Wednesday, May 29, 2019

New here and Intermittent Fasting Questions

33, M, 6'4", SW: 260lbs, CW: ~256lbs, GW: 230lbs.

A bit about myself. I'm a stocky 260 from weight lifting minimum 3 days a week with a trainer. I've been into fitness for a long time and I was at 216 two years ago. My minimum weight was definitely due to a very unhealthy diet and habits I don't want to get into. Weight gain has been due to getting into healthier eating habits and beer. Lots and lots of beer and liquor. I'm working on reducing my alcohol intake, but that's another issue.

I've tried Keto, but I have a heart valve that not deadly but doesn't like to close all the time and it makes my heart skip. Along with some anxiety issues, keto had me spend a night in the hospital last year. I was vegan before that, but that was more for resetting my IBS and ulcerative colitis by figuring out my trigger foods.

Now I'm looking at some fasting options. I'm seeing things about helping with heart disease, lowering cholesterol, and diabetes. Those are high points for me since I'm at high risk for all three from glorious genetics. Even low weight, running 20 miles a week, no fatty foods, I've never had a thing for sweets either, and virtually no alcohol I still had to take statins to keep my cholesterol at baseline normal. I figured most of that is just websites trying to get clicks at the expense of readers health.

  1. I wanted to check on those from other users on the health benefits and risks.
  2. I was wondering what strategy worked for you. Is it no food somedays, eat only during a 3-hour dinner period, are there days you eat?
  3. What sort of weight loss are you seeing?
  4. Energy levels, focus, concentration? Is there a hump I need to get over?
  5. How do you feel during and after weightlifting and running?

I guess that's about it. I'm looking forward to adding to this sub-reddit's weight-loss counter.

submitted by /u/neoky
[link] [comments]

from loseit - Lose the Fat

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