Saturday, January 12, 2019

Hit my target weight after 62 weeks, 220lbs, down from 396lbs (26M 6'4") Thanks everyone!

So cutting right to the good stuff, I have two pictures I'll show, the first one is me without a shirt in each one, they are my first and latest progress pics, I unfortunately didn't start taking pics until I lost 50lbs, so the one on the left is 346lbs and the right is 220lbs. The second one is of me before and after losing the weight loss, 396lbs on left and 220lbs on right.

Moving on to the loooong meat and potatoes (yum that sounds good)!

So November 2, 2017 I decided enough was enough. I had recently quit a porn addiction and was ready to change my life, I now had the confidence that I *COULD* do this! I began to explore loseit, and got so much motivation and information from all of you!!! I decided CICO was the path for me, I was much too addicted to foods (specifically sugar) to cut out anything, but I could go with smaller portions, I knew I would be capable of that. I used the TDEE calculator, got my numbers all ready and decided if I went with a drastic 1500 a day I would lose it in no time. I began with slimfasts, I bought 5 cases of advanced formula chocolate slimfasts (180 calories each), pounds started flying off, 4lbs a week for 6 months. Things were going well, I missed food, but it was worth it to see the new body. It began getting REALLY hard around April 2018, I was doing no sugar for lent (just for fun, I'm not practicing), and although I was successful I was MISERABLE. I was on the longest streak with no porn and no sugar in my life (well post puberty), and I was in a 7 week plateau, I was MISERABLE. I quickly fell into depression (from many many factors, including previous depression, it's not like it began now, it just collapsed now). I ended up in the hospital for starving myself. I was so angry at myself, for how fat I still was, how worthless I truly was, I didn't deserve food, so I stopped. 3 days later, my mom finally dragged me to the ER. I started medications and started eating again. 1 month later I was back. a month after I was back again. My go to at this point was to starve myself and give up on life when the depression came, and medications were not helping. After the third suicide attempt things changed. I began a new medication, got myself an AMAZING therapist, and got the mentally clarity that suicide was NOT the answer, no matter **WHAT** situation I, or you, are in, **things can change**. I began again, this whole time, even in the hospitals I was keeping with my 1500 calories. I became addicted, I was so unbelievably anal about keeping my 1500, I never went over in calories, ever, not until like the fall of 2018. Things continued to progress (in the diet and life), the weight loss had dropped to 3lbs a week, to now 2lbs a week, but things were steady. My original goal was 250lbs, but then I decided 230 sounded better, the 220 sounded EVEN better (plus it's 100kg so I like that nice round number haha) so I just kept going. My original goal was all the weight lost in 1 year, I did not succeed that, BUT had I kept my origianl target weight of 250 I would have succeeded past it (I was 240 on my 1 year mark, 156lbs lost) I was pleased, everything was right on schedule. Things contineud, but I fell into anotehr plateau, where I have been the past 8 weeks unfortuantely. So while the scale reads 229lbs as of this morning I am sure that I weigh 220lbs or less. You can't deny the scientific formual that has worked for me for 62 weeks. So I did it.

What is the plan now? Well I bumped up my calories to 2000 a day, which means I am still getting a 1lbs deficit weekly, and plan to do that until I am 196, 200lbs lost, should be there end of June. BUT the main focus now is to gain a healthier relationship with food. I am working on learning what 2000 calories feels like, so that I don't have to count my calories, I can just eat a sensible amount daily and keep around my maintenance weight. I cried for 2 hours the first night I ate 2000 calories. It's going to be quite the adjustment to allow myself to eat more again and not feel guilty.

I CERTAINLY know that my method was not healthy, you can clearly see how it has scarred me, I am borderline anorexic and scared to eat for fear of guilt and self punishment. I realize this.

