Sunday, July 14, 2019

Balancing weight loss with work and school

I have recently started on my weight loss journey and it's going pretty well so far. I have already lost some weight and my skins clearing up. I feel pretty good. Right now it is easy to focus on my weight loss because I don't have other things to think about. No school, no kids, no obligations besides my part time job. I'm not out and about much because I'm a homebody with no car so I don't have the temptation of fast food as much. I am getting pretty worried though because Ive decided to go back to school full time in August. I'll be working my part time job too so I won't have as much time to work out or cook. Plus I won't have the same mental energy for losing weight because I'll be so focused on school. It will be hard not to eat for stress relief or convenience.

How do you balance weight loss with work and school? How do you find time to work out?

submitted by /u/Ash_Friday
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

You’re Formally Invited...

Hello everyone. Thanks for coming to my pity party. I’d like to kick things off by saying getting back on the wagon SUCKS. I didn’t sign up for this.

I managed to drop from 275 to 199, but one too many “just a bite”s led to a 40 pound gain. I’m honestly shocked I’m not at my original weight after making several unsolicited attempts at beating the Guinness world record for “Largest Amount of Artery-Clogging, Diabetic Coma-Inducing Food Consumed in One Sitting.” My prize: an earlier death, probably. Yay.

I’ve been avoiding posting this admission of failure for a while now, but I think I need the accountability. After all, it was you wonderful people who pointed me in the right direction when I first began my weight loss journey two years ago.

So, to all of you fellow strugglers (what a title eh?) right now: you are not alone. Whether you realize it or not, there are people rooting for your success. You ARE capable of making small changes that will yield big results. You are either your worst enemy and your greatest hero. Just remember, there’s probably a lot of spandex involved with the latter, so you may want to rethink that late night supersized McDonalds order.

Thanks for reading my desperate-plea-turned-cliched-soapbox. If you are in the same boat and looking for a support buddy, feel free to message me! The voices in my head say I’m a great listener with a decent sense of humor. ;)

submitted by /u/alx95xo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Compulsive eating? Anyone?

Hey guys! I'm (32F) about 25 pounds over where id like to be for about 4 years now. Seems like I put on about 4 lbs per year. I lose weight easily with diet and exercise but I have trouble with compulsive eating. I can feel it coming on and it just feels like something takes over and I'm just watching myself devour everything. I can't stop myself its like I have no control of my body. I have a hard time seeking help because I'm not suffering I'll effects from being overweight (yet), but it is detrimental to my weight loss efforts and it's not a sustainable amount of weight to gain annually. Anyone else struggle with this?

submitted by /u/carbalarb
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Day one of many days 😕

This Thursday I will turn 23 and I weight almost 250lbs which I’ve been hovering around since I had my baby 18 months ago. When I started 2019 I wanted to be down 30 pounds but I didn’t really have a plan or do anything to put the weight loss into motion. I’ve tracked my calories for almost the whole year but I don’t think I was eating enough of a deficit because I haven’t made any progress. I’m thankful that I didn’t gain, but still, it was hard to look at myself in the mirror and know I’m in the same spot I was 6 months ago. So I’ve decided it’s time to stop feeling sorry for myself and to start taking action. I’ve seen a lot of people do really well with 16:8 fasting so I’m going to start doing that while continuing to log my calories at 1800 calories a day. I’m also going to start walking at least 2 km after work every day to try to get more steps in as my job is quite sedentary. I’m posting here for accountability. By labour day weekend I aim to be down 10 pounds! This morning I clocked in at 247 lbs. I am 5’6” so that’s about 100 lbs too heavy for my height. I’ve always been a chubby kid because I grew up quite poor and with parents who didn’t really understand nutrition, but I’m an adult now and it’s not okay to keep using that as a crutch for my own unhealthiness, especially since I want my own child to grow up healthy and strong. Any advice is much appreciated. Here’s to day one Reddit :)

day one

submitted by /u/cthomas3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

At the beginning (again) of my journey & I have a few questions abt back pain and water retention

Hello loseit!

I've been yo-yoing for years and started CICO seriously again this year (thank god for LoseIt and its cute little food icons. I am a fickle b**ch). I am down 16 kg now, hurray! I have a few questions about a couple issues I've been having like crazy water retention and back pain and I'm wondering if it resonates with anybody.

Before I start, a few facts about me:

Female, 27, 160cm / 5'3

SW: 131kg / 288lbs

CW: 114kg / 251lbs

GW: 55kg / 120lbs

About water retention:

  1. There are basically only 6 days in a month where I don't have a crazy amount of water retention going. Here's what my weight loss progress looks like on Happy Scale (for those of you not familiar with the app, the little dots represent the weight my scale showed me, and the line if the app's attempts at smoothing out the curve)

Anyone in the same boat? The first month was really hard because I felt depressed at stepping on the scale and seeing no progress for weeks, especially since being so heavy losing weight shouldn't be hard yet (I've done it many times before without this weird water weight thing). Now that I've been doing it for a few months I've gotten used to it, but it's still not ideal. So my question: anyone in the same boat? Did the crazy water weight eventually go away permanently after losing more weight? And before you ask, I make sure to drink lots of water every day (usually no fewer than 2L / half a gallon) and it doesn't appear to make a difference.

