Saturday, May 25, 2019

Little bit lost after a lot of progress...

Hello! I signed up for Reddit just because of this sub. So helpful. Anyways, I've come really far in my fitness journey, but at the moment feel pretty lost and would love some feedback. I'm a 39 yo F, 5'5.

Background: 1.5 years ago, I was about 175 lbs. I started taking martial arts classes, and it was like a catalyst for me. I already ate healthy, homemade food, but I started watching my portions and doing some running and bodyweight exercise in addition to the MA classes. Dropped about 20 lbs very quickly. In January, I started counting calories and being much more serious about both MA and calisthenics. Got very close to my goal weight of 140. Measurements went from 38-34-41 to 35-29-35. Yay! Then weight loss came to a halt about 2 months ago.

Current situation: Weight fluctuates between 142-146. Measurements are pretty solidly at 35-29-35. I currently work out 6 days a week. In the AM, I do a 45 min circuit workout that includes calisthenics, jump rope, and martial arts practice. In the PM, I swim (leisure but fairly active) 3x a week and go to MA classes 3x a week. I'm eating approx. 1700-1800 calories of homemade food that includes a decent amount of protein and plenty of veggies. I love exercising--it's wonderful for my mental health and, with young kids at home, my only real hobby right now.

I need advice about:

--my calorie intake. The Loseit! app says that to lose 1/2 lb per week, I should be eating 1660 cal a day. I really do try hard, but good grief I'm hungry ALL THE TIME. I classified myself as "moderately active." Does that seem right? I work from home and have young kids so I also get about 12k steps a day.

--my goals. I have tons of physical performance goals (getting my black belt, progressing in bodyweight exercises) but not sure about weight and measurement goals. My upper body looks muscular, but I have extra in the thighs and lower belly that I'm not thrilled with.

--basically, will I keep losing body fat if I keep up my current habits? At this point, I am definitely looking more muscular so sometimes I think things are still changing, just much more slowly. Other times I think I'm deluding myself, haha. I flirt with getting a food scale and cracking down on calorie counting, but sometimes the thought of getting more strict with myself makes me want to do a faceplant in a box of Cheezits.

Thanks for reading! Any advice about my regime or where I should go from here would be much appreciated!

submitted by /u/Ivy-in-Florida
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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