Saturday, June 1, 2019

Sometimes you've got to take a step back

So, yesterday, I had an absolute mare. I went to the gym, was feeling pretty good about myself, and then came the dreaded trip to the supermarket where I loaded myself up with so much junk food I felt like the checkout machine itself was judging me. I was binging in my room, watching TV, stuffing my face full of so much sugar and carbs I honestly don't know how I'm still alive, and then my flatmate bangs on my door.

Now, normally, once I've binged or failed a weight loss target, I'm out for the day. I feel like I've wasted time and I don't even want anyone to see me and my hideously bloated stomach. However, I decided to go out to the bar anyway. After all, what's the point in developing self-confidence if you can't practice it while you feel ugly and bloated as all hell?

Luckily (and I don't fool myself here), while we were at the bar, a girl who's a friend of a friend who I've known a while decides to start talking to me and eventually she asks me out. Now, while the cocktail of nerves and sheer unadulterated terror was fantastic, another thought preoccupied me.

If I hadn't taken a step back and decided that, even though I'd derailed my progress for one day, I didn't need to let that binge dictate my life and take my progress off-track, I wouldn't have gone to the bar, met the girl, and gotten a date.

I don't expect this post to solve world hunger or any huge issue, I'd just like to express my discovery that sometimes the weight loss (and obsession with failing at it) can be more of an obstacle than it should be. Sometimes accepting that you've made a mistake and that it can be rectified later lets you live your life, and stops you from cutting yourself off from what is to come.

submitted by /u/throwaway13670239867
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sticking with the long haul, losing weight longer than a year

I'm losing steadily through very sustainable CICO. It's going to take about 15 more months to reach my goal. I'm celebrating the small milestones on the way, but what other things help with impatience?

Previous attempts at weight loss have petered out from boredom, or feeling like I have the hang of it and could just "eat when I'm hungry", or letting one or two bad days derail me. I am pretty sure I have a handle on most of the things that stopped me from sticking with a plan until I get to my goal weight.

The one exception is just being done with tracking. So suggestions?

What worked for you in staying the course? What sounds good even if it didn't suit you? What was so weird you mocked it immediately, but probably isn't actually dangerous?

The other thing that I feel might hinder me is the feeling that because I failed before I can't. That one I know is silly, but it does give this feeling like it's inevitable to fall apart eventually.

submitted by /u/re_nonsequiturs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Intermittent fasting? Yay or nay?

Hey all, I’m fairly new here. I’ve been lurking and reading...and honestly this is probably one of the best weight loss groups I’ve ever seen. Kudos to you all!!

Anyways, I’ve been looking into intermittent fasting. Mainly because we just bought a house, and money is crazy tight, so eating a super healthy diet isn’t in the cards right now. But I have thought about doing keto because it honestly looks like a cheaper alternative....somewhat.

However!! I was wondering if the fasting would help now, until I can get my diet a little more under control. I am doing a lot more portion control...but maybe that would help further my progress.

submitted by /u/breenana
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Undoing all my hard work during finals season

Hey guys, I'm currently finishing up my second year in college and finals season is a week away. I've lived on campus this year and the food on campus is in the form of dining halls that are buffet-style. This entire year has been a journey of me learning to control my eating and restrain myself when I could eat all the delicious and fattening foods and desserts at any time I want. It has been one of the hardest things I've ever done and it hasn't been a perfect journey. I haven't lost as much as i would like but i'm still incredibly loud of myself for losing at all this year. Last week I finally hit a small milestone in my weight loss and I was feeling like I was on top of the world. However, one part about being at school means that some weeks get incredibly stressful, especially midterms and finals weeks. This week and next are shaping up to be incredibly stressful with all my tests, and I’ve just been feeling burnt out in school and also in my eating. After studying for hours I just crack in the dining halls and just eat and eat and eat. Now my weight is inching back up and i’m undoing weeks of hard work and diligence because of it. This crappy feelings are really dragging me down and I’m just getting more and more frustrated as I keep gaining. Anyways, I don’t have any friends here that would understand how I’m feeling and I just wanted to get it all out. Thanks for being such a great community, I’ve gotten so much motivation here over the year.

submitted by /u/sophiab100
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

New here- attractive spouse

Hello! I’m new to this subreddit and I was wondering if anyone else is overweight/out of shape with a very fit/attractive spouse. When we first got together at age 16, I was 120lbs, and in great shape from being on the swim team. Here we are 12 years and 4 kids later and I’m 220lbs and hold all of my weight in my face/abdomen. My legs and arms need to be toned up but they really haven’t changed much. When I met him, I was an A bra size, now I’m an F. You get the gist.

