Monday, February 11, 2019

Looking for Advice

Hey Everyone,

I have struggled with weight since high school... It's just slowly creeped up. I hit rock bottom last August when I ended up in the hospital. At my heaviest, I was 460 lbs. I felt terrible too. No energy whatsoever. Well, I pretty quickly got on the weight loss band wagon, and managed to lose about 70 lbs between August and the end of November. I am now sitting around 390, and have been there ever since. I know everyone says you have to make lifestyle changes, and I am trying. They just don't always happen all at once. I have basically decided that I don't have a good metabolism, and can't eat what everyone else eats, but that gets hard after a while.

On a recent vacation I was walking 10+ miles a day, which I'm sure was great for me, but I just can't get myself up to that same level of activity when I'm at home. When I exert myself, I am obviously uncomfortable, which makes it that much harder to WANT to do it.

What recommendations that have worked for others do you guys have that could help me increase my calorie burn, and decrease my calorie intake without feeling like I'm miserable, eating rabbit food all day every day? Something has to work, I just haven't been able to figure out what it is yet...

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/NewToThis320
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss, 800 calories?

So my husband and I started meal prepping last week and we’re working out the kinks, my question is the meals I have prepped for the next 3 days add up to a little over 800 calories per day, but I’m eating “clean” foods and eating 6 times a day and I haven’t been hungry today, do I still need to add more calories? My goal to lose weight in MFP is 1400. Meals are chicken with veggies and roast sweet potatoes for lunch and dinner. Breakfast 1/4 cup Cheerios and milk (I hate breakfast and am “making” myself eat this) Snacks: yogurt, protein shake, fruit

Last weeks meal plan was higher in calories than this week. I wanna lose weight but definitely wanna do this the “right” way.

ETA: I know Cheerios aren’t “clean,” I was supposed to be making smoothies for breakfast and I hated them.

submitted by /u/jspec0482
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The Problem with 'Normal'

I have a problem with something that I hear all the time. I'm sure a lot of people don't have this problem, but somebody here might need to see this: 'normal' is a problem.

I don't mean that as an exaggeration. So often people aim to lose weight, and then once they reach their goal weight they can 'go back to normal'. The aim seems to be to make a temporary change to your diet and exercise, and then once you reach your goal weight you can go back to normal.

And this is a huge problem! This mentality is why I've failed with every weight loss attempt in the past: I never really intended to make a permanent change. 'Normal' for me is 116kg. 'Normal' is the path that was busy taking me even higher than that. 'Normal' is diabetes in a few months or years. 'Normal' is any number of obesity related health disorders and an early grave.

This is the reason I get angry anytime I see anybody talking about 'going back to normal'. As long as you think of this as a temporary change, you are asking to fail, because you will eventually return to your normal. This may sound defeatist, but that isn't what I'm trying to do.

What I want is for people to think about this as establishing a new normal. You shouldn't adopt unhealthy eating habits to lose weight fast, because that cannot be your new normal. You shouldn't exercise to the point of actual harm, because that cannot be your new normal. You need to establish healthy lifestyle habits, not as a temporary replacement, but as your new normal.

submitted by /u/swinefish
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tips for celebrating “new” body

I’ve lost about 10-12 pounds (depends on where I am in my menstruation cycle). Want to lose about 10 more. When I first lost the weight I loved my “new” body, wearing tighter clothes and even buying crop tops for the first time. Now I’m used to seeing my new body in the mirror and don’t feel happy with it anymore. I now see myself as the “before”, before all the hard work I’ve already put in. I’m even becoming more critical and anxious about my “problem areas”. It’s disheartening and I feel like I’ve been slacking because of it. How do you remind yourself to continue to love your new body? Any tips for celebrating the work you’ve done while still knowing there’s so much more to go? Thank you so very much! :)

Ps, I’ve put a lot of things in quotations because I’m new to this sub and weight loss communities, and didn’t know if I was using taboo or negative language. :)

submitted by /u/bennybark
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Unexpected NSV: maternity pants!

Hello, my beloved r/loseit fam! I've been on a break from this sub since I found out I was pregnant in early January. Some background: I lost 70 pounds last year using MFP, CICO, and the support of this sub. When I found out I was pregnant with my 2nd, I had every intention of continuing to calorie count (at maintenance in first tri and then with a controlled gain after that), and to keep running, and to stay active in this sub.

