Monday, January 28, 2019

Medieval Times with Family & Baby Dragon Dinner

Hello! How’s it going? Have you ever been to Medieval Times? I went when I was a lil kid and this weekend my family went to celebrate my dad’s birthday. I’m pretty sure I’ve only been there once before when I was in 3rd grade and somehow I don’t think anything has changed about this Dinner and Tournament! (But I have a bad memory so maybe I don’t remember it either way.)

medieval times hollywood dinner show california

Medieval Times dinner show California theme park restuarant

If you’re not familiar… Medieval Times is a dinner show set in the Game of Thrones time period. You don’t usually learn about GOT history in school because the government doesn’t want you to know –  but there was a lot of violence and old timey bad words and es – E – ex and the like. I guess not too different from every other time in history…


Medieval Times puts on a show where knights compete to win different games and battles. Each knight represents a certain color and the audience gets hats of the same color and sits in the same section to cheer on their knight.

We were the red and yellow team… or coat of arms…?

Tip: My family has very LARGE heads and the hats fit us, so they’ll fit you too for sure. (I feel like everyone says “I have a big head…” but they really don’t and then I feel bad when I can’t fit into their-supposedly-large-but-not-really hat.)

Medieval Times dinner show California theme park restuarant family

The dinner menu:

  • Garlic bread
  • Tomato bisque soup
  • Baby Dragon
  • Corn
  • Potato
  • Lemon cake

Thoughts on the food:

I’d never eaten Baby Dragon before! It tastes just like chicken. It was really good.

Garlic bread – usual restaurant garlic bread. Soup – I was happy this was served hot. I like soup and tea served HOT and it’s a big production to feed this huge banquet of people so I tried to keep realistic expectations on the food.

Corn – good! Potato – it was basically like a huge seasoned french fry. It’s half a small potato, seasoned and fried.

Cake – reminded me of the Starbucks lemon loaf cake

Medieval Times dinner show California theme park restuarant baby dragon

It was hard to take pictures of the other food because they turn down the lights as the show is going on. I thought everything was good. The potato was fried but nothing else seems super heavy. The chicken was seasoned well. The soup might have had oil but it didn’t seem to have cream. There aren’t any substitutions unless you’re vegetarian. (Note: I was super hungry because I had missed lunch so keep that in mind with my review.)

Medieval Times dinner show California theme park restuarant food



Medieval Times dinner show California theme park restuarant show

When you walk into the area – each place setting has a metal plate, bowl and napkin with all the locations. I was surprised there are so many of these!! I grew up in Southern California so I’ve been lucky enough to have a ton of theme parks and tourist attractions and restaurants around to enjoy. Disneyland,Universal Studios and Knott’s Berry Farm are all local options that I went to as a kid.  But I realize that’s not the case everywhere.

So I just assumed Medieval Times would be in SoCal and maybe Orlando but that’s it. Have you been to one? I went to the location in Buena Park, CA. There are 9 locations total.

– Also have you been to Hogwarts aka The Wizarding World of Harry Potter? I was thinking about going and now I’m listening to the Harry Potter books and want to get tickets and see all the magic!! Send me tips if you know any.

Medieval Times dinner show California theme park restuarant locations

Medieval Times dinner show California theme park restuarant horses


The show:

It’s a 2 hour medieval jousting tournament with 6 competing knights. They use real weapons, ride horses and battle on foot.

They start off with a few games – for example the knights ride their horses around the area and try to snag rings with their jousting poles.

The big show is when they battle. The knights are paired up to try to knock each other off their horse. Then they take it to the floor and fight with swords or other medieval weapons. One of the knights had a big ball on a chain.

It sounds so real and looks like someone could get hurt. They’re very professional and good at putting on a good show.

My niece was so into it. My mom got her a flag and she was waving it and cheering during the games. Then, when our guy came out to battle she said, “Nina can you hold this…” and proceeded to cover her mouth with her hands. She was worried! It was adorable.


Medieval Times dinner show California theme park restuarant kids


I think Medieval Times is probably the most fun for kids 4 years old to 12 years old and people who love game of thrones or guys with long hair.

My other niece is 1 and a half years old and clapped when other people were clapping. She wasn’t scared or anything.

My favorite part of the whole event was watching my niece’s face as she watched the show. She was soooo into it. Love it!!

Next time I’d definitely try to dress like Khaleesi to really get into the Game of Thrones theme. (Speaking of Queen Daenerys… I should note – the dinner was chicken not baby dragon.)

medieval times dinner family show review

Have you ever been to Medieval Times? Something similar?

The post Medieval Times with Family & Baby Dragon Dinner appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

Starting small turned into not starting at all.

I meant to start this year off as a resolutioner and really stick with my planned CICO diet and gym a few times a week. I knew I needed to start small so I didn’t overwhelm myself.

But starting small turned into not starting at all.

With almost a month into the year I’ve actually gained another pound instead of losing anything. So it’s time. I’m officially starting my weight loss journey. I felt the need to tell someone to be somewhat accountable. I tell my friends or my partner but they all just tell me I look fine. Well, I don’t feel fine, and I’d rather feel great.

I’m a 21F at 5’4”. I currently weigh 151lbs, which puts me at just above normal into overweight. My goal is just to feel better about the way I look. I don’t need to lose a lot, but dieting and weight loss is a slippery slope for me. This is due to the fact that I’ve struggled with eating disorders in the past. So, I’m just hoping to get down to 120-125 which is the weight I felt the best at in the past.

