘19 as a date, and my goal is to complete a 76.8 mile thru-hike of the Foothills Trail in SC. I’ve budgeted 5 full days plus a half day on each end to give us enough time to complete the trail with some side adventures.

One of my friends heard about my trip and immediately started voicing his reservations. When pushed, his reasoning boiled down to the fact that he thinks I’m too out of shape. This finally lit a fire under me because I thought “who is he to tell me I can’t do it?” So after our conversation (Monday 11/26/18) I started CICO. No other weight loss methods. My starting weight was 251 and my first goal was to lose ten lbs. by the end of the year. I’m proud to say I hit my goal — I weighed 240 for my final weigh in of 2018!

For January I’m planning on adding cycling to help accelerate weight loss, and once I get to 230 I’ll start the Ease into 5k program, which I’ve had success with before. If I can keep up the 10 lbs/month, I should be in great shape for a May hike!

submitted by /u/crash1911
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2CIp4Gd

Has anyone unexpectedly had more success without tracking?

So I’ll keep this as brief as possible.

I (25F) started losing weight 3+ years ago, starting at 215 lbs (5’4”). Lost most of the weight slowly but healthily, through calorie counting and exercise. I got down to 155 by mid-2016 and then ended up developing disordered eating and exercise patterns. Dropped down to 135. For most of 2017 I was getting better with habits but still would track meticulously, wanted to lose weight and would end up bingeing quite a bit (especially when stressed about lack of progress, etc.). Throughout this period I was generally fluctuating between 135-140.

I went into 2018 with the goal to develop a better relationship with food. I still tracked for the most part but increased my ‘regular’ intake goals to what should be my maintenance because I realized if I can’t get to the point of eating enough every day, my weight loss attempts with fail as I will binge.

Fast forward to now. I’m doing pretty well emotionally but for the last two months of the year, still failed to lose weight despite trying to be in a deficit (still ended up overeating, etc.). I went on vacation two weeks ago and decided not to track (for the first time in 3.5 years). This continued the week of Christmas. I was intentional about not overeating and about trying to eat foods that nourish me and not eating too much junk as it makes me feel like shit the next day. Im mostly plant-based and I kept that up but ‘treated’ myself more too.

I lost a pound without trying and fully expecting to gain.

Is there anyone else who has had an easier time losing weight after quitting tracking or who has had tracking end up being detrimental to their journey?

Thank you for reading and for any advice/thoughts/input!

submitted by /u/mlljf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2F4tHfk

Not looking on the outside the way you feel inside during weight loss.

I had a really horrible moment this past weekend where I saw a photo of myself (149 lbs) and was awakened to the fact that no, I am still nowhere near “slim” or even normal looking.

When I started this journey, I was 210+ lbs. I don’t have many photos of that time period but I know it wasn’t cute. I’ve lost 60 lbs since then and 13 of them this year. My clothes fit better, I’ve gone down a size or two in shirts, and my workouts have gotten easier. I guess in my head I thought I must look GREAT because of all the progress.

This weekend we went out for celebratory drinks with some friends and someone snapped a picture of me not from straight on. They texted it to me later on and my jaw absolutely dropped. I expected a little stomach pooch, some moderately thick arms, etc, but what I saw looked grotesque to me.

My stomach stuck out and rolled, my face was round and puffy, and my paints were straining around my thighs. 60 lbs of weight loss and I still look...well, like crap. Since then I’ve been super depressed and feel like I don’t even want to be around people. The wind is just completely gone from my sails and I feel like even if I keep losing weight it’ll be a loooong time before I look the way I thought I did before that photo. Another year of dieting just to lose 15 more lbs and still be overweight for my height.

Has anyone else dealt with this? Mirrors and front-facing photos lying to you :(?

submitted by /u/Ukneekorn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2R4uwMG

Lost almost 65lbs - you can too!

I hit 246 pounds in April of last year. I was so uncomfortable, out of shape, and disappointed in myself.

I told a friend I needed to do something to get started and he told me about this CrossFit thing he was doing. He also told me he would see me Monday (this was on Thursday). I also decided to go with CICO... I knew I would not do well with Keto or other ‘diets, and CICO has worked in the past.

I set a goal be under 200 and run a 5k by my birthday in September.

I called the ‘box’ and signed up. The first 4 weeks were torture, but I started to see progress. It hurt... a lot, and my mantra was, “last place still finishes”

By the end of June, I was down to 220 and the workout, while still challenging , were not nearly as painful!

I was all in and going 4x per week st this point! I continued that until about September. On September 5, I hit under 200 for the first time in 15 years.

My birthday was the end of the month and so I signed up for a 5k. It is amazing how well the CrossFit cardio translated.

3 weeks later, I did a 5k in around 27.5 minutes. My body was pretty beat up from CrossFit though and it was losing its luster. I found I really loved running and also did a couple free Orange Theory classes. I also reset my weight loss goal to 185 lbs!

