Saturday, June 1, 2019

Started my journey, could I (25f) be doing more?

Hi r/loseit! This is my first post on reddit. I felt the need to have a fresh community for this weight loss journey I'm on.

I'm 25F, 250 lbs, and for the most part I thought I had a pretty healthy diet. (Have long suffered with thin friends who eat tons of junk food and never gain weight.) I started a new job (desk job) 9 months ago and have gained probably 40-ish pounds since because of work-provided lunch and a work kitchen fully stocked with a ton of snacks, only about a third of which are healthy. I didn't realize how much I'd gained until I weighed myself a month ago, and that's when I said screw it and decided to make a change.

I started seeing a trainer/nutritionist who put me on a meal plan (balanced proteins, greens, complex carbs) and has me drinking 3.5-4 liters of water a day (still working up to that). I see her twice a week for an hour of intense exercise. Sometimes I can walk to work in the mornings (1 mile) but the California heat is getting to me and I don't want to get to work sweaty, and my knee and ankle problems can make the task painful. I track my meals on LifeSum (because when I don't eat well, the app gives me the most judgmental :| face). I work about 50 hours a week from a full-time job + freelance, so my time can be limited.

My energy and strength are getting better, and my trainer says I'm improving every day, but I'm having a hard time noticing results in my appearance and weight, which is not ALL but still PART of the goal. I'm not losing hope, but I'm definitely struggling with my body image along the journey.

Is there any more that I could be doing? Any tips, tricks, suggestions, things I could incorporate into my schedule? Should I be working out more between sessions with my trainer?

TL;DR: working a desk job made me gain weight, seeing a trainer+nutritionist, not sure if it's enough.

submitted by /u/miaou102938
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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