Tuesday, May 28, 2019

How do you stay motivated to go to the gym and commit to healthy eating?

Hi! I’m 22, F, current weight: 195lbs. I had a bit of a breakdown on Wednesday night after seeing 202 on the scale. I’ve been in the 190s for months but I’d never been 200+ until that night. After I saw that, I decided to get serious and now I’m on a journey to lose 50-60 lbs. I went to the gym Friday morning at 5:30 a.m. and it was great!!! I started drinking 64 oz. of water a day and making better, healthier choices when eating. But now it is Tuesday and I have not been back to the gym or eaten healthily since weighing 195 on Saturday.

I always go to the gym once, feel great, and then don’t go back for a month or six. Was there anything that happened for you to make it “click” in your mind? A certain weight you never though you’d hit? Maybe an outfit that you liked that wouldn’t fit anymore? A lot of people say they just woke up one day and did it. I thought seeing 200 on the scale would do that for me but I guess since I went back down to 195, my mind feels like I met my goal.

I also don’t commit to my diet (not like fad diet, just making healthier choices) like I want to. I will literally be eating junk (chips are a big one for me) and I’m telling myself to stop in my head but I just don’t. I stopped buying junk foods when I grocery shop but I get a craving and go pick up snacks and then I overdo it. What was supposed to be one cheat meal on Saturday turned into an entire weekend/Holiday pig-out for 3 straight days. I even woke up at 5 this morning with plenty of time to get to the gym before work but decided I shouldn’t since my allergies are bothering me quite a bit. I was 1200 calories over my 1500 calorie intake on MyFitnessPal yesterday!!!! I just don’t feel like I’ll ever figure this weight loss thing out. I’m really tired of starting my weight loss journey over every few months. What do you do to stay motivated and to continue your weight loss journey instead of giving up?

submitted by /u/ElliesGirl7718
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2QvtVQy

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