Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Being Kind To Yourself

I was watching a video on YouTube last night (any fellow Simon & Martina fans out there?) and in the video the woman was talking about how hard we are on ourselves using the example of them learning Japanese. She had commented on how despite being able to read most of the menu and being able to order in Japanese that they often say, "That was good, but you could do better." It resonated.

I have been on the path of weight loss pretty much my entire life, mostly with limited success. For the first time ever, I have been commited to it and doing it in a healthy way that has lead me to a total of 84lbs lost from my highest weight. I have never given myself longer than a brief moment of recognition for that. No one else has even remarked at all at how different I look which I think only adds to my own lack of celebration. Any sane person would say 84lbs is a major accomplishment, I would be lining up to congratulate anyone else.

So today, I updated my weight loss goal chart on my fridge to reflect the next (and final) 100lbs I would like to lose. I do this often to trick myself into not having false victory seeing 84 ticks and thinking I have room to stumble, starting from 0 motivates me to get to my next goal. Today, I did something different though. Today I added at the bottom next to my -100lb lost, in brackets (-184 total). I smiled at that number and I looked at it for a long time thinking about what a huge accomplishment it will be when I get there. I looked at every number from my current weight to my goal weight and I smiled again thinking about how possible it is to see each of those numbers. I smiled at how close Onederland is and thought about what I would do when I reached it, I thought about how much I might smile when I rewrote my goal chart and only had 40 numbers to write, how surreal it would feel. And finally, I took a moment to thank myself and congratulate myself. I looked at the next three 10lb markers and told myself, "Look at you, doing the impossible and making it possible! Look at what your dedication has rewarded you with. You can do this. You ARE doing this!"

Being kind to yourself is important, recognizing that all the small successes are actually monumental because without them, you'd never be where you are now. I don't care if your success is that you decided today was the day, if you've lost .8lbs and given up sugary drinks, if you took the stairs once today, if you had a balanced meal and ate your calories perfectly, if you decided to try cooking or meal prepping for yourself or if you bought a new pair of pants even though you have more weight to lose. Every choice you make to better yourself is positive progress and it all deserves equal pride on yourself for doing it.

If no one else has told you yet how amazing you're doing, I am here to tell you, what you're doing is enough & every day you chose to keep going is another day you let go of everything you had used to hold yourself back. Dream big impossible dreams & watch yourself make them reality. You're stronger than you know.

submitted by /u/Naughty_Bimbo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Tzo7Ko

Does intermittent fasting make a big difference (CICO)?

Hey guys,
so for around 2 months I'm doing CICO and lost around 25lbs.
Eating around 1500-1700 daily and exercise (cardio) at least every 2nd day which burns 400-500 calories duo to my "training machine".
The last few days I've read many articles about intermittent fasting and how good it is etc. bla bla.

I'm curious now. Does it make a difference whether I eat the 1500-1700 calories during the whole day, or just in a 6 hour period and fast the other 18 hours?
Would it make a difference when just looking on the "weight loss aspect".
I mean it tends to be healthier since it reduces some risks for different Diseases etc. but do I "burn" more fat when doing that, or does it make absolutely no difference when eating the same amount (1500-1700 calories)?

submitted by /u/LDmeril
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2HAxbb5

26lb down, 26lb to go! any tips for plateauing?

after about five months of intense 1200-1400 a day calorie counting, i ended up binging for a week, feeling so burnt out after plateauing for a month. i’m also struggling with my chronic illness, so i felt i couldn’t keep up anymore. i hopped on the scale, and somehow my weight dropped significantly! i don’t know how it happened, but i’m so happy to be just about half way through my journey.

i’ve never accomplished much, and i’m someone who has a ton of anxiety and depression. if you had told me 5 months ago that i could go from 5”8 191lb to being around 140-130lbs in less than a year, i would’ve cackled. but it just might happen. i’ll be so happy in my body, and so much more healthier. and i haven’t stopped eating the foods i enjoy either! i never have anything to celebrate over, so trust me when i say this excitement isn’t unwarranted.

so, how do you all push through your plateau periods? as i get closer to my goal weight, the loss becomes slower and slower as i get closer to my TDEE. even if i eat at a huge deficit, i feel like it could take me years to get to my goal. i’ve accepted that it may take longer than 5 months to hit my goal, but i’d rather get it over with sooner rather than later. do you just ride it out? is there some mystical weight loss advice i’m missing on how to break these instances? any help is appreciated. i suppose it might be healthy to take the last half of weight loss slower, to allow my body to kind of bounce back. i’m still fairly young so i hope i don’t experience too much sag, as i’d never be able to surgically remove it.

submitted by /u/girlalien
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2VWUOP0

Body Dysmorphia is a real problem- and a real thing, which we should help provide resources for.

I think many people on this sub have dealt with it. I'm bringing back this thread from 6 years ago, as I agree with OP: at least some kind of mention of, or external link to, how to cope with body dysmorphia would be very helpful on this sub.

This post got me thinking about it. The nature of this subreddit probably attracts people with unhealthy eating disorders and body dysmorphia, and some of the posts about weight loss and body transformations probably reinforce their habits.