It was really hard, but I left CrossFit and stared OTF Nov 1st and really focusing on my running. I really did not care about getting bulky, and enjoyed the cardio more. CrossFit was what I needed to build a great base, but man is it hard! Mad respect for those folks!! I still lift at OTF and planet fitness, but not focused on muscle gain!

On Nov 3rd, I ran my first 10k in 59 minutes! My goal was under an hour so I was pumped!!! The next day, I signed up for a 10 mile Turkey Trot.

I ran that race three weeks later in 1:39! December was a lot of running , OTF, and using the Aaptiv app. If you have not looked into Aaptiv, it is pretty amazing! I checked in this morning at 181.3, nearly 65 pounds down!

I feel amazing, I have great Enegy, I can keep up with my kids, I play basketball with a bunch of folks 15 years younger than me and they can’t keep up with me :)

I have lost 10 inches on my waist and wear medium shirts... started at 2xl...

My goal is to do a half marathon in March and stay around 180 pounds. People think I weigh much less... My legs are tree trunks and I do not fit the ‘weight chart’.

So basically, I was a sloth for a long time and never thought I could lose weight! I found some friends to keep me accountable and my wife also helped by cooking better for the family. Side bonus, she lost 20 pounds just by eating better and is now working out also!

I NEVER thought I would run 10 miles or wear a medium shirt. I was resigned to be large and unhealthy! If you are in the fence... just get your butt going, push through the pain, and watch amazing things happen!

Thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/freeby789
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2RtA1Uo

Small improvements over Christmas period give me confidence

Hey everyone, longtime lurker here. I've always been a heavy set person, but last year I started reaching 101kg (222lbs) and decided that change was needed. I'm really bad at this it turns out. I started running, playing more sports (squash is something I'm actually decent at) and I went about fixing my diet - low carbs, high protein. All good, except that I break easily, and when I break I break hard. So after a year of this my net weight loss was actually 0. I felt healthier, but I was still packing on loads of extra weight.

16th December I went away to travel and then spend Xmas and New Years at home with family. So I set myself a challenge: lose weight over the festive period.

I worked my arse off, running, going to the gym abroad and when I got back, continuing to eat healthily. Weighed myself today and in those two weeks I've somehow managed to drop from 101kg (222lbs) to 97kg (214lbs)! It's not a huge drop but I'm happy with it, and I now know that I can drop further over the coming year. My target is 85kg (187lbs), and my little challenge this festive period has given me the confidence that I can do it.

Have a good 2019 everyone, I know you can all do it as well <3

submitted by /u/Pharaoh101
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2GRrhmU

Please tell me it is just my period

I am having a breakdown. I have been exercising daily and eating at 1500 calories daily. I am 5'6 and weigh 166 pounds. My first weigh in is in 2 weeks (out of a total of 8). I thought I was doing great and felt my waist shrink and just felt great overall. I used to be at a 33.5 inch waist but now 31 inch! So I was hopeful for my weigh in until today.

I am 3 days away from starting my period and one of my outfits that would fit easily even before this diet was super uncomfortable and tight around my waist. I started crying because I looked so fat and when I measured my waist it was 33 inches again! I am starting to doubt myself so much and wonder if it is all in my head. My parents have not noticed any changes in my physical apperance (not even any weight loss) and I am starting to wonder if I ever will lose weight.

What do you guys think? I really am at my breaking point and if I see no changes on the scale in two weeks, I will officially give up and just accept my destiny to be fat ( please DO NOT say this is a matter of overeating: I weigh everything, write everything down, and I have literally stacks of books recording everything).

submitted by /u/scapegoat101_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2Vg5rwy

Beginning of 2018, I promised myself to lose weight and lost 20lbs in he first six months, at the end of the year, I ended up 10lbs heavier. How do I start over?

Help. How do you start over?

Basically I’m a 5’3” F and 18. I had lost 20lbs in the first half of the year, and got all the way down from my initial 156 to my lowest weight 136. Then life happened, family troubles and hospital visits caused me to justify crazy amounts of stress eating . I gained all my weight back and then some. I’m currently weighing in at 163.6lbs.

I know my weight loss and gain isn’t as drastic as most people here, but I’m very afraid it will get out of control, as it has for the rest of my family. They’re all overweight and no one wants to fix any of their dietary habits. It makes it difficult to eat healthy when the kitchen is under construction (no oven, stove, dishwasher, and the fridge is hidden away in the garage). It’s been like this for maybe 4 months now. Because of this, I’ve eaten an insane amount of takeout, pizza, and fast food.

Kitchen reconstruction + very stressful life right now + a family always bringing unhealthy foods into the house = weight gain.

How do I cope with this?

submitted by /u/Brookshone
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2s2zVoD