Thursday, March 21, 2019

This beast of a plateau is defeating me

It has me mad at the world. I’m at a loss. I’ve posted about this a couple times before. But I’ve been bouncing between 180-175 since the beginning of the year, meaning I’ve been battling this plateau for over two and a half months. I’ve tried everything. I’ve honed in on my calorie intake as meticulously as possible, weighing everything I cook. I’ve added more protein to my meals. I’ve switched up my workout routine by adding 3 mile runs 2-3 times per week. I increased my calorie limit from 1200 to 1400 hundred on some days because someone suggested my deficit may be too large, causing me to overeat on cheat days. Speaking of that, I have “cheated” or gone over 1400 in 21 days. I stopped weighing myself daily and moved to weekly, so as not to drive myself completely insane... but every week, I step on the scale hoping it’ll at least read 173, but it’s almost always around 177.

And I just feel crushed and defeated. This is the shittiest experience. And yes, at least I’ve maintained which is a positive. But still. Damn. This is my weight LOSS journey, and I’ve gone from losing a pound a week, to none for two and a half months.

submitted by /u/corksncoffee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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