Thursday, March 21, 2019

Does anyone else feel demotivated because months of hardwork is lost all because of one bad week? How do i prevent it?

Im not sure if this is a stupid question as I just donrrt understand why this happens.

What i hate about the weight loss process for me personally is that I can be strict and disciplined and work on myself for months to lose all the fat. But a single bad week of not eating well or not going to the gym can ruin it all. This happens due to health or travelling or even plain "I need a break and want to treat myself' And this destroys all the months of hard work and i gain the weight back. I finally get what the yo yo effect is. Honestly, I feel demotivated to carry o, just because I know that even if there is a little slip up, all the hard work will be destroyed. Just wanted to rant.

Are there any reasons why this happens and what can i do to prevent this?

submitted by /u/spockofwesteros
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tips for Depression after Major Weight Loss

I am 26 year old male who is 6'3". Over the past year and a half, I have lost 126 lbs (from 323 to 197). I have suffered from depression since my early teen years, which has led to a cycle of weight gain and weight loss over the years. My weight loss this time is different, since I lost the weight relatively slower and it was a complete lifestyle change (as opposed to fad crash dieting). As a result of the weight loss, I have some loose skin and some fat that still needs to be toned, but overall, I look and physically feel 1000x better. However, my depression is as bad as it has ever been, and even though I cognitively know that I look better than I once did, I am still uncomfortable in my skin. Unfortunately, I cannot afford therapy. Having a degree in Psychology, I understand that the before body image is seered into the psyche, and it takes a while for the subjective mind to catch up with the objective reality of what the new body looks like. So I was wandering how those of you with depression have coped with your new body?

P.S. Some other complicating factors affecting my depression is that I have been dealing with burnout from work, which doesn't help in having time to reflect and celebrate my new body. Plus, I have recently moved to a new city and with my work schedule, I have very little time for a social life, which has led to severe isolation and loneliness (One of the impetus' in beginning my health journey was the need to get to a place where I was physically and emotionally healthy enough to begin dating and eventually start a family in the long run, so as you can imagine, this experience of severe isolation and loneliness has upset those expectations.) A new/more stressful job role, a new place to live, and a new body all in year and a half has created a bunch of instability, and I am struggling to stay grounded during all this.

submitted by /u/psych_catchup
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Friday, 22 March 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Trying to start weight loss again tomorrow!

I’m the heaviest I have ever been right now. I’m 5’6” and around 190. Just crossed the line into obese. My wake up call was when I went in to the doctor for a new prescription and I saw I weighed 198. I have hovered around 160 since high school and this is the first time I’ve ever seen myself put on a noticeable amount of weight. Downloaded MyFitnessPal (again) and am planning to stick to it 100% starting tomorrow morning.

I never really know how much of what to eat and have tried to do research but almost everything conflicts with other research, so I plan to just do CICO and call it a day. I have started drinking more water than normal and taking walks around my neighborhood. I figure i can add a session with weights at my apartment’s gym a few times a week.

Wish me luck!! Planning on sticking to it this time because I’m tired of obsessing over the way I look.

Sorry for formatting, on mobile.

submitted by /u/sunfinroo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

This beast of a plateau is defeating me

It has me mad at the world. I’m at a loss. I’ve posted about this a couple times before. But I’ve been bouncing between 180-175 since the beginning of the year, meaning I’ve been battling this plateau for over two and a half months. I’ve tried everything. I’ve honed in on my calorie intake as meticulously as possible, weighing everything I cook. I’ve added more protein to my meals. I’ve switched up my workout routine by adding 3 mile runs 2-3 times per week. I increased my calorie limit from 1200 to 1400 hundred on some days because someone suggested my deficit may be too large, causing me to overeat on cheat days. Speaking of that, I have “cheated” or gone over 1400 in 21 days. I stopped weighing myself daily and moved to weekly, so as not to drive myself completely insane... but every week, I step on the scale hoping it’ll at least read 173, but it’s almost always around 177.

And I just feel crushed and defeated. This is the shittiest experience. And yes, at least I’ve maintained which is a positive. But still. Damn. This is my weight LOSS journey, and I’ve gone from losing a pound a week, to none for two and a half months.

submitted by /u/corksncoffee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Binge eating success stories: is weight loss possible?

I used to care so much about my running mileage, how much potassium this vegetable versus that vegetable had, keeping my proteins, fat, and carbs balanced, making sure not to overdo the artificial sweeteners, tracking my steps and hitting 12k minimum, tracking sleep, cycling my high calorie days with exercise, etc.

Now, I am 40-50lbs above my comfortable weight. I barely have the energy to work my long shifts. I simply cannot understand how I lived so healthily before, and that was only two years ago. I was happy. I didn't isolate myself from people I love and things I want to try, like I do now. I didn't have sore feet and legs at the end of the day. I cared enough about myself to take care of myself.

Binge-eating and or grossly overeating, whichever this is, is ruining my life. I am 27 and I feel this is insurmountable. The healthy, fit, energetic girl that I was- I don't know her anymore. I don't know what to do.

submitted by /u/dnr_dni
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Has anybody had trouble balancing and other similar issues after losing a lot of weight pretty quickly?

Apparently mr. Automoderator says that I can't post without including stats so here goes...

Male, 19, 6'3ish. All throughout my childhood and up until literally I turned 18 I was incredibly unhealthy and never exercise, heaviest I got was 360lbs, give or take a little bit. I started a physical job and started eating healthier and dropped down to 240, and then to 215, where I am now, through less healthy methods.

The problems I am experiencing could be due to something else instead of the weight loss, but I'm wondering if it's something that happens to other people too.

I sometimes find myself overshooting with my movements, as well as having trouble balancing when just like walking around. I also find that when I don't have shoes on, I walk almost exclusively on the ball of my foot, with my heel raised and never touching the ground, when I never used to do that as far as I know.

My mind has rationalized this to my body was so heavy for so long and it is not used to being this small, and that they will subside eventually. I have never experienced any of these issues previously.

submitted by /u/CuratorOfMemes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat