Thursday, May 30, 2019

Discussion: My experience with rapid weight loss and how it transformed my views on healthy weight loss.

Hi r/loseit

I haven’t posted here before but have been upvoting and reading a lot of interesting stories of stance, strategy, and success. Today I thought I would share some personal experience for those on a mission to lose weight and live healthier lifestyles.

Let me preface this with- I have done every crash diet you can think of. I took hydroxycut, I drank 3 “meal replacement” shakes a day. I binged (and purged). I cut out carbs completely on an Atkins plan. I did dirty keto. I ate 2 limes in the course of 3 days trying to make weight for a wrestling competition (which I lost horribly due to complete energy drain and physical exhaustion.) I’ve successfully eaten healthy and got all the way down to a comfortable 180... then 170... then 150... then 142 before people said I was too skinny (as opposed to always being too fat.)

I have always been “overweight” according to BMI and my pants size. I’m a guy that was blessed and cursed with a big butt, so even when I get down to a healthy weight my pants size is always going to be bigger. This is one thing I had to learn to not be so hard on myself or set goals to “fit smaller clothes”. That is actually one of the worst things you can do! Fitting smaller clothes does NOTHING for you, wearing clothes that fit does EVERYTHING.

After getting married I gained a lot of weight. My wrestling background made my body used to yo-yo-ing up and down all the time. This time I hit an all time high. Starting my weight loss journey over again, at 27, my idea about what I want to achieve and how I will get there has changed DRASTICALLY even compared to a few years ago. In the past, I was always focused on a smaller size or a lower weight. Now I’m thinking about what I know- the facts about my body:

  • I’m never going to be a 30” waist. I never have been.
  • Thick legs are my strength, embrace that, tone them up.
  • The faster I lose weight, the faster I gain it back.
  • Lifting weights and eating healthy alongside cardio does more for my appearance than losing weight and starving myself.
  • If I’m not drinking a lot of water and eating vegetables, other areas of my life suffer.
  • When I get tired, I get hungry. Do whatever it takes to avoid sleepy-eating (even if that’s at 11 AM).

With these facts, I feel more prepared than ever to meet my goals. My plan isn’t to drop as much weight as I can this round, my goal is to make it to the gym x # of days. I don’t stress about a meal (or day, or weekend) that I can’t follow my plan perfectly- I just hop back on it and consider any time off as the break I needed to refocus and do my best during that break to be as conservative as possible. I do take some supplements, but not the whole GNC shabang regimen that is 1) expensive 2) in excess when you really just need a good protein, some aminos, maybe vitamins/fish oil/probiotics in moderation. I also listen to my body more than ever before. If I need a day off, I take it. If I’m just being lazy, I force myself to get dressed for the gym. If I still don’t feel like it after getting dressed, then I force myself to do something active (even if it’s just cleaning the house which can be a workout if you have to run all over the house and take out the trash and bring things up and down the stairs.) Usually picking between cleaning the house and going to the gym is a no-brainer! Then when I do get home I have the energy to clean up more efficiently anyways. It’s a win-win.

Anyways r/loseit, just remember this journey to lose weight and keep it off is just that- a journey. Enjoy the process, enjoy the progress. Don’t get so caught up in results results that you forget living a healthy and active lifestyle can be fun and make you feel extremely good. Keep your hustle on and hold yourself accountable to your goals. If you do that, every day will be full of “wins” and that success and feeling proud of yourself will multiply as you get stronger and feel better each day! Drop a line below if you have any stories or tips to share. This community is all about what you can bring to the table and what you can take. I’d love to learn what works for all of you.

submitted by /u/BandaLover
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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