I still have my "fat brain", I *feel* 400lbs still. Unless I am looking at myself in the mirror I think of myself as a 400lb man. I still hate my body very much, I still feel awkward in public situations, I still think of myself as the fattest man in the room, I still weight for the jokes and judgement of my girth, and because of that I am the first (and always the only one) to make jokes and excuses for how I look. While the fat is gone, the scars will take more time. The work is never done, but I'm ready :)

submitted by /u/PMOFreeForever
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Plateau, burnout, whatever you want to call it, I'm stuck!

5'8 F29 SW:168 CW:151 GW;140

I know the "last 10lbs" is a classic weight loss issue/myth, but I'm at a point where I'm totally stuck. I've lost about 17lbs, and it came off relatively easy just doing CICO using my fitbit and having an active job.

The past 4 months I've been the same weight, gaining and losing the same 2 lbs over and over, and I'm just exhausted and hungry. I've been trying to maintain a 500 calorie deficit and most days I'm successful but I've been having more and more days where I eat at maintenance. I think I do a pretty good job at tracking but maybe my willpower has been worn down and I'm subconsciously sabotaging myself? There is no way I'm at maintenance every day however, and some days I'm at a 750-1000 deficit, although I find those hard to achieve mentally.

I am at a healthy weight for my height (when I started I was just at the cusp of overweight), but I still feel so soft around the edges and I'm not happy with how I look.

I've started working out every other day to try and get over the hump, but its a mixed bag, because some days it suppresses my appetite and some days it makes me insatiably hungry. I feel like after 2 weeks the scale still hasn't budged and I feel more bloated than ever.

I'm not ready to give up, but I'd be interested in seeing if anyone else here has overcome this kind of diet fatigue. I'm just sad and frustrated because I feel like I'm still working just as hard with no results.

submitted by /u/spacewitch89
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Why have I done this to myself.... Again!! I am crushed.

Well reddit here I am again for the 2nd time in 3 years wondering why I allowed myself to do this..... early summer I hit my goal weight of 170lbs then I met the love of my life and got comfortable.... I managed to put back on 90lbs over a 7 month period and I am absolutely disgusted with myself. I am happier in life than I have ever been but then I catch a glimpse of my self in the mirror or feel the tightness of a shirt and I just want to break down and cry.

Well Today is day 1 of my new journey and I had to make this post to hold myself accountable to this final life change!! Today I break the cycle forever!! Meal prep for the week is done, joined a gym today and started their weight loss challenge.

I am sure I am not the only one out there looking to get started again!!! Well today is the day, stop telling yourself you will start tomorrow or start next week that is what I have been doing since November!! START NOW!!!!!

Now imfatfatfat once more.....

submitted by /u/imfatfatfat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A fat girl mind

Hi loseit, I've seen lots of posts and comments recently discussing the mental aspects of losing a large amount of weight and decided to make a post about something that's been bothering me.

It seems like I don't look like a fat person anymore, but inside, I don't feel any different. I'm starting to notice all kinds of automatic behaviours I've developed during my years of being obese.

Mortified of being The Fat Girl, being noticable wherever I go, every minute I'm trying to counteract the prejudices I'm expecting others to have. Being extra nice and likeable, almost subservient: please don't hate me because I'm fat. Always looking my best no matter if I'm just taking out the trash: please don't think I'm sloppy. Walking extra fast, working extra hard: don't think I'm lazy because I'm fat. Always trying to take up less space, keeping my head down, not being too loud, being inconspicious in every way: please don't notice me. This is where "getting compliments on weight loss is horrible" comes in, too.

But every time I behave this way, I'm enforcing my own feeling of being worth less than others, not being worth attention or affection. No one should feel this way actually, regardless of body weight.

What are your experiences with this? Do you know what I mean? Does it get better by itself? What are ways to work on this feeling? Losing weight has NOT changed ANY thing about it so far.

submitted by /u/nhove
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Have been looking around here for a while and have been really impressed by the stories so I thought I'd share a minor one of my own.

I've been struggling with weight loss for a while. I was doing well when I was moved back in with my parents a couple years ago after a job in another state ended. Having healthy home-cooked food was very helpful and I did lose about 20 or so pounds. However after I moved out again, the backslide started. When left to my own devices I didn't make good choices and now am realizing the gravity of the situation.

