Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Please share your CICO spreadsheet! I wanna play!

I made a list of various CICO google sheets I found by trawling /r/loseit. Have you got one you’d like to share? Please post in the comments!

I hit a 70 day streak of logging, and I gotta say, having the DATA is motivating. Part of me wants to plan and log accurately just to see what is going to happen next. I feel more in control and knowledgeable. It’s my data, it’s my journey. I had an epiphany when I was discouraged this weekend. I’m somebody else’s “milestone” and “great progress” even at my weight. I’m my OWN “great progress” - and having the data gives me a chance to compare myself to me. And not someone else’s journey. (Though well done to all the fab losers on here, you’re v inspiring!)

So — That’s why I like playing with various spreadsheets. I started trying to make my own and then I saw folks sharing theirs (which were much better!) There seem to be two kinds:

  • Prediction tools, what will I weigh on X date. If you use Happy Scale, then you have that kind of data. But I like seeing it in a spreadsheet anyway :D
  • TDEE estimators to figure out your calorie input - these may use activity data or activity levels, or not!

Some require daily input, some weekly estimates; some need more activity data. So it depends on what you’re looking for, and what data you have. I thought I’d list some of my favourites here!

Tip: Before you try any sheet, you have to gather your data in one place. I recommend setting up a plain old sheet with four columns, depending on what data you have. E.g., calories / weight / steps / calories burned.

Also - This is my first post on loseit. Thanks to the moderators and folks here. This place is so very motivating and helpful!

So, not in any specific order...

Adaptive TDEE tracking sheet v3 by yorickdowne (This one seems super popular, in case you missed it!)

Answers: What is my TDEE? What do I need to eat at TODAY to lose weight?

Get it:

reddit: the front page of the internet

How to use it: Enter calories and weights daily. No activity tracking.


  • Gives a weekly TDEE estimate and overall trend.
  • Calculates the estimated date of reaching your ultimate goal weight.
  • You can change weekly weight loss goals such as 0.5 lb or 2lbs a week.

Tip: If you’re starting out, your data will be skewed. Start entering data 3-4 weeks into losing weight. ‘Every weigh in is a data point. One week is still a data point. At 3-4 weeks, you have a trend.’

Motivational bonus: I like the TDEE estimate weekly, and seeing the trend change over time. I had warped ideas of eating at a really low goal, but there’s no need to do that! Also, comparing before and after I started exercising, my TDEE went up! Duh, but I mean, it’s nice to see it in the data. I thought this kind of thing was for special fitness people, but I find this super helpful.

Weightloss predicted over time, based on calories and activity by re_nonsequiturs

Answers “If I keep my calories and activity at this level, when will I reach me goal?”

Get it:

How to use: Weekly weigh in and weekly average of calories. Then use SailRabbit’s Activity estimator.


  • Only relies on a weekly average of calories and a weekly weigh in, so it’s easy to maintain.
  • Does include a weekly TDEE estimator, but it’s in “hidden” columns. Very fancy.

Motivation bonus: I find this one fascinating. I’d love to see how my calories IN and activity OUT helps me reach a goal. Though, I’ve been using this for a few weeks, and I find the activity levels to be surprising. I have two sheets, and I have to put my activity up to 1.75 to get meet the predicted losses. And I’m just walking. Granted, I’m walking A LOT more, but I don’t think I’m doing “Very Active, Heavy Physical Work.” We shall see!

Likwidtek's “epic weight loss spreadsheet”

Answers “If I keep losing at this pace, what date will I ACTUALLY hit my goal?”

How to use: Begin with start date, start weight, and goal weight. This makes the chart fit you. Then enter either daily or weekly. Cool!


  • This only relies on weigh ins. So it’s like Happy Scale, estimating future success based on past performance.
  • This gives you a goal date, and a “trending goal date” to compare.
  • Until you fill in your weights, you can even get an estimated weight on a date. (E.g., what could I weigh on X date if I stick with this?)
  • I love the Pounds to go and Days to go cells.
  • Nice: Gorgeous BIG chart on its own tab.
  • It doesn’t calculate TDEE or activity, etc.

Tip: I shaved off two weeks from my start date because I had a big whoosh at the start, like most people.

Motivation bonus: I find this one v motivating. like how it shows your current trend visually, against what you started out with as a goal. This could be cool if you want to beat your 1lb a week commitment, for example. Nice! And this is gratifying to see visually. Turns out, I’ve shaved months off my goal date by getting more active.

OkieScoop's CICO Spreadsheet By okiescoop

Get it:

How to use: Begin with your starting date, and “Planned deficit” in Col M. Daily: Enter your weight, daily calories, Consumed (MFP), and activity, Burned (Fitbit). You do need a fitbit or something that gives you “Burned” data, meaning your activity + your BMR.


  • Estimates expected loss, compares to actual loss, and evaluates what % it was right.
  • Nice: You get a graph showing your weight loss, actual v estimated.
  • Unique: High level of confidence in estimating your weightloss towards goals.

Tip: Only edit stuff in grey. Just update the first date, it fills out the rest!

Motivational bonus: This could keep your ‘eyes on the prize.’ I like this one because I’m motivated by long-range thinking. It shows that if you stick with it, you can continue on a path to reaching your goals.

CICO Spreadsheet

Get it:

How to use it: Enter daily weights, calories in, calories out. Uses estimated activity levels from Sail rabbit.


  • Shows the deficit from food, versus the total.
  • Estimates your BMR and TDEE.
  • Going forward it estimated weight loss
  • Separate tab for entering workouts, with heart rate, and length.
  • Nice: Based on your daily result, it estimates when you’ll reach the goal.
  • Unique: A focus on tracking calories burned during workouts, the BMR, TDEE estimated daily.

Tip: I don’t do workouts at the moment, so I don’t think this one is for me. But it might be for you!

Motivational bonus: This takes your daily behaviours and encourages you to have long range thinking, ‘eyes on the prize’ with a special emphasis on daily workouts and activities. Could be motivating if you want to get more active or focus on workouts.

The Maths Checks Out by Rainbow_Moonbeam

Answers: If I keep on track w CICO and activity, how predictable is my weight loss?

How to use: Enter your starting data, your deficit goal and watch the magic happen.


  • Uses an Activity Multiplier
  • “Without a way of knowing my weight, I made a formula that would ignore my exercise calories and give me what I should weigh from by calories in.”

Motivational bonus: “It works guys! Eat less than you burn and you'll lose weight in a generally predictable fashion.”

The Ultimate CICO Tracking Spreadsheet by Freittrain86

How to use it: Enter weekly weight, daily calories “in” and resting/active calories out. (This is an Apple watch feature.) Also you enter steps.


  • Nice: Has a graph and a pie chart.
  • Default is US measures, but the creator made a metric version.
  • Estimates BMR, emphasises activity.
  • Tip: Read the instructions carefully. And don’t copy and paste in your weights, it seems to break the sheet. Update the BMR calculation if you’re female. The updated female formula gave me a negative BMR. I think it should be `=(65+(4.35*D19)+(4.7*((D22*12)+D22))-(4.7*D20))` This might all be in the comments, so read that carefully.

Admittedly, I couldn’t get this to work for me. And I don’t have Resting/Active info, and when I left it empty it broke the formulas. Maybe someone else could get it to work. Looks cool!

Edited to unlink someone's name so as not to perturb them :)

submitted by /u/nearlythere
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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