Friday, February 22, 2019

No weight loss in three weeks of going hard. Help!

I'm a 5'7" woman and I weigh 152 lbs. I'm looking to lose 10lbs. I've been exercising and eating healthy for three weeks but I still weigh 151.4 lbs. I consumed 1800 calories per day in the first week but didn't lose any weight so I reduced to 1400 calories per day in the second week and third week. My workout schedule has been as follows: I have one day where I do one hour of light exercise then a half hour of yoga, two days of intense strength training, one day of abs and obliques and two days with two sessions of one hour cardio. Every session is about an hour long.

I've been eating healthy: tofu, eggs, vegetables, turkey, bananas, prunes, pecans, almond milk, walnuts, yogurt. I don't eat bread, except a few crackers. I add a lot of spices to my meals and supplement with vitamins. I've been alternating between drinking decaf and regular coffee in the mornings.

I've been emphasizing good sleep and meditation.

Any suggestions what I might do. I've been reading a lot of articles online. I thought it might be water retention, so I've been cutting salt and carbs, while increasing water intake. I thought it might be inflammation, so I've been eating more tomatoes, taking cold showers and adding ibuprofen when I feel sore. The only medication I take is a steroid spray for my sinuses.

submitted by /u/InfiniteHarmonics
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I need to brag / gush, but I feel like a douche doing it in real life.

This was SUCH A GOOD WEEK for me. I ate well and kicked ass in my workouts and in general I feel on top of the world, which was not the case even a matter of a few weeks ago when I felt bloated and gross and awful. I’ve been hitting a few classes at the gym hard since the beginning of the year. My goal for 2019 was to transition from running (I ran 1200 miles last year!) to incorporating more strength and cross training.

I do kickboxing on Monday, muscle class on Wednesday, and Piloxing on Thursdays. Last week, my muscle instructor said I have “massive powerful legs,” and this week he came up to me again and asked if I’d done sports when I was younger. I told him no, I was always very overweight and never did sports. He reiterated that my legs are insanely muscular and asked how I got them in their current condition. I just started laughing because it made me feel SO AWESOME. I am proud of my legs, I’ve done years of work to get them this way, and it meant a lot to be called out about them.

THEN! Yesterday, we had a substitute teacher for Piloxing. (For those that haven’t heard of it, which I’m sure is MOST people, it’s a combination of pilates / dancing / boxing with strength training incorporated. It's a friggin' blast.) After class, she came up to me and asked for my name and said that I am “so buff and toned.” WHAT?!

I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING. I have been working on my weight loss for so many years and pushing myself so hard to get stronger and leaner and I’ve been having such an awesome time challenging myself in these classes. I can’t believe that these individuals that do physical training FOR THEIR JOB are going out of their way to approach me and compliment my body.

It really pushes me to want to continue challenging myself. I am so glad that I forced myself to go out of my comfort zone and start attending group classes. I haven’t felt this good about myself physically, ever. All the blood, sweat, and tears DO pay off.


submitted by /u/rizaroni
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Skinny now- but hanging fat!

Hey LoseIt friends! I have been on and off the weightless wagon for a few years now, with varying degrees of success and regain, healthy living and some slips. I started at 5’7 and 160 lbs (F) and now at 135. This is not the hugest journey on this sub (and thanks to this sub for community- I’m not a poster but have lurked and sent good thoughts and shared in the support here) but it has made a world of difference to me, my life, my confidence, and happiness.

I always thought I would be done with weight loss around this weigh- I modeled myself after a friend who was about the same height as me and weighs 135 too. However, though my frame is small and I look small in clothes, there are pockets of hang-y fat all over my body- at my armpits, in an isolated pooch off my otherwise small stomach, in my saddle bags area. Although I feel confident in the winter I know I’m still not there for a swimsuit in the summer and I’m starting to worry I’ll never be able to match the physique of those who have never gained weight and may have fat, but that fat is evenly distributed.

Basically, my question is, any sisters out there feel my pain? I’m considering lipo because I know these last 5-7 lbs will require so much dedication and restriction that I don’t know if I’m up for with a crazy work schedule, and I’ve heard those last pounds are the hardest. Already working out 4x a week and daily yoga, I know I’m getting more toned and muscular, but worried these pockets won’t go away without starving off basically all body fat!

