Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Has anyone unexpectedly had more success without tracking?

So I’ll keep this as brief as possible.

I (25F) started losing weight 3+ years ago, starting at 215 lbs (5’4”). Lost most of the weight slowly but healthily, through calorie counting and exercise. I got down to 155 by mid-2016 and then ended up developing disordered eating and exercise patterns. Dropped down to 135. For most of 2017 I was getting better with habits but still would track meticulously, wanted to lose weight and would end up bingeing quite a bit (especially when stressed about lack of progress, etc.). Throughout this period I was generally fluctuating between 135-140.

I went into 2018 with the goal to develop a better relationship with food. I still tracked for the most part but increased my ‘regular’ intake goals to what should be my maintenance because I realized if I can’t get to the point of eating enough every day, my weight loss attempts with fail as I will binge.

Fast forward to now. I’m doing pretty well emotionally but for the last two months of the year, still failed to lose weight despite trying to be in a deficit (still ended up overeating, etc.). I went on vacation two weeks ago and decided not to track (for the first time in 3.5 years). This continued the week of Christmas. I was intentional about not overeating and about trying to eat foods that nourish me and not eating too much junk as it makes me feel like shit the next day. Im mostly plant-based and I kept that up but ‘treated’ myself more too.

I lost a pound without trying and fully expecting to gain.

Is there anyone else who has had an easier time losing weight after quitting tracking or who has had tracking end up being detrimental to their journey?

Thank you for reading and for any advice/thoughts/input!

submitted by /u/mlljf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2F4tHfk

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