So to everyone out there working on themselves, cheers and good luck; I’m rooting for you. I hope that we can have fun along the way.

submitted by /u/dlm16b
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone else starting (over) today?

Hey hey :)

So essentially I am looking for fellow weight loss buddies who are getting started right now.
I'm 24, 168cm/5"6 and 73kg/160lbs.

I realise I am not (morbidly) obese as many of you here and you have my GREATEST respect, you guys are fucking killing it - but with a long history of eating disorders I feel absolutely uncomfortable in my body and want to make the change - but healthily.
Now, I have struggled with anorexia nervosa for a great part of my life, then got diagnosed with atypical anorexia
nervosa as I gained weight from medication and a messed up thyroid. I also work as a barista for Starbucks so it's extra hard for me to even keep my weight, it's not like I inhale Frappuccinos but the syrups in my hot tea sure add up.

The reason I want to find buddies is: I gained 20lbs during recovery and I want to get them down again - but healthily. If I do a solo I might easily fall back into anorexic habits and I would like to keep my hair, thank you very much.
My lowest weight was 104lbs and I never, ever want to get back to that.

So I would love to find people, no matter what size, age, gender, race to lose weight together with, and to have fun while supporting each other - whether it is telling each other to put down that doughnut or encouraging each other to eat that doughnut, if that makes sense.

submitted by /u/hez1622
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

For my Child, for my Wife, and for Me... I'm back again.

Hey LoseIt... Several years ago I started a weight loss journey on this subreddit, and ended up losing 60 lbs... before then, I was a heavy drinker, smoker, and didn't watch my diet at all. I went from 270 to 210, and was feeling great! Then laziness set in. I stopped working out, was still smoking casually, and got in a relationship so I wasn't as concerned with my appearance (stupid, I know). Well obviously the weight started coming back. I didn't think much of it though. As long as I didn't get back to my highest weight, I was content to just let things slide. Well, I think you all know where this is going...

Since then, I've gotten married, and have a wonderful wife. Bought a home, and things have been going great. Then, I found out a couple of months ago that I'm going to be a father. I was so excited, and decided it was time to make some good life choices and change some habits for my son/daughter (not sure which yet). So I started with smoking. I smoked my last cigarette on Dec 31st and haven't touched nicotine since. In the past week or so, I decided to start getting my weight under control so I went to the doctor's office and stepped on a scale for the first time in over a year... 278... I couldn't believe my eyes. How did I get back to this point?! I drink 1/10th of what I used to, I walk during my lunch breaks, I thought I was doing enough to keep things under control. But I clearly didn't. Then came the blood work. My bad cholesterol is high and my good cholesterol is low. Oh yeah, and I'm already on meds for my high blood pressure. So here I am.

I am a 35 year old man, 6'0, and 278lbs. Hoping to get back to where I was before, and a little more. I want to hit 200 lbs. Given my body type/frame, I don't think I should go much lower than that, but I NEED to get to at least 200. I want to live as long as possible with my wife and child, and don't want all this extra weight holding me back. Looking forward to starting this journey again with all of you!

TL;DR: Lost 60 lbs 3 years ago, gained all of it plus some back. Wife and I are expecting a child in July and I need to get healthy again.

submitted by /u/StormFreak
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advice for kicking BED?

I went through a bad patch with my depression last year, and during that time also fell victim to binge eating disorder (BED) I am doing much better now mentally and am working to lose the weight I gained during that period; I've been exercising almost daily, planning exercises, doing some meal prep and generally eating healthier.

However, the BED means I still occasionally binge-eat. Nowhere near as badly or as often as before, but it's still an incredibly unhealthy habit and it is affecting my weight loss. I have managed to lose some weight, but it's taking longer than it would normally (obviously; I'm consuming more calories), and I'm worried that if I go through another bad patch and haven't managed to find ways of getting the BED under control, I'll just undo any progress I've made.

Does anybody have tips for resisting the addiction/urges, or good healthy foods to eat when I'm feeling rough and feel like bingeing?

submitted by /u/Paper_Is_A_Liquid
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I just realized I finally have abs. Who woulda thought?

This isn’t a typical inspiring weight loss journey or anything. That took place like 3 years ago now.

I’ve never had abs and I realized that, fuck it, I want me some abs and a hard stomach.

So I just ate 500 less calories everyday. It’s been about 2 months since I started doing that.

I haven’t really paid any attention to my body or anything like that, so when I woke up with my hand on my stomach today, realizing it was firm, I was like, “hoo boy. Did we make it?”

And yes, I made it. I checked myself out in the mirror. Not exactly too defined when I wasn’t flexing, but when I did I knew I had them for sure.


submitted by /u/ardasyenden
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Inaccurate digital scale fix

Does your scale give you vastly different reading within seconds of weighing? When there is really no possiblity that you suddenly gained or lost 5 pounds? You might have a digital scale that auto calibrates, and that might have gone wrong. That makes the scale take it's own weight (or parts of it) into account giving you inaccurate readings to the point you can't even tell a trend in your weight loss/gain.

To fix it do the following:

  • make sure the bottom is clean and clear of debris
  • change the battery if neccessary
  • put it on flat, hard surface
  • press down on the scale and let go, without stepping on it, it should now measure it's own weight and show a zero (like older scales do). If it doesn't show a zero, do it again. Once it says zero you can weigh yourself and it should give you accurate readings.
submitted by /u/SquareKitten
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from loseit - Lose the Fat