I think we should add resources on where to go for help for eating disorders and body dysmorphia to the FAQ and to the sidebar. Also, if there are any subreddits that are there for support of people with these issues, they should be added to the Related Subreddits.

So, is anybody out there aware of some good resources? And can a Mod get on board to add them to the FAQ and sidebar?

submitted by /u/melodycat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2u21v67

[20F] Started today - excited and terrified - my journey

Hey guys! I'm new here!

I'm a 20 year old female, currently weighing 160lbs. I'm looking to lose 30 pounds, and I've started today.

I'm currently in uni, and before I started, I lost around 15 pounds and used to weigh 127 lbs. Due to the stress of exams, I was not eating well, and slowly but surely I gained it all back. Then I started binge eating - I would decide that I'm starting with the healthy eating game tomorrow, and feel the need to eat as much as possible today because hey, I'll be on a diet starting tomorrow. And then tomorrow I would do the same thing, which brought me to the state I'm in today.

I'm really excited to start on this journey, but I'm also terrified. I don't know which terrifies me the most - the fact that I might not succeed, or the fact that I might succeed and that I will be disgusted by my own body because of how it might look after the weight loss. My boobs have grown so much in the last year, and they've already started to sag. I'm only 20, yet my boobs look worse than my mother's, and she's almost 60 and has breastfeed multiple children. And after you get saggy, deflated boobs, there's nothing you can do to fix them or make them perkier, which is what terrifies me.

Anyways, thank you for reading all of this! I hope it will get easier as the time goes by! I wish a good luck to everyone on their journey to becoming healthy!

submitted by /u/Grinchessa
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2CkT5vj

Trying not to treat myself so badly any more (SW 84 kg, CW 70 kg, 178 cm, mostly vegan)

Okay. Shit. I think this is the first time I actually say all of this out loud. Or write it out loud. I'm 26 and I feel like I was half asleep for the first 23 years of my life. Sorry for the wall of text in advance.

So. Hi. I've been lurking on here for the past week or so. Found you via /r/fatlogic and I kinda liked it here. So, weight loss backstory, I always was more or less overweight (BMI 24-26/27). I had a time in my teens where I was kind of eating disordered due to general intense self loathing. I'm not any more but sometimes I feel the disordered thought patterns creeping up. Two years ago I stumbled across a rather similar community to here and felt motivated to actually do something. I didn't even know I could. It was the first time in years that something I wanted to achieve actually worked. Maybe the first time ever. This and making it through EMT training are in a way the only things I ever accomplished for myself. And I really don't have a lot of accomplishments to show off, I fucked up most of the things I tried my hand at. I had a physically challenging job back then, so when I started cutting calories the weight literally fell off me. In the last two years I've lost 14 kg without really intending to.

(CN suicide for the following part)

I'm happy about that. But only part of it was because I did it on purpose. At least 10 kg of this I lost because the last year was horrible on me. I moved to a city I love but I lost all my friends in the process, and a lifetime of trauma, isolation and dysfunction caught up on me. Big time. Add a dysfunctional relationship and being majorly broke for most of the time, and yeah... I kinda forgot to eat, mostly. Too sad and too stressed out.

I'm in a better place right now but I spent most of the year in crisis mode, and November through January was a continuous mental breakdown, to the point where I only managed to not off myself because I was heavily medicated and some of the friends I did make during the year showed up for crisis support. I'm off the meds for now and I'm trying to recollect myself. I'm definitely worn out and I will need time. But most of all I noticed that some things have to change because either they do or I'll just continue to kill myself gradually.

I don't just want a place to talk about weight loss, even though that's important to me. For me, it's about not neglecting myself any more in general. I'm in the process of getting treatment for my ADHD. I want to find therapy (the useful kind for a change). I want to learn to take myself to the doctor instead of just ignoring everything and weathering on. I don't want to mistreat myself any more just because I'm used to neglect. I'm trans and I only found out 2 years ago, so wanting to change my body is also due to dysphoria.

I'm not used to taking care of myself and it scares me a lot. I want to do weight training and I want to lose 6-8 kg more so I can look more like the person I hope to see in the mirror, but I want to do it in a way that doesn't enable the self hate I'm carrying with me.

If you actually read all of that, thanks. Hi. I'm here.

tl;dr I'm trans, I'm broke, I'm mostly vegan, I have ADHD that was never treated, life fucked me over, I want to lose 6-8 kg and gradually ease into exercising more, I want to have a life in general and take care of myself instead of kicking myself around.

submitted by /u/StrangerThnRebellion
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2u2GmJ0

I’ve been losing weight without trying these past two weeks...

In the last two weeks, I’ve lost 4lbs. In the last year since I’ve been on this weight loss journey, this has never happened.

Also, these last two weeks, I’ve been eating pretty badly, and around 1500cals vs the recommended 1000-1200 recommended for weight loss. I haven’t been going to the gym. My sleep schedule has been really off (I’ve been having difficulty falling asleep recently- though there are non-health reasons for this as well).

Has anyone else experienced this, and should I be concerned? Or could it be hormonal / just be water weight coming off?

Posting this because I’m a bit of a hypochondriac, and terrified of developing diabetes which runs rampant in my family.

submitted by /u/BeginningGlove
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2F6mY4v