Anyways, he looks exactly the same, except a beard. He’s gorgeous, and I don’t just say that with bias. He gets attention for his looks regularly (by both sexes) and I’m totally proud of having a hot husband. But I’m struggling to let him be a part of my weight loss journey.

He wants to help train me... y’all I can’t do a single push up or crunch yet. I can plank for a few seconds. I’m SO EMBARRASSED to let him see just how our of shape I am. He does 100 push ups a day and out of confusion, cannot figure out why I can’t do one yet. I don’t think he means to be hurtful at all. He says he really wants to help me however I can receive it, but I’m so sensitive about it with him. Any ideas on how I can let him help me without me wanting to hide my face in shame? I’d love to become that fit couple with him. Thank you!

submitted by /u/sarahLOUzer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Superfood Saturday: Ready, Set, Mango!

The reddish exterior and bright orange interior of the mango makes it as visually appealing as it is delicious. This beautiful fruit is both sweet and juicy, making it a delicious treat with lots of tropical flavor. Mangoes are grown throughout the world, though India, China, Thailand, Indonesia and Mexico are the international leaders in its production. Mangoes thrive in tropical climates, including Hawaii, according to the World Atlas, and can even be found in the southernmost part of Florida where the temperatures are hot enough for the fruit to grow. Mangoes are considered in-season in the summer and the fall, making those times of year the very best to enjoy this delectable fruit.

Nutritionally, mangoes are a great choice, as well. They contain more than 20 different vitamins and minerals which help make them a superfood, according to One cup of mango is high in vitamins A and C as well as folate, which is especially important during pregnancy. One cup of mango is also low in calories—only 100—and the delicious fruit is completely fat free. On the Nutrisystem plan, one cup of mango counts as one SmartCarb.

Eaten alone, mangoes are a great choice to satisfy your sweet tooth while still sticking to a healthy diet. But this refreshing fruit also makes a lovely ingredient for many different recipes. Its sweet—and sometimes “tangy”—flavor adds complexity to a lot of great dishes.

Superfood Saturday: The Wonders of Watermelon

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We’ve rounded up a list of our nine favorite recipes featuring magnificent mangoes:

1. 3-Ingredient Skinny Mango Sorbet >

Considering how naturally sweet it is, mango makes the perfect foundation for a fresh sorbet. If you’ve never made your own sorbet, you’ll be surprised how easy it is to do. Simply blend frozen mango chunks with unsweetened pineapple juice and a touch of almond milk. It can then be frozen for a firmer texture. You’ll feel good knowing exactly what’s in your sweet treat—and that it only has a mere 103 calories per serving. It counts as one SmartCarb on the Nutrisystem plan.

2. Mango Salsa >

Fresh homemade mango salsa

If it’s zest that you’re seeking, this mango salsa may be more your speed. It combines the sweet and tropical flavor of mango with ingredients like lime and lemon juices, red bell pepper, green onion, cilantro and even fresh jalapeno, for some kick. Pair it with a handful of whole grain tortilla chips—or even better, some crisp veggies (we love it with cucumbers!)—and you’ve got a healthy snack on hand that tastes sinfully delicious. This salsa counts as one SmartCarb on the Nutrisystem plan.

3. Mango Smoothie with Mint >


This smoothie blends one cup of mango with some skim milk, nonfat Greek yogurt, spinach and a handful of mint leaves. It’s got a refreshing mint flavor to it that makes it unique. Plus, this thick and creamy smoothie is brimming with antioxidants, vitamin K, iron and calcium. You’ll feel full and satisfied after enjoying this delicious drink. It contains 222 calories and counts as one SmartCarb and one PowerFuel on the Nutrisystem plan. It’s a great choice that will fit easily into your healthy diet.

Superfood Saturday: The Power of Pineapple

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4. Morning Mango Parfait >


If you’re a fan of parfaits, then you’ll have to give this unique one a shot. It combines fresh mango with Greek yogurt, sunflower seeds, honey and Nutrisystem Granola Cereal. Easy to make ahead of time, this is a great grab-and-go breakfast on a busy morning when you’re rushing out the door. The flavor combination will easily become a favorite and you’ll want to make this again and again. It contains 296 calories per serving and counts as one Nutrisystem Breakfast, half a SmartCarb, half a PowerFuel and two Extras.

5. Chocolate Mango Smoothie Bowls >

breakfast smoothie bowl

If you’re on board with the smoothie bowl trend and looking for a new one to try, we’ve got your covered. This tropical bowl is made even sweeter with the addition of a Nutrisystem Chocolate FreshStart Shake. After blending frozen mango with the shake, some water, and some nonfat Greek yogurt, it’s topped with granola, chopped peanuts and dried apricots for a delightful burst of flavor. On the Nutrisystem plan it counts as one SmartCarb and two PowerFuels (flex breakfast, anyone?!), and has just 342 calories.

6. Pineapple Mango Smoothie >

Pineapple smoothie

Another super easy smoothie to whip up, this one combines the tropical goodness of both mango and pineapple with your sweet Nutrisystem Vanilla FreshStart Shake. One sip of this concoction, and you’ll feel whisked away to a tropical island. On the Nutrisystem plan, this smoothie counts as one SmartCarb and one PowerFuel.

Superfood Saturday: Berries

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7. Orange Mango Slushie >


A healthy slushie that you can feel good about? That’s exactly right! Not only does our Orange Mango Slushie only contain 78 calories, but it also packs in a host of antioxidants—not to mention the fact that it’s bursting with flavor. To make this refreshing beverage, all you have to do is combine frozen mango, orange juice, ice and water in a blender—and voila! You’ve got a frozen drink that tastes like you’re cheating when you’re really just sticking to your healthy diet. It counts as just one SmartCarb on the Nutrisystem plan.

8. Mango Vanilla Chia Pudding >


Whether served as a delicious morning breakfast or eaten as a mid-day treat, this pudding recipe is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. It has the added nutritional benefit of chia seeds, the edible seeds of the desert plant Salvia hispanica, a member of the mint family. These tiny seeds are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. In this easy recipe, chia seeds are whisked together with almond milk and a Nutrisystem Vanilla FreshStart Shake. Then half of the mango chunks are mixed in. The pudding then sits in the refrigerator overnight to set and is topped with the remaining mango chunks when ready to enjoy. It counts as one SmartCarb, two PowerFuels and two Extras on the Nutrisystem plan, making it a great flex breakfast option.

9. Mango Madness Green Smoothie >


This is a smoothie recipe that has it all. Not only does it boast a full serving of fruit and a full serving of vegetables, it’s also pumped full of protein thanks to our Vanilla FreshStart Shake. It’s also got frozen banana, fresh spinach, vanilla almond milk, honey and of course, mango. It’s sweet with a strong hint of vanilla, which just may cause you to forget how incredibly healthy it really is. The recipe makes one smoothie and counts as one PowerFuel, one SmartCarb, one Vegetable and two Extras.

The post Superfood Saturday: Ready, Set, Mango! appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Started my journey, could I (25f) be doing more?

Hi r/loseit! This is my first post on reddit. I felt the need to have a fresh community for this weight loss journey I'm on.

I'm 25F, 250 lbs, and for the most part I thought I had a pretty healthy diet. (Have long suffered with thin friends who eat tons of junk food and never gain weight.) I started a new job (desk job) 9 months ago and have gained probably 40-ish pounds since because of work-provided lunch and a work kitchen fully stocked with a ton of snacks, only about a third of which are healthy. I didn't realize how much I'd gained until I weighed myself a month ago, and that's when I said screw it and decided to make a change.

I started seeing a trainer/nutritionist who put me on a meal plan (balanced proteins, greens, complex carbs) and has me drinking 3.5-4 liters of water a day (still working up to that). I see her twice a week for an hour of intense exercise. Sometimes I can walk to work in the mornings (1 mile) but the California heat is getting to me and I don't want to get to work sweaty, and my knee and ankle problems can make the task painful. I track my meals on LifeSum (because when I don't eat well, the app gives me the most judgmental :| face). I work about 50 hours a week from a full-time job + freelance, so my time can be limited.

My energy and strength are getting better, and my trainer says I'm improving every day, but I'm having a hard time noticing results in my appearance and weight, which is not ALL but still PART of the goal. I'm not losing hope, but I'm definitely struggling with my body image along the journey.

Is there any more that I could be doing? Any tips, tricks, suggestions, things I could incorporate into my schedule? Should I be working out more between sessions with my trainer?

TL;DR: working a desk job made me gain weight, seeing a trainer+nutritionist, not sure if it's enough.

submitted by /u/miaou102938
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