Sunday, May 5, 2019


Thanks For Reading This Article. I Hope This Tips Help You To Lose Your Weight Fast.

1. Set Realistic Goals

Too much! Too soon! It’s tempting to think of a huge goal, but starting small is a solid strategy.“One of the biggest obstacles is extremism, whether it’s dietary or exercise. You don’t want to set goals that are unrealistic,” Carraro said. “It is important to keep it simple. Then, map out a bigger plan later.”

2. Eat Slower

Take your time chewing your food. Many people eat too quickly and have overloaded themselves before their stomach signals their brain that “I’ve had enough.”

3. Is It Thirst Or Hunger?

Carraro said she often hears patients say they’re hungry “all the time.” But often they’re just thirsty. Stay hydrated by drinking 2 liters (that’s about 8 cups) of water every day.

4. Avoid Liquid Calories !!

Soft drinks, fancy coffees, sweetened iced tea and alcohol are loaded with calories. Cut back, or eliminate them as much as you can.

5. Pick Healthy Options

Eat more fruits and vegetables, and a wide range. They’re loaded with helpful vitamins and minerals, and aid your body in myriad ways. Mix in plenty of whole-grain foods, too. Avoid processed foods. Carraro suggests actively increasing whole foods with minimal processing.

6. Plan Your Meals

It produces less waste and often leads to better choices. Again, start slowly. “Meal planning can be daunting, so start with one meal a day and build up from there,” Carraro said. “It can become a habit that is sustainable.

7. Don’t Be Consumed By The Scale

Pay attention to your body composition. If you’re losing fat and maintaining (or increasing) muscle mass, the number on the scale doesn’t always reflect that positive change. “Health is a bigger goal,” Carraro said. “The scale can help you work toward a realistic goal, but it’s not the whole story by any means.”

8. Write It Down

Food tracking and journaling can help you see what you consume. If you notice a bad pattern, work to eliminate it. If it’s good, congratulate yourself and reinforce it.

9. Exercise A Lot

There isn’t one magic exercise program that fits everyone. So, which do you choose?“The best choice is exercise with the least obstacles and what you enjoy the most,” Carraro said. “Whether it’s dancing with your kids or walking your dog for 20 minutes, do things that are realistic.”Joining a gym across town or vowing to run 100 miles a week if you’re a beginner is likely setting yourself up for failure and injury.

10. Sleep Matters

Strive for 7 to 8 hours every night. “You won’t have the energy you need to make other changes like exercise or meal planning if you’re tired,” Carraro said.

submitted by /u/jesicajones008
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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