Saturday, July 13, 2019

Nsv Surprise benefit to weight loss, healthcare

Instead of just obsessively reading every entry I decided to contribute something at four am instead of refreshing.

I’ve lost 70 pounds since November. And I’m only two pounds away from being overweight!

Which was going to be my major nsv post. I just did some pretty strict CICO with around 1300 but ate at maintenance for three months in there. Basic. Exercising which has been great for how good I look and my mood, as well as meeting new people.

But honestly I don’t feel that different. I don’t walk around noticing that I’m thinner, I don’t really see it. Partly because I’m not actually thin yet, I’ve sort of hit “normal” in a size 14. Other people notice, I get hit on, everyone is nicer, My personal favorite part is cuter clothes.

But the point of the entry is that on Monday my right leg quit moving and I had to go to the ER. It had come mostly back online by the time I got there. But the doctor still believed me. He kept looking at my stats and saying “you’re too healthy for this to have happened” (what would he have thought if I were 70# fatter?). The nurses were nice. I had to get an emergency MRI. I cannot imagine fitting in that tube with 70 more pounds.

TLDR; It turns out I have a tumor pressing on my spinal cord, and will need surgery in the next two weeks. The neurosurgeon just casually said, “the number one factor in a patient’s recovery is their weight and health at the beginning of the surgery. You’ll do great.”

And that was it. That was my moment when it all felt worth something.

Also, if at all possible. Get health insurance.

submitted by /u/13ne1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, July 12, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Saturday, 13 July 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost 14LB what to do now?

Hello everyone, I am a Male, 23 years old. 249LB

On June 5th I weighted in at 263LB, not the biggest I’ve been but the first time I weighted my self in years. I happen to live at a place where we have one treadmill, for some reason I had some sort of fire in me, I wanted to loose weight. I was tired of sitting down all the time and just wanted to get up and do something, so I decided June 5th was the day I get up. I started walking/jogging for around 30min (I wanted my Apple Watch to fill up in the exercise section) At the same time I started doing intermittent fasting and on top counting my calories. It was such a big change at once but it was all worth it, over a month later I weighed in at 249 (as of July 12)

I have never been happier, when I first started I didn’t know what that fire was, that fire that motivated me to get up and do something for once in my life and I still don’t know what it is, but now a new beast has joined and that’s my personal happiness, the happiness that I got from seeing that 249LB Now I know that I have it in me so I’m gonna keep going till I reach my goal which is to be below 200LB

Now to the point of this whole post,

I have been researching a lot day after day, one thing that I came across that scared me was “skinny fat” and I want to avoid that, I’ve been fat my whole life and I’m done.

I haven’t done any research but I will he checking out some gym’s in my city and I want to start doing some body letting, not to be ripped or to have a 6 pack but to have a nicer looking body shape along side the weight loss. My problem is I’m super weak, last time I did any sort of lifting was over 4 years ago, I struggle with push ups, I still try to get some in even if there the “fake” version but I still go for them. I need someone’s help to advise me how I should start/where My goal is to lose as much weight as I can and have a body that’ll make me proud (again not ripped or anything close to that)

submitted by /u/MugiwaraGang
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Noticing tons of progress although I feel I could be pushing myself more

Hello! I’m 5’9” and started at 229 in January and now it’s July and I’m at 192. Close to 40 pounds down!

My problem is I feel like my progress is so slow. I think I should or could be way lower if I really put a lot more effort into it. All the cheat days, lazy days, and vacations that really slowed down my weight loss.

Now for the positives- I looked great in my new bathing suit at a water park, all my large sized shirts are now huge on me, I’m fitting into mediums comfortably, and I’ve been able to wear all the clothes I packed away in my “fat suitcase” where I put all the clothes I couldn’t fit in before. I haven’t shopped yet though (bought a belt instead) because I want to get to my goal weight of around 170. All my clothes just look really big on me.

And I have a waist again! Got an hourglass figure. Another huge one is a Pandora bracelet my mom gifted me and I tried on a couple months ago that wasn’t even close to fitting then now fits!

With all these positives, I’m still bummed because I feel like I’m so slow about it. I know I’m being ridiculous and should just look at the positives. I have 20ish more pounds to go and I want to be there by the end of the year. Is it attainable? I hope so!

What are some other positives you’ve seen in your weight loss?? How long has it taken to reach your goal weight??

submitted by /u/laemue
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Im a 14 y/o girl who needs to lose 200 pounds. Need help!

Being morbidly obese is ruining me and i need help.

Im apart of a very athletic family. My Dad is retired MLB player, my mom was a collegiate soccer player who still has an amazing figure, my older brother plays collegiate baseball, my older sister is a collegiate soccer player, and im 14 years old and 410 pounds (at just 5'5").

Part of the reason im this big is because Iv had severe hypothyroidism since i was baby and have been obese ever since. Like, i didnt take my first steps until i was 3 because i was so heavy and i couldnt physically stand.

With my dad being a pro athlete, I've been fortunate enough to be able to see some of the best doctors to help my condition but iv only had so much luck. Iv had some history of successful weight loss but nothing more than like 30 pounds at a time (and i end up gaining it back any).

