Sunday, May 26, 2019

Small Steps might take a while, but they still bring you closer to your goal!

TLDR: Take small steps, realize losing a little each month means that you will achieve your goal!

First thing to know about me - I am extremely goal driven. At the start of this year, I decided that it was time to stop making excuses and get healthy again. I still have a long way to go, but I hit some MAJOR milestones this week that I want to share! 1. I have lost over 50lbs since January 1. 2. I ran a 5k today (mostly ran... uphill in km #4 is hard, so walking to breath was necessary). I hope I can motivate a few people out there by sharing, so here’s what I have learned - start small. I know it seems like a daunting task to lose weight, especially if you’re like me and have a LOT to lose, but find a way to break down the process to something that seems more manageable.

For me, I broke my goals down by month, each building on the previous. Here’s my list:

January: Log food intake daily. That’s it. However, as I logged, I started to learn about calories, more specifically, how many calories were in my favorite foods (and drinks). As I learned more, it just seemed easier to cut back on the foods that didn’t seem “worth” the calories anymore (fast food and soda/pop were the top contenders). I learned about CICO and started trying to hit my daily calories as the month progressed and lost about 15 lbs in the first month.

February: Go to the gym. That’s it. I already had a gym membership from a failed weight loss try last year, but there was something (aka stubbornness) blocking my mental ability to actually walk in the door. My goal wasn’t necessarily to achieve anything while at the gym; heck, most of the time, I just walked on the treadmill for about 30 minutes, but by the end of the month, I realized that the gym is not just for really fit people. It’s for everyone and there’s no reason for me to be self-conscious. (I lost 7 lbs)

March: Do not drink alcohol. This is a big one for me, as I assume it is for a lot of you. Going to the bar, the brewery, out to eat, etc. are my main methods of being social. Not going means I’m forcing myself to find other ways to spend my time – taking walks with friends, going to the park, going shopping for new clothes! I made it through the month, and what it ended up helping me realize is that I really don’t need to drink every night to relax after work; herbal tea works just as well as wine. (I lost 12 lbs)

April: 10,000 steps a day. Honestly, I failed this month. There was a lot going on at work that required my attention 12+ hours a day. I wouldn’t get home until after dark and didn’t want to go walk 2 miles to get to the goal. I was exhausted. BUT I maintained my improved eating habits and had set my May goal already, which was to run a 5k by the end of May, which meant that I needed to start jogging in April. Instead of stressing myself out even more during the week for not hitting steps, I focused on the weekends. I downloaded the C25k app and got started. I also tried to make up for my lost steps during the week and tried to get in 7-10 miles a day over the weekend. Again, not a great month, but I still lost 7lbs.

May: Run a 5k. I completed that today! All 250lbs of me. It was tough. There were still things going on at work, so I had to push myself each and every weekend. Also, I live in the south, which meant that in order to not die of heat stroke, I had to get up by 7am in order to get a workout in (I like running outside much more than on a treadmill.) I am a night-owl, so this month was more than just improving my physical capabilities, it also stretched my mental being as well. I have lost 9lbs this month – so far! I have also taken a lot of naps.

June: 50+ crunches a day. I am traveling quite a bit next month, so I needed to decide on something that I can do anywhere. I think building my core is a good next step…

These are my goals that have worked for me; they might not work for you and that’s okay. Figure out what is one thing you can change today that will help you achieve your overall goal and just get started!

I have a few other ideas for the rest of the year, but would like to hear a few of yours!

submitted by /u/LurkingLan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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