Monday, May 27, 2019

Calorie / Meal Suggestions

Hi guys, Im planning to embark on my weight loss journey any day now so Ive finally decided to figuire out exactly how many calories I should take in each day to help achieve this.

Stats:. 35 / Male / 5'10 / 290Lbs.

Daily Activity: Currently almost zero. I barely even do any walking. 99% of my day is spent inside my house on the computer. I will be adding an hour of walking / light bicycle riding to my day though.

That said, how many calories should I be eating? Any suggestions on how to curb/ignore the impulses and cravings to eat? Currently I eat a fair bit so I'm worried about what to do to fill the void. Does chewing gum help? Sugar free candies? Also, I drink a tone of water with meo added to it. Its sugar free but does have aspertain. Should I cut that out as well.


submitted by /u/gregsterb
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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