I eat the same things as my family and workout regularly, yet, i keep gaining weight.

I wanna get thin because my weight is just limiting me from accomplishing so much. Im not gonna drop a name, but my dad played for the Padres, so we grew up in San Diego and being from San Diego, my fam loves: surfing, climbing, hiking and all the good stuff So. Cal has to offer but because iv always been so big, iv never been able to really enjoy all those experiences with my family.

Its also limiting my future. As just a freshman, im already on our Varsity softball team and even at over 400 pounds, im still far and way the best hitter on our team. However, because im over 400 pounds, i cant run at all and im just used as a pinch hitter and its limiting my playing time. Iv even had a collegiate scout bluntly tell me "If you lost 200 pounds, you'd be a nationally ranked softball player." Baseball runs in my blood and my weight is stopping me from achieving my dreams and i hate it.

I dont know what to do anymore, i just feel so trapped. My fam and I have looked into weight loss surgery but we've been told a surgery at 14 is very risky. but idk how much longer i can wait. It this rate, il be over 600 pounds by the time i graduate and i just cant have that. i feel so trapped.

submitted by /u/KayleeKeeKee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Please help me calm down because I’m freaking out

I went to the doctor today for a physical. According to their scale, I’m 80 kg. I’m 5’0.5”. That’s a BMI of 35. The last time I weighed that much was many years ago.

Way back when I started my weight loss thing, I was 212 pounds. I was wearing an XL/Size 18.

I made it down to about 135, size 8-10, and have been there ever since. I’m active-ish with biking, and walking, and I’m starting I get back into running, but apparently I’ve still managed to gain almost fifty pounds even though I’m still a size 8/10. I don’t get it.

I figured because my clothing sizes weren’t changing, I was still hanging around in the 130’s. How did I gain fifty pounds and keep the same clothing size?

Please help me rationalize this because I’m scared I’m going to fall back into disordered eating. I’m already trying to fight my brain that’s telling me I don’t deserve to eat today.

submitted by /u/TheOnlySpach
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I've lost 39 pounds in 100 days and am 25% of the way to my goal

On April 1st I got on the scale and weighed in at 351 lbs (159.2 Kilos for those that don't like freedom units). This wasn't an April fools joke, seeing that number on the scale scared me and I knew I needed to do something. The problem was I didn't know what to do. At first I ate less at meals and cut out carbs where I thought I could. Then I stumbled on this subreddit and started reading. The stories of weight loss and transformation inspired me.

On April 15th I started using MFP and from that day on I have tracked every crumb I have eaten. This is an incredible pain in the ass sometimes, but it has been so worth it for me. I've also tracked data in a spreadsheet and created graphs to follow my progress. Along with that I've managed to make it to the gym 40 times in those 100 days which isn't as often as I would like but it's better than I was doing.

What I've learned isn't new or groundbreaking but I'll still share it with you.

1) Losing weight isn't linear. I weigh myself every day that I can. My weight will rise and fall seemingly randomly but at the end of the week I weigh less than I did at the start of the week. I know a plateau is likely coming at some point and I'm mentally preparing for that.

2) Losing weight is a slow process. Yes I've lost a lot in a short amount of time but I know that pace won't continue. I didn't gain all this weight overnight so it's not going to go away overnight.

3) Not everyone looses weight the same way. Whether it's Keto, IF, CICO, Intuitive Eating, or something else pick what works for you. Just make sure you are being healthy about it. For me it's CICO. My TDEE according to the spreadsheet in the FAQ is 3380 Kcal. I talked with my physician and 'm averaging 1719 Kcal per day (I'm shooting for 1700 so I think I'm doing pretty well.) This is pretty aggressive weight loss but still has me in the 1% body weight per week loss range.

4) You really don't have to workout to loose weight. If you eat fewer calories than you need to maintain, then you will loose weight. Working out can help to get you into that deficit, just be sure you don't eat back those calories.

5) Stay positive. At first weighing myself every day almost threw me off the rails. I would not loose any weight or I would gain weight which would demoralize me. I had to keep telling myself that this is a long process. This is also why I started a spreadsheet and started tracking data. I can see that over the long term my weight is going down and that gets me through the times where I don't see the progress.

6) Time is going to pass no matter what you do. I kept telling myself I'll start on Mondy or I'll start on the first or I'll start after X event or holiday. There is no reason to not start today. Start right now, don't give yourself another excuse not to. 100 days from now you can be in the same place you are now or you can be on the journey to a healthier you.

7) If I can do this you can do this. 100 days ago (102 but I was too busy the last 2 to post this) I was a lazy lump that spent too much time sitting around and eating everything I could get into my mouth. Now I'm a less lazy lump that eats whatever I want (just less of it) and I'm down 39 pounds, my blood pressure is lower and I feel better. I know I have a long way to go but I'll get there eventually.

If anyone has any questions or needs someone to bust up their excuses hit me up.

submitted by /u/fatflyingtaz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat