Sunday, May 5, 2019

Looking for new ways to keep active? Try walking the dogs at your local shelter!

So I have Depression™ which is super fun. It's nothing too bad, but I tend to get really down on myself and the way I feel about myself physically is a big area where I "attack" myself. I always feel better when I'm exercising in some way, whether it be going to the gym, walking outside, bike riding.. literally anything. Lately I've been feeling kinda down on myself, partially because my weight loss has been plateauing, but also just generally feeling a bit blue. Whenever I'm feeling down I know I can feel better if I exercise, but it's like.. convincing yourself to just goddamn start is half the battle. I recently started going to my local shelter and walking the dogs there.. and oh my gosh guys it's amazing. I walk 15,000+ steps before 11am and I feel so great physically/mentally afterwards. Plus you get to hug so many cute puppies it's just all around great.

TLDR: If you need a new way to move, walk doggos!

submitted by /u/healthywaffles
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

M31 5'7 - Down 24.5kg/54lbs in 12 weeks!

I knew that I had put on a bunch of weight, but avoided stepping on the scales because I didn't want to see how much. Finally I bit the bullet, and saw the number, 150.3kg.

Decided enough was enough. My weight has been like a yo-yo, going from fat to fit to fat again - all dependent on the amount of exercise I did. In the last 12 weeks, I have done virtually no exercise, and managed to lose an average of 2kg a week. I know that it will take another 6 or so months until I get down to a reasonable weight, but at least I know that I can do it even when I'm too busy to exercise like I used to. 150.3 to 125.8kg is a great feeling, and to keep on track I'm taking each 12 weeks as a separate stage. Stage 1 of my weight loss journey is completed, today is the first day of stage 2, which will hopefully get me close to 100kg, and stage 3 getting me to my goal weight of 83kg. I've chosen this weight due to a dexa scan I had done earlier, which said that my lean muscle + bone weight is 79kg.

It has been an eye opening experience, and when I finally get down to my goal weight I'll post some pictures.

submitted by /u/SPQRAurelius
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A sweet victory: my baking hobby is back in my life and it does not derail me.

I’ve been at this weight loss game for about a year now and am over 55 pounds down and 20 pounds away from my goal weight. I started at a size 16/18 to being in between a 10/12 at present. This is all well and good but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss my favorite hobby- baking! I’m a huge Great British Bake Off addict and used to churn out some gorgeous tarts, cookies, buttermilk biscuits, scones, shortbreads, you name it. To me nothing is more relaxing that putting on some danceable music and turning a bunch of ingredients into a house that smells amazing and brings everyone downstairs to see what just came out of the oven. I had been channeling this love into healthier avenues like whole grain banana breads and fruit salads but today after a busy weekend and lots of walking at the museum I wanted to be that fun mom that puts a big plate of warm chocolate chip cookies on the counter. I put on my rock opera playlist- Queen, Meatloaf, Chess the Musical (I’m campy), and took my time making the most luxe cookies I could. Plugra butter, toasted and ground pecans, dark chocolate. Old me would have eaten two and burned my goddamn mouth as soon as they came out of the oven. New me let them cool on a wire rack like an fully functioning grown up, and placed them on a glass cake stand on the kitchen island. I served one to my son and husband and cut one in half for myself and we ate them slowly while enjoying each other’s company and not inhaling. Old me would have easily eaten ten cookies to the point of feeling ill. Not anymore, dudes. I will save a few for us and take the rest to work tomorrow. They tasted amazing but making them and singing and dancing with my kids in the kitchen was the part I actually enjoyed.

Losing this weight has really helped me to realize what’s important. And here’s a bonus: walking around with my husband on a hip street in my city last night filled with all the bars and places I used to go on dates when I was young and single I walked smack dab into this guy and looked up to see it was the jerkface that broke up with me because of my weight before I met husband. Straight up told me after four years together, “I love you but I’m only attracted to skinny girls and don’t think you have it in you to slim down”. He was considerably overweight and with a woman that was much bigger than I was even at my heaviest. 😉

Sorry so long. I’m just turbo proud of myself and don’t toot my own horn to friends and family.

submitted by /u/frenchpressmess
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

All the wrong reasons pushed me to the right thing


Just sharing my story, not sure if it fits here, but I wanted to get it out of my chest. Started as a little over 110 kg

-JUST BEFORE STARTING- This year I got accepted to uni, and it felt like a whole new start. Weight loss wasn't in my mind, it never had been. I knew I was overweight but I didn't think of it. People of course noticed, and while I did make friends, they would sometimes address me as fat/chubby even thinking it should help with the weight loss. And then I met that girl, she was happy, giggly, would look at me with all the joy in the world, ask me to return home with her, help her study, and in general just hang out together at uni. But it's a story of all the wrong reasons remember? So I tried getting her for more than friends but it didn't seem like she wanted that. Or I didn't make it clear enough. Of course I blamed it on my weight. We got along just fine, so it must have been my appearance that effed it all up. And that's why they call me fat, and that's why I didn't deserve to be with people I wanted.

-THE JOYRNEY- So I snapped, I decided that I wouldn't let it ruin any more chances, and I started running and walking. First day 3km, then 5km then stabilizing at 7km, some days going even 10km. Walking/running 1½-2 hours 3-4 times a week, and cutting off any useless food(chocolate, chips, ice cream, soda, too much cheese, too much bread, pizza, all sorts of sweets etc). Learned to eat fruits, salads, less quantity, more quality. Around 1500kcal a day, sometimes less, others more, soon incorporated cycling. There were days were I would cycle for 100mins, run for 60 and then get back home and do push ups/sit ups/crunches and so on. I managed to keep it going during the first months by thinking of that girl. For every junk food I thought of eating, for every mile I tried to cut, for every set I wanted to avoid, I reminded myself how I could have her if I just wasn't fat. Toxic, clearly, maybe a bit obsessive, but it worked.

-NOW- I'm currently around 83kg. Lost 27 kg from November 2018 to May 2019. A bit of flabby skin here and there. Sometimes I can't recognize myself in the mirror. I keep looking at my veiny hands like they are somebody else's. I do like myself more now. I do find my more attractive. Hell, I got a ton of more chances with girls(no, not her). Journey still lies ahead. Got a gym membership and I'm working on adding some muscle. Stopped running and I only cycle for my joints.

TL;DR: My story doesn't really matter. What matters is that it's doable. Get it together and you can do it. It will be hard, it will mess with your head and your psychology, but it's the best gift you can get yourself. And the hardest to aquire. I'm happy to read your stories guys.

submitted by /u/uknown1618
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss during exam season

Hi loseit, long time lurker here.

I was wondering if anyone has experience with starting a weight loss journey before/during exam season?

I have my final A level exams (UK) coming up, and was wondering if creating a caloric deficit (2500-1600 = 900 kcal) will affect my performance or not, and don’t want to sacrifice my grades over weight loss.

I started at 108KG (238lbs) last December, and managed to drop down to 98KG (216lbs) with the help of CICO and hitting the gym.

However, I’ve gone back to 103KG (227 lbs) and feel like now is the perfect time to lose weight. My goal is 85KG- I’m already muscular, but have fat that I’d love to lose.

I’m 18M, 6 ft 2.

Thanks a lot in advance!

submitted by /u/AbdullahRPD
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How Can I Help My Boyfriend?

Hi! We've been together for 6 years and my boyfriend has always struggled with being overweight. We both are on a mission to become healthier, which includes shedding some pounds for him, but it is really difficult for him. He has started going to the gym regularly and we hike and bike together, but his real issue lies in the quantity of food he eats. Although he eats a wide variety of often healthy foods, he eats massive portions and if there is food in front of him, he struggles to stop eating.

Food is a big part of his life. He loves to cook and try new foods and restaurants. He loves shows like Chef's Table and Binging with Babish.

Additionally, all of those in his immediate family (parents, siblings) are overweight and, from what I have seen of their interactions, use food as a sort of currency or means of affection.

So, controlling his eating hasn't worked out too well for him so far.

He has asked me to help keep him accountable and point out when he is eating too much. Basically, he wants me to be his food coach. And I so I want to be supportive of him and help him help himself. But I am not totally comfortable with this arrangement and it isn't working. I don't feel like I have the expertise to do that, and I think it puts a strain on us when I constantly get on his case and play the bad cop. He often brushes off or ignores my suggestions anyways and give all sorts of justifications for it.

We've shared some weight-loss articles and videos with each other, we keep this dialogue about food (and other healthy goals) going. But it hasn't gotten us very far.

I am looking for some sort of resrouce that can help with this sort of struggle. Or, if anyone has had similar experiences either with helping their SO (or being the SO) with eating and weight loss trouble.

submitted by /u/lilyspaniel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight Loss Journey

Back in December, my girlfriend of five years broke up with me. We ended on good terms, it just got too hard doing the distance thing and not being able to see each other very often because of how busy both of us were with our school and social lives (I am a university student in the US). Anyways, after all of that happened, I got pretty depressed and decided that I needed to make some life changes to get back into the dating game (21M). I am 6'0" and at this point I was probably around 230 pounds, which is one of the heaviest I've ever been in my life, I think I topped out at 236 at some point. I looked at myself in the mirror, and told myself that I was done being fat.

I started working out with my roommate, who goes to the gym religiously. He got really into lifting in our first year of university, and never slowed down. He taught me different workouts, proper form and technique, and showed me a really cool app called Gravitus that logs your workouts for you, tells you when you get a new PR, etc. For me, this was one of the most important things because I started seeing progress. The past couple of years I have gone through cycles where I am really good about going to the gym for like a month, but I wasn't really seeing any results, so I would kind of get out of it and stop going. One of the things that I changed this time around was making going to the gym a priority and a part of my schedule, instead of just going at the end of the day or if I found time some other time during the day. This was huge for me because as soon as I started seeing results, I started to get excited to go to the gym every day and try to push myself to work harder.

A basic workout for me looks like this; 45-60 minutes of lifting (I do a rotation of push, pull, and legs) followed by 20-30 minutes of cardio (I love the stairmaster), and then finish it off with 10-15 minutes in the sauna. I also recently started doing IM fasting to limit my calorie intake, which is something that I have always struggled with for numerous reasons. Fast forward to today, I have lost over 20 pounds and on Friday I was down to 208 pounds! My clothes are fitting better than they ever have before, my stomach is shrinking, I've lost some inches on my waistline, and I feel amazing. Some of my friends/peers have been commenting on how I look recently and I have only heard great things which just motivates me even more to keep doing what I am doing.

My end goal is to break out of the 200 club and weigh the actual weight that I have on my driver's license (195 pounds). It has been a long yet rewarding journey, but I am nowhere close to being done. If there's anyone out there who is struggling or needs a little extra motivation, just know that it is mind over matter and that you can do it. Thank you to all of the inspiring people who shared their stories on here and finally gave me the confidence to tell my own.

submitted by /u/dirtyvic5
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from loseit - Lose the Fat