Thanks to this sub... you guys are all amazing.

submitted by /u/schn124
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Calorie Counting Apps Setting Daily Goal Super Low

I don't know if anyone else has had this issue with whatever app they use, but ever since I have been on the bottom half of my journey to my goal weight, Lose It has been setting my daily goal at a low number that gets lower with each pound I lose. For reference, I'm a 5'0 female and it is suggesting that I only eat 1015 calories a day (on the "lose 2 lbs a week" option). I know that is way below the healthy average of 1200, but my number keeps dropping each time I lose more weight and I can't seem to adjust it.

I had talked to my doctor a while back and she suggested to stay at 1200 a day, which I do, but I feel like if this app is telling me this and I know better, what about someone who might not? I hate seeing that I've gone over my daily limit for trying to still eat a healthy amount of food while trying to lose weight but I know not everyone can tolerate this. I feel like it's almost dangerous for the app to be telling anyone to eat such a low amount of calories.

Has anyone else seen or had this happen on their weight loss journey?

submitted by /u/dinosaursrawk15
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost 100 pounds and saved my life. I'm proof you can do this.

I just reached a milestone, so I thought I’d brag a little bit. Back in early February 2018 I went to see a doctor about possibly having weight loss surgery. I hadn’t been to a doctor in a long time, and of course the first thing they do is weigh you. Now, I knew I was a big boy, and I had a ballpark figure of what I thought I weighed, but when I stepped on that scale the number I saw was like a punch in the gut. It was my wake up call, aha moment, whatever you want to call it. I met with the surgeon and learned all the steps I’d have to take, including seeing my doctor once a month for the next six months, for my insurance to pay for the surgery. But, I couldn’t wait. I decided I was going to start loosing weight right then. I completely changed my diet. I followed a diet I found online called "5dayweightlossplan" and followed it to the letter. I also started being active. I went to the park everyday after school to walk. The first time I just walked a mile, and it almost killed me! But, I went back and it got a little easier each day. I eventually got up to walking 5 miles a days. All during this time I saw my doctor each month. The first month I lost 23 pounds, then 30 pounds the next. She even made me weigh twice that visit! I never weighed myself between visits. I just focused on the process. Each month I saw great results. Fast forward to today, I have joined a gym for the first time in my life and have loved working with a trainer and continue to walk everyday. This week when I weighed I had lost 100 pounds! I have done so well, I have decided not to have the surgery and to just keep on keeping on. I still have a long way to go, but I have absolutely loved this journey, and I’m excited for what’s to come in the next chapters of my fitness! I want to say thanks to my family, friends, and co-workers who have supported me, cheered me on, and loved me no matter what size I am!

submitted by /u/kellybaker7t6
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weighing in daily to stay on track, but lack of change is lowering my spirits.

I’ve found that in the past, it was easy for me to sink back into denial after starting a new weight loss journey because I wasn’t looking at the scale enough. I decided that I would weigh in daily to prevent that loss of motivation.

Now that I am weighing in daily, I’m having a different problem. I seem to just be bouncing around the same weight all week (286), even going up a whole pound one day, but not really losing anything. I weigh myself first thing in the morning, after using the restroom and before doing anything else, nude, to make sure I’m getting the most accurate number.

It’s just really disheartening when I know, logically, that I’m eating at a deficit so I can’t possibly be actually gaining weight, and I must be losing weight. But I’m not seeing it. How do people deal with this kind of thing and not let it affect their mentality?

submitted by /u/ThickToThicc
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do I overcome a weight loss plateau?

Hey guys! I've never really posted here but I've definitely seen the benefits of doing so from the other posts, so I decided to give it a try.

I'm a 19y/o, female, 5'7, started my weight loss journey about 2 months ago at 168lbs, and now I'm fluctuating at 150lbs. My goal is to get to about 135lbs, which is around the avg. weight for my height.

I've been vegetarian for life, and since the beginning of my journey, I've been eating clean (no unnecessary junk food/fried foods, reduced carbs, increased protein and healthy fats), but have one cheat day every 1.5 weeks so my body sees some change in food intake/metabolism ever so often.

I go to the gym about 4-5 times a week, for about an hour to an hour and a half each time. Cardio for 30 mins each time I go, and my days rotate between arms, legs, and abs.

I was losing weight at a good rate all this time. But I've hit a wall. I can't seem to get below 150lbs, although my weight fluctuates a bit from water retention. How have you guys dealt with this?

submitted by /u/DangerousWithForks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat