Sunday, May 5, 2019

20 Mexican Recipes That Won’t Destroy Your Diet

Battling alcoholism and substance abuse with gym and weight loss.

I'm (M 29 289lbs) Struggled with alcohol and substance abuse since i was 19.

over that 10 year period i went from 190 to 297lbs. lost 8 lbs in two weeks. Mostly from not taking in an extra 500 calories or more a night in the form of alcohol.

I'm 16 days sober and have been going to the gym 3-4 days a week. I use to hate to exercise. would avoid it at all costs. Now i'm catching myself excited to go to the gym tonight. Due to my addictive nature i cant tell if I'm enjoying the gym in a healthy way. Or just trying to chase a new high.

Anyone have experience or tips in replacing addictions with exercise?

submitted by /u/skrubz89
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


Thanks For Reading This Article. I Hope This Tips Help You To Lose Your Weight Fast.

1. Set Realistic Goals

Too much! Too soon! It’s tempting to think of a huge goal, but starting small is a solid strategy.“One of the biggest obstacles is extremism, whether it’s dietary or exercise. You don’t want to set goals that are unrealistic,” Carraro said. “It is important to keep it simple. Then, map out a bigger plan later.”

2. Eat Slower

Take your time chewing your food. Many people eat too quickly and have overloaded themselves before their stomach signals their brain that “I’ve had enough.”

3. Is It Thirst Or Hunger?

Carraro said she often hears patients say they’re hungry “all the time.” But often they’re just thirsty. Stay hydrated by drinking 2 liters (that’s about 8 cups) of water every day.

4. Avoid Liquid Calories !!

Soft drinks, fancy coffees, sweetened iced tea and alcohol are loaded with calories. Cut back, or eliminate them as much as you can.

5. Pick Healthy Options

Eat more fruits and vegetables, and a wide range. They’re loaded with helpful vitamins and minerals, and aid your body in myriad ways. Mix in plenty of whole-grain foods, too. Avoid processed foods. Carraro suggests actively increasing whole foods with minimal processing.

6. Plan Your Meals

It produces less waste and often leads to better choices. Again, start slowly. “Meal planning can be daunting, so start with one meal a day and build up from there,” Carraro said. “It can become a habit that is sustainable.

7. Don’t Be Consumed By The Scale

Pay attention to your body composition. If you’re losing fat and maintaining (or increasing) muscle mass, the number on the scale doesn’t always reflect that positive change. “Health is a bigger goal,” Carraro said. “The scale can help you work toward a realistic goal, but it’s not the whole story by any means.”

8. Write It Down

Food tracking and journaling can help you see what you consume. If you notice a bad pattern, work to eliminate it. If it’s good, congratulate yourself and reinforce it.

9. Exercise A Lot

There isn’t one magic exercise program that fits everyone. So, which do you choose?“The best choice is exercise with the least obstacles and what you enjoy the most,” Carraro said. “Whether it’s dancing with your kids or walking your dog for 20 minutes, do things that are realistic.”Joining a gym across town or vowing to run 100 miles a week if you’re a beginner is likely setting yourself up for failure and injury.

10. Sleep Matters

Strive for 7 to 8 hours every night. “You won’t have the energy you need to make other changes like exercise or meal planning if you’re tired,” Carraro said.

submitted by /u/jesicajones008
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

(SV) 28 (F) 5’9 Starting weight 187 pounds. Current weight 143. Now pregnant and need some advice.

Hi all! I’ve been a long-time lurker. I started my weight loss journey in January 2019 and so far I have lost 44 pounds! I’ve almost reached my weight loss goal and I recently found out I’m pregnant. On a side note, I battled infertility for a few years and tried so many things to get pregnant including medicine and hormonal injections but nothing worked. I really believe my weight loss is to thank for this! I’m beyond ecstatic!

I have been in a calorie deficit since January. I eat around 1200-1300 calories a day. I also try to fit in intermittent fasting throughout the week. I eat all types of foods as long as they fit into my calorie count.