Well, pregnancy is weird and doesn't care what your plans are. It turns out that even though my first pregnancy was super easy, this time I am experiencing CONSTANT nausea. Eating is literally the only thing that helps. Specifically, eating carbs (think plain crackers). Like ALL. DAY. LONG. I have to eat something every 30-45 minutes, plus I still need to eat a lunch and dinner or I fall to pieces. I've been eating all sorts of stuff that I had mostly given up as "not worth it", calorie-wise. Bagels, donuts, and freaking CEREAL. Omg, I don't even like cereal that much, but since the nausea kicked in, I eat like 2 bowls of cereal at night after dinner. It's crazy. I am not "binging" or eating in a way that's emotional and out of control. I don't eat huge amounts of the food, but I just eat...always. It's like a survival impulse. It's bizarre and I hate it.

All of this to say, I've gained like 10 pounds in 6 weeks and I feel terrible about myself. My OB says gaining up to 10 pounds in the first trimester in my situation is totally fine, she encouraged me that it's important to go ahead and eat when I feel nauseous. So, here we are.

Well, my pants are getting tight. DUH. Some of it is growing uterus, and some if it is plain old fat. Regardless, I was getting uncomfortable. With my first pregnancy, I didn't buy maternity pants until I was nearly 20 weeks. But after cruising the pregnancy reddit (shoutout to r/babybumps!), I saw that lots of second-time moms were experiencing their "bumps" a lot earlier than they had in their pregnancy. So I swallowed my pride and headed down to Target last night to buy some maternity jeans.

The signs say to buy the maternity clothes in your pre-pregnancy size. This made me chuckle. The baby is the size of a goddamn prune right now, it is not the problem, the problem is all the food. So even though I was down to a 6 (or sometimes even a 4) in December, I pulled pants in sizes 8-10.

Guys. They were too big. I had to scour the racks for a size 6. It fit with a comfy level of wriggle room to spare. I sat down on the bench in the dressing room and cried.

It wasn't all for nothing. My body IS still smaller than when I started in January 2018. My weight-loss dysmorphia has been magnified by this pregnancy, but like, I really am still wearing these smaller sizes and my body really is healthier and smaller than it ever has been in my adult life.

SO GUYS. If you are thinking you want to wait to start until after some life event: DO NOT WAIT. Just start now. Even if something happens that interrupts your journey, you will still have all the progress you made before the interruption.

I am so proud of each and every one of you riding this wild weight loss train. I'll be back with you around October. Keep on being awesome, you beautiful losers.

submitted by /u/LettuceNotForget
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I went shopping for jeans and it ended in tears

I started my weightloss journey on January 1st (real original I know) and I have lost 12lbs which I am thrilled about and have been so motivated by the progress I've made. I weigh myself on Sundays, and this week was the first week I had no weight loss. I didnt gain, but I didnt lose, which is not bad but I couldnt help but feel a little discouraged.

Anyway, I went shopping to find a Valentines Day outfit at Target. The last time I was at Target and bought jeans I bought a size 16. I went to the dressing room with a size 16, 14, and a 12. The paticular pair that I really wanted they only had a size 8. I decided to take that in for laughs.

The size 8 was the first and only pair I tried on today. I was in disbelief that they made it over my thighs. I was in disbelief that they buttoned. I was in disbelief when they not only buttoned but felt comfortable! And I sat in the little chair in the dressing room and couldnt help but cry.

I've been so happy with the smaller numbers I've been seeing on the scale every week but I've forgotten that that's not the only place the numbers are going to be shrinking throughout this journey!

submitted by /u/jessicamossy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Why So Much Water? What's the Science Behind Hydration and Weight Loss?

I'm 40M, 200lbs. I'm drinking about 100oz of water per day. I've been CICO/DASH for about a month, and I've lost about half of what I want to lose.

I don't need to know how much water to drink,

I'd like to know WHY hydration is so important to weight loss.

--Does it help me burn fat on a cellular level? (is it necessary for the process?)

--Does it help me expel more fat (as urine or as carbon dioxide)?

--Does hydration (not the full-stomach feeling) help curb appetite?

--Why is it harder to lose weight if under-hydrated or dehydrated?

I'm on board with the water thing, I just hate carrying around a gut full of water every day and peeing every goddamn 40 minutes. What's the bonafide science behind hydration and weight loss?

submitted by /u/kirboncognus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat