Friday, February 22, 2019

Skinny now- but hanging fat!

Hey LoseIt friends! I have been on and off the weightless wagon for a few years now, with varying degrees of success and regain, healthy living and some slips. I started at 5’7 and 160 lbs (F) and now at 135. This is not the hugest journey on this sub (and thanks to this sub for community- I’m not a poster but have lurked and sent good thoughts and shared in the support here) but it has made a world of difference to me, my life, my confidence, and happiness.

I always thought I would be done with weight loss around this weigh- I modeled myself after a friend who was about the same height as me and weighs 135 too. However, though my frame is small and I look small in clothes, there are pockets of hang-y fat all over my body- at my armpits, in an isolated pooch off my otherwise small stomach, in my saddle bags area. Although I feel confident in the winter I know I’m still not there for a swimsuit in the summer and I’m starting to worry I’ll never be able to match the physique of those who have never gained weight and may have fat, but that fat is evenly distributed.

Basically, my question is, any sisters out there feel my pain? I’m considering lipo because I know these last 5-7 lbs will require so much dedication and restriction that I don’t know if I’m up for with a crazy work schedule, and I’ve heard those last pounds are the hardest. Already working out 4x a week and daily yoga, I know I’m getting more toned and muscular, but worried these pockets won’t go away without starving off basically all body fat!

Thanks to this sub... you guys are all amazing.

submitted by /u/schn124
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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