Saturday, March 2, 2019

I wrote this to myself too years ago. I hope the words help you too.

"One of the hardest things about weight loss is grabbing a pair of your smaller jeans and still having the thoughts of "these probably won't fit so what else can I wear?" And "I dont know why I'm trying these on, they are not even going to fit yet"

The battle for my body is against myself everyday. The physical part like jogging is the easy part. The mental part is where the real war is.

Will I hit my goal? Will I fail? Is that person looking at me? Does this picture show any progress?

Weight-loss is a hard process. The goals are great but if your mind is not in the right place it's all for nothing. If you want to be healthy love yourself first. Get healthy for the right reasons. Not because summer is coming and you wanna look good in your swimwear, but because when your kid wants to run back and fourth from the water to his sand castle you can do more then one trip, or if your wife askes you to pick up your clothes off the stairs and bring them up you can hop up quick.

I hate when people call what im doing a diet. It's not a diet. It's a life change, and by the way, the jeans fit."

submitted by /u/DHMIS_Vancha
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Diet soda really isnt that bad!

I dont think I've ever posted here before. I'm a girl, 5'8'', down to 232 from a starting weight of 246. I started a year long weight loss clinical trial (testing if regular feedback from a dietitian helps with weight loss- I ended up in the control group anyway, so it doesnt matter much, but I did get a free fitbit, bluetooth scale, a dietitian I can speak to when I want, and I get paid for participating, so I'm not complaining) about a month ago. I tend to go back and forth between staying under my (1500) calorie goal just fine, and struggling to even avoid doubling it in a day.

Anyway, one of my biggest struggles has been soda. I absolutely love soda, and I could literally drink 1500 calories a day in soda easy. And I've always hated diet soda. I had had maybe a sip or 2 of a few different ones, years ago, and hated them. But I was so frustrated these past few days that I couldnt fit any soda into my calories, so I broke down and bought some diet (feisty cherry diet coke).

I got me a can, and opened it up, and reluctantly tried it- and had to double check that it was actually diet. It was really good! I'm so excited I can finally drink soda again without basically giving up a meal for it!

submitted by /u/AmbyrLynn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Loose skin and fast weight loss?

Hey guys,

So I'm currently 22 years old and 227.8 kg (~502.2 pounds) down from 241.5 kg (~532.4 pounds) and it has taken me 5 weeks to do so, so I'm losing roughly 2.74 kgs per week. I was wondering if this was too fast to be losing weight? When I spoke to my dietitian, they were happy with the results (and so was I), but I'm worried about having a lot of loose skin. Obviously I'm going to have quite a bit of it, but I've heard losing it slower means less loose skin, but I also want the weight off asap. Any advice on what I can do to try and minimise it? My biggest concern is that there will be a lot of loose skin under my neck due to how much fat there is there now. I'm not sure if there is anything I can do about it though.

Thanks for any advice!

submitted by /u/21Sausagae
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Let the games begin

I have posted here before asking for tips and tricks during my journey with weight loss, but tbh, almost none of that lasted for long. I have logged my calories in My Fitness Pal and have exercised at home for few weeks, but that all stopped during the Christmas holidays when hanging out with friends was the perfect excuse to overeat and not do any exercises at all - up until yesterday.

The company I work at has decided to participate in a Business run event and asked us if anybody would want to take part. It's a 5k race and it's happening in the middle of June. Since I am the kind of person who gets more motivated by extrinsic awards rather than intrinsic, I decided to sign up and prove to myself (and, honestly, to the people around me) that I can do it.

So, here we are, March 2nd. I have around three months to transform myself from couch potato whose favorite hobby is binge watching series while eating chips to a person that can run a 5k in under an hour. It might not be much for somebody, but it might be my greatest achievement for me.

I may have need a bit of support from this loving community in the form of tips on tricks on how to do it healthily and without spraining any ankles during my training period. I have looked at the couch to 5k program, and it seems doable. I'd appreciate if someone had had a similar experience is willing to share!

Let the games begin :)

submitted by /u/I_am_dharma
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Pizza and wings yesterday, puffy face today

Stats 27F, 5'1" SW: 145 lbs CW: 143 lbs GW: 225 lbs

I've been following a protein rich diet and a split weightlifting regimen for a few weeks now. I'm glad to report that it's working! I feel more alert, energetic, and I'm gaining confidence in my abilities. I've lost a solid 2 lbs after a year of continuous gaining. After seeing the scale tick up and up and up, it's so wonderful seeing that number go downwards finally.

Yesterday I skipped the gym and ate wings and pizza with friends. Waking up this morning I felt sluggish and my face was puffy. Noticeably and almost uncomfortably puffy. It's fantastic to see the after effects of one salty, greasy meal. Now I know for a fact what dirty eating can do to my body. Conversely, it also highlights what a clean diet does for me!

For me, my motivation for weight loss is more about how I feel, rather than how I look. Today I feel tired, I feel uncomfortable, but I also feel excited! Proof that bad food makes me feel bad is so motivating!

submitted by /u/Hobo_shower
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting out and Scale Issues

I’ve had my scale tucked out of the way in my small bathroom when not in use. It was sitting in its side. I weighed myself this morning and was shocked to see it say I’m 15 pounds heavier than two weeks ago. So, I weighed myself 3 more times and got numbers that were actually 5-10 lbs different from the previous number every time. Should I invest in a new scale or will being flat on the floor correct it?

Also, stuck to my guns and finally started eating healthy and went to the gym yesterday. Lunch was 600 calories half sandwich, apple, and cup of soup from Panera. Dinner was chipotle for 650. A bowl with chicken, brown rice, pinto beans, fajita veggies, pico, and corn salsa.

At the gym, there was an entire college baseball team at my gym, and it was so hard not to feel embarrassed. They were all 22 or under and extremely fit. Maybe it was in my head, but I definitely felt some “wow that fatty over there is really sweating to be doing nothing” looks.

Flash forward to this morning, I was feeling so good about myself. I planned to go to the gym today. Then I stepped on the scale and saw that huge (though genuinely wrong) number. I’m laying in bed wallowing right now. Hoping I’ll get the energy to hit the gym later and likely go buy a new scale.

TLDR. Weight loss is hard, and I’m scared.

submitted by /u/CowsAndCatsAreCute
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How much should I actually be eating in a day?

I have been on a weight loss journey for about three months. In that time I managed to drop 15 pounds, going from 180 to 165. I feel really confident. My healthy weight should be about 132 according to BMI scales. I am 5'8. I was able to lose the weight without exercise (I have a job where I am on my feet about six hours a day), and keeping a more or less 500 calorie a day diet. My boyfriend and I do a Dungeons and Dragons group and he has been increasingly concerned that I am eating too little since I have been a little hangry before the groups. I have not found much on the appropriate calorie intake to lose one to two pounds a week except the American Hearts Association 1200 for women, 1500 for men, 2000 for maintenance. So I am pretty confused. Will someone tell me how many calories a day I should be eating to lose one to two pounds a week? Thank you!

submitted by /u/weighingthelife
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from loseit - Lose the Fat