Obviously, I can’t stay at 1200 calories a day and need to up my calorie intake but I don’t want to stack on the weight again. So my question is, does anyone have advice on how to minimize unnecessary weight gain? I worked so hard to reach where I am now and I’m afraid if I don’t have a plan set in place I’m just going to go back to my old habits.

submitted by /u/stopforgettinguserna
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Down 10lbs, Questionable Motivation?

Hey folks,

So I've commented with bits and pieces of my weight journey, but this is my first real post. I've had a lifelong struggle with my weight. My lowest adult weight was 135, fueled by a neglectful relationship and depression. My highest adult weight was 210, fueled by an abusive relationship and depression. I'm clearly an emotional eater and I use food as a form of self harm.

I've been wanting to lose this extra weight for a while. My first push was when I was talking to my doctor about my terrible insomnia and he prescribed me medication that is also prescribed to people with AN to cause weight gain. The next sentence after telling me this was to tell me I needed to lose weight. Right. But I'm stubborn and I know how to do it (CICO, of course), so I lost down to 187 and then...stopped. I find that happens a lot...I'll get super motivated for emotional reasons and then, when the emotion fizzles, so does the motivation.

I'm trying to do a better job this time. I've renewed my food logging and I'm down to 177 as of this morning. However, if I'm honest with myself, the reason I want to lose weight now is because of social comparison. I'm a university student and I was recently accepted to do my honour's thesis in a lab full of absolutely beautiful women. Two of them practice yoga regularly and one lifts weights. They made plans to do "lab yoga" and other fitness based social activities this summer and I feel super self-conscious about participating because I know I'm not in good enough shape to keep up. I'm highly motivated to lose this extra weight and get in shape so I can participate in these activities with them, but I also know that part of it is so that I "fit in" with them. I guess I'm just worried that this isn't a "good enough" reason to pursue weight loss. I don't have the skills or perspective to determine that for myself. And I guess my second question is if it matters...motivation is motivation, right?

submitted by /u/Camiigwen
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Elliptical machine for weight loss. Thoughts?

Hi everyone!

F\27\ 5'5"/165 cm, SW: 201lb/91.4 kg, CW: 196.4 lb/89.3 kg, GW: 145 lb/65.9 kg

My official start date was yesterday and is the highest I have ever weighed in my entire life. Anyways, I have always liked the elliptical.

I just wanted to see if anyone has had success with mostly using an elliptical for weight loss. I know that it sure wears me out, (I increase levels of difficulty as high as I can) but I'm not sure if it is effective for weight loss and/or muscle toning. The highest level I've been able to maintain is level 6.

Any thoughts, suggestions, stories, etc. are much appreciated. Do you love, like, or hate the elliptical?

PS- I will be doing weights for strength training in addition to the elliptical.

Edit: To clarify, I'm well aware of the need for calorie control and that nutrition is the #1 way I'm going to lose weight. I'm just curious about others' experiences with a particular piece of equipment used for exercise.

submitted by /u/jalmsrdldn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Reaching my goal with a PT

So, I've been on a weight loss journey for about a year now. At first it was going well but after a summer vacation back home I found myself in my old lifestyle. I was miserable. A couple months and a break up later I was determined to get back on track. I like going to the gym but I just don't know what exercises to do, how to increase my weight properly and I had some terrible form on certain exercises. So, I decided to hire a personal trainer.

Best. Decision. Ever.

I'm the kind of person who hates to fail in front of others or let others down. So having someone watch me do my workout and push me (kindly) to my limit has been awesome. I look forward to my workouts everyday. This past month alone I've seen 10 pounds shed off my body like it was nothing. I'm more energetic, stronger and just all around healthier. And my trainer has started asking me to their normal workouts as a workout buddy (separate from our classes and of no charge.)

My trainer for the first two weeks made me send him pictures of everything I ate. Telling me what to keep and what to throw out of my diet. Some things were tough but the changes have been easier as time goes by. If you're struggling with committing to a gym or not knowing what to do, I would suggest getting at least a couple lessons with a personal trainer if you can afford it.

Now....if I could get my friends and colleagues to stop offering me chocolates and candies...

submitted by /u/Saphira_Brightscales
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from loseit - Lose the Fat