Lately I have been sticking to a habit of smaller portions and an trying to transition those portions to healthier foods as I attempt to cook for myself more often. But that's not what I want to say....
Today i went on a walk for the first time in a long time and I didn't stop!

I'm very proud of myself and it thanks to the encouragement in the little things you all show each other .

submitted by /u/themagicforloop
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Trying to beat the blues

Sorry but this is mostly just a rant.

My whole life has been a battle with food and my weight. About two years ago I was doing a lot better and making healthier choices. I lost a lot of weight but slowly gained it all back. I know I can lose it again and I've been working on my diet and exercise, but for me I can easily be defeated. I hate it. I sort of spiral into self destruction mode.

A few minutes ago I was out on a walk around my apartment when a stranger approached me to tell me I wasn't trying hard enough. He said he was a physical therapist and that my posture meant I was not doing any real work.

I was shocked an my mind just went blank. I didn't say anything and he just smiled and told me to try harder and then left. I know it's something so small and silly and I should have laughed him off but no, here I am, venting on the internet.

I am ashamed I let some stranger ruin my walk, so I'm going to go back out there and walk again.

Hopefully by the end of the year, I'll be posting weight loss pictures on this subreddit instead of rants.

submitted by /u/strangelinkage
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can't give up!

Here to give an update.

Highest Weight : 265 lbs. (2 years ago)

Current Weight : 231.5 lbs.

Goal Weight : 160 - 170 lbs.

I started this journey a couple weeks ago on December 26th, and posted about my progress for the first week or so 11 days ago.

  • I had reached 228.4 lbs at the beginning of this week (January 7/8) (*now back up to 231.5)
  • BUT my boyfriends' birthday was the 10th...long story short I've cheated my way out of ketosis by allowing myself to eat goodies at every meal for the past 3 days. Quite a few times of eating out as well as a 'celebration' meal for an interview I had yesterday for a really great job opportunity.
  • Regardless of all the posts and pick-me-ups about cheating and how it's not a deal breaker, I FEEL LIKE A GUILTY PIECE OF SHIT. I know it's not a huge deal and I'm planning to jump right back in by fasting today, but I felt like I was doing great, getting so strong. I did decided to consistently measure ketones over the last couple days while my nutrition was off (kinda as a test of "fuck it, I'm going down anyway, let's see how far I could push adding carbs back in"), and they really weren't affected much by the first day I was eating more carb-heavy foods. Ketones really started dropping off by the end of the second day of cheating, and with testing this morning I'm almost complete depleted.
  • They say you eventually develop a mind set of "ehh, cheating with those french fries/chocolate cake/potato chips really wasn't worth it. But lemme tell ya, those damn Olive Garden breadsticks were most definitely worth it. I've come to the realization through these last few days that ya gotta live your life and I shouldn't look at it as a mistake and how I ruined myself, but that I'm allowing myself to enjoy an occassional treat (however, I shouldn't have let it last 3 days...).
  • I've found it really difficult to stay hydrated which is why I think I'm not seeing the weight loss I expected. I literally just don't even think about drinking water even when it's sitting beside me the entire day, 12 inches from my face until I'm dying of thirst. I don't know, it's like if I'm not craving it, it makes my throat feel weird and I kinda gag. I know, strange!
  • Also been pretty bummed about the exercise part of losing weight. I continually pay a gym membership, yet never go. I have a dog who loves to go on walks, and I used to, except it's cold and dark when I get off of work and I never feel like going out when I get off of work.
  • Additionally, where the fuck is the energy you're supposed to have? I mean, I know it's only been a few short weeks (and now I have to restart), but I never gained anymore energy and was just as tired as before I began keto. Does it take months or what? Because that's one of the main reasons I had interest in the keto lifestyle.

Here's to a keto, round two. May the odds be forever in my favor.

submitted by /u/abedwell
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from loseit - Lose the Fat