2) About a couple years ago and seemingly overnight, my feet got really swollen and the only way for me to be able to wear shoes right now is to wear closed shoes that I don't lace up very tightly. I used to love wearing sandals and flats but I can no longer do that since if my foot has "room to expand" when I start walking, it does and looks hideous. I feel like there are maybe circulation problems happening because of all the fat in my legs? Again, anyone in the same boat? Did it go away after losing weight? I went to see a doctor and all he said was "oh yes women sometimes have swollen feet it's totally normal" and like... I was 25 when it first happened, I shouldn't have my feet get so big from walking that I can no longer wear normal shoes... Anyway.

About back pain:

So around the same time I started getting the foot swelling from hell, my lower back also started hurting (I was working 10-hour shifts at Chipotle at the time and couldn't sit down ever, that's probably what caused it). Ever since then, my back has been really sensitive and if I walk for a bit (say 20 minutes) it'll start hurting. If I wear heels it also starts hurting after a while. Obviously I am still really heavy and I know some back pain due to that is normal, but I've lost sight of what is to be expected and what isn't considering my weight has gotten so completely out of control in the past few years (before 2017, I'd never gone above 110 kg / 240bs). So again, anyone in the same boat? Like, has anyone gotten out of the obese range and found their back pain gone? I miss hiking :(

Thank you if you've read this far, and have a good day/afternoon/evening wherever you may be x

submitted by /u/loumi02
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Trying to Figure Out How To Start Again

Hello everyone! I've been a lurker on this site for a while now, and thought it's about time to post something.

I (24M) have been trying to lose weight for around six years (CW: 215, GW: 180), and have actually gone on diets since 2016. My diets generally just include eating healthy and not over-eating (most importantly logging what I eat), but often my mind becomes my worst enemy. Sometimes I'll binge on something and I'll want to punish myself by eating more, and then I quickly lose all progress I've made.

My diets usually involve a greater lifestyle switch, so I'll be more on top of cleaning my room, more eager to wake up in the morning, up for more unexpected and active plans. I'm not sure which begets the other, the lifestyle or the healthiness, but I see them as integral to each other. And I find that if I exercise for a day, I'm much less likely to binge on foods for that day. So, while I know exercise isn't as important for weight loss, I know it's personally important for me, mentally

My trouble is finding the ability to keep motivating myself. After going through multiple efforts in which I've lost 15-25 pounds, the prospect of starting up again and keeping it up is tough. How can I make myself go to the gym? How can I stop finding excuses in every little thing I can? How can I promise myself that this will be the time?

I know this may be a little rambling, but I would love any advice at this point. I hope to provide updates as soon as I can, but would really appreciate anything that might push me over the edge.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/Haykline
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My hobby is counterproductive to my weight loss goals

I started calorie counting about a month ago. I've been logging everything I eat in MFP and I have been doing well at eating between 1200 and 1500 calories a day. It is working great, I'm down 15 lbs and two belt notches. Hooray!

Now to the problem, I am on a competitive barbecue team. For those of you who don't know, a competition is a two day affair. We show up on Friday morning and setup a mobile kitchen of sorts. Then we start doing a great deal of very detailed things to the meats we cook, chicken, pork ribs, pork butt, and beef brisket. Normally all of this is done with beer in hand. For example, normally as soon as I park my truck, I would walk to the cooler and open the first beer. Drinking is as integral to BBQ as smoke. Now so everyone understands, the goal isn't to be drunk. Everyone involved are adults, this is not like a college frat party.

This weekend I had a competition. I struggled with what to bring, enough beer for two days with the idea of taking a vacation from calorie counting or to be diligent. I compromised; I brought 36 cans of club soda and 12 beers. I only drank 6 beers over the course of two days. I drank a ton of club soda and I consider this a win. I would also like to point out that my teammates were very supportive. There was no pressure to drink.

The next issue is the barbecue. As a member of the team I need to taste the product. We cook in the Kansas City Barbecue Society. We have to turn in 6 pieces of chicken, 6 ribs, 6 ounces of pork, and 6 slices of brisket. Everything must be sampled. I had bites of three different pieces of chicken, a bite or two out of two ribs from each rack of ribs, numerous bites of pork, and numerous bites of brisket. This is done to make sure we are putting the best of what we cooked into the turn in box. Often we as a team argue about which is the best and more bites are required. All this is to explain that I ate a good deal of BBQ, a very calorie dense food. Needless to say I exceeded my calorie goal.

Does anyone have any ideas about how to deal with this? I've been on the team for 12 years. I don't want to give up the team, but I don't want to be obese anymore.

TLDR: Need help dealing with beer and BBQ fueled weekend vs weight loss.

submitted by /u/Slartibartfast72
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from loseit - Lose the Fat