Thursday, November 28, 2019

Lookin' 4 a buddy!

Hi everybody! I should start a period of weight loss (20kgs more or less) but I am lacking motivation.

For this reason, I am considering finding a "buddy", someone else, possibly of my age (20-25, but not necessarily), which is in a similar condition to support each other on a daily basis (more or less frequent is also fine, we can arrange the best solution for both). I am a serious person, I hate scams, so I don't want, and I don't do (1) money requests (2) being pushy asking for personal information (3) creepy "romantic" (or worse) stuff.

Just a friendly, supportive, shameless method to lose weight together. I am not English mother tongue so I would also like to leverage this opportunity to refine my English. Let me know if anyone is interested!

(This account is new because the one I normally use is known to my friends and I didn't want them to know).

submitted by /u/rsmvf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Eating less the next day after eating too much the day before?

Sorry if the title's confusing but basically I'm a 21 year old, 170lb male who goes to the gym 2-3 times a week and have been on a calorie deficit for about 4 months now. I was around 195lb in August and have mainly stuck to a calorie deficit of about 1,000 calories / day in order to lose 1-2 lbs / week. I used this site to calculate how much I should be eating. It said my maintenance TDEE is ~2,700 so I have been eating at about 1,700 calories daily to maintain that approximate 1-2 lb weight loss / week.

My question is if I eat over my 1,700 calorie limit on a day but I eat that amount less the next day, would I still be losing the same amount of weight at the end of the week? For example, if I eat a little extra on Wednesday around 2,200 calories, would I be able to balance that out by eating only 1,200 calories on Thursday? Or, because I ate too much on Wednesday, the damage has already been done so eating too little the next day won't help?

submitted by /u/csusboy123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What I'm thankful for this year.

Hi! I'm currently on my own weight loss journey. Today I would like to talk about my eldest brother.

Since he was married almost 20 years ago he has been gaining weight. I'm not even sure at his heaviest what he weighed. If I had to guess 300+lbs. It really scared me. I was always worried for him and his health. He tried working out and many diets. He'd lose a little but quickly gain it back.

About a month ago I saw him for the first time in two months. He was half his size! I couldn't believe it. He has been using WW (I am not advocating WW). I'm absolutely shocked and so very proud. He's doing it. He looks amazing.

This year I'm thankful for my brother and his better health. To everyone today that is seeing family today just know we notice! We are proud of you! Good luck today!!

submitted by /u/SJaneZippy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

23 Tips for a Healthier Thanksgiving

Ready or not, here they come…

In case you’ve missed the glaring lights and blaring commercials, it’s official… the holidays are upon us. And Thanksgiving, with all of its food-based traditions, promises to put your weight loss willpower to the test.

According to research from the Calorie Control Council, a typical traditional Thanksgiving dinner can clock in at 3,000 calories. Add to that apps and drinks, and you’ve got yourself a 4,500 calorie meal—that’s more than two times the average daily intake. This same source reports that the average Thanksgiving enthusiast may fill up on close to 230 grams of fat—the fat equivalent of three sticks of butter.

But with a little planning, you can make it through Thanksgiving without putting on more stuffing. Check out these 23 simple strategies sure to help keep the “trim” in your turkey day:

1. Don’t skip breakfast
Don’t “save space” for dinner. We all know what happens when we don’t eat all day—we become ravenous and are more likely to gobble up everything in sight. Plus, when it comes to weight loss, the old adage that breakfast is the most important meal of the day may very well hold true. In a study in the journal Obesity, overweight people who were dieting and ate more calories for breakfast than dinner lost more weight compared with subjects who ate larger evening meals. Make sure to opt for a morning meal that’s high in protein like an egg white veggie omelet or non-fat Greek yogurt with fresh fruit—this will help keep you feeling fuller as you head into the potential diet dark hole that is Thanksgiving dinner.

2. Work in a workout
Be sure to get a good sweat session in before you dive in to dinner. A study published in 2009 in the American Journal of Physiology revealed that vigorous exercise may suppress a key hunger hormone for up to 30 minutes after workouts and can increase the levels of an appetite-suppressing hormone for as long as three hours after exercise. Not convinced? Get this: A 2013 study published in the journal Neuroreport revealed that participants who exercised craved healthier foods, like fiber-rich beans and veggies rather than those packed with refined sugar (think cookies and cakes). The researchers discovered that physical exercise may be linked to reduced activity in the food-responsive reward regions in the brain which, in turn, are linked to a reduced preference for unhealthy high-calorie foods.

3. Don’t pick as you prep
A tiny taste here, a tiny taste there. Before you know it, you’ve consumed a meal’s worth of calories. You don’t normally pick all day long, right? So don’t start now. Eat your regular meals at your regularly scheduled times and limit your splurges to small selections at dinner time. Your waistline will thank you.

4. Bring a helping of healthy
Volunteer to bring a side of roasted veggies, fresh salad or fruit tray, so that if all else fails, you’ve got one healthy option to pile on your plate! Try these delicious Brussels Sprouts with Apple—they’re simple to make and totally guilt-free.

5. Drink water before and during your meal
In a study published in 2015 in the journal Obesity (Silver Springs), participants who drank 500 milliliters of water 30 minutes before a meal lost more weight than those who did not drink up prior to chowing down. But don’t limit your liquids to the time before your meal. Sip water throughout your Thanksgiving meals to keep you feeling fuller and slow down your gobbling.

6. Nix the rolls
Pass on the bread bowl and you could save yourself anywhere from 100 to 200 calories, plus the 100 calories in the butter you would have slathered all over it. With so much food at your disposal, we doubt you’ll even miss it.

7. Use a smaller plate
A study published in 2015 in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews revealed that when people—even the health conscious—were given larger plates, they consistently consumed more food than those using smaller plates. The same held true for non-alcoholic beverages consumption—the larger the glass, the bigger the gulps. Opt for a smaller plate at dinner and chances are good you’ll stick to smaller portions.

8. Veg out

Time and again research confirms that high-fiber foods, which provide volume in the body and take longer to digest, help you feel full longer—on fewer calories. Help yourself to high-fiber foods like fruits and veggies, whole grains and bean dishes. Just don’t fall for dishes drenched in butter or creamy sauces, which can be loaded with calories and fat.

9. Fine-tune your turkey selection
For many, it just wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without the taste of turkey. Just make sure to opt for white meat, and don’t eat the skin. With this simple swap, you could save 7 grams of fat and over 50 calories (for a serving size that’s roughly equivalent to a deck of cards). Might not sound like a lot, but tiny trimmings like these can pile up quickly.

10. Put your fork down between bites
Based on a study published in 2014 in the Journal of Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, increasing the number of chews during meals can extend the duration of those meals, reduce the speed at which people eat, and lead to less food consumed. Make an effort to put down your fork and chew your food several times before diving in to your next bite. Bonus: You’ll actually taste all of those fabulous flavors when you slow down!

11. Be a ‘Chatty Cathy’
The more you talk, the slower you’ll eat. The slower you eat, the better the chances of your body signaling it is full before you overeat. See #10.

12. Be mindful of extras
Between the gravy, butter and creamy dressings, Thanksgiving add-ons can be total fat traps. Try seasoning your food with spices and herbs, and opt for vinegar-based dressings.

13. Don’t drink your calories
A 12-ounce bottle of pumpkin beer is somewhere in the 200 calorie range. A five ounce glass of spiced apple wine can clock in at 271 calories. Think you’ll save tons of calories avoiding alcohol? Not exactly. A 16-ounce glass of apple cider can cost you almost 230 calories. Wash down your meal with water (see #5), sparkling water, tea or coffee instead and your waistline will thank you.

14. Step away from the table
Once you’ve eaten a normal-sized dinner, kindly remove yourself from the table so you don’t start mindlessly munching. Head to another room in the house or better yet, engage in some good old fashioned family fun (see #15 and #16!).

15. Start an active tradition
Holidays are all about traditions, right? Start a new ritual, like a family football game or a group stroll around the neighborhood. Studies have shown that going for a walk instead of hitting the couch, about 15 minutes after a meal may improve digestion and blood sugar control, and will burn some extra calories. Plus, stepping away from the table for a bit may save you from diving into another pile of potatoes.

16. Focus on the fun
Take the focus off of food and put it back where it belongs—on spending quality time with your loved ones. Bring board games or DVDs. Share in a few rounds of post-dinner charades. Or gather up the troops and hit the local soup kitchen to help serve dinner to the less fortunate. Forget the food—there’s fun to be had!

17. Wait 20 minutes before even considering seconds
Stick to this rule of thumb: If you’re still hungry after 20 minutes (the commonly accepted amount of time it takes for your stomach to send your brain the “I’m stuffed” signal), you can go back for seconds.

18. Ask the hard questions before heading back for more
Before hitting the buffet for a second round, ask yourself if you’re really hungry. Sometimes just seeing a large spread can make us eat more. In fact, in a study published in 2005 in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, when moviegoers were provided stale popcorn in big buckets, they ate 34 percent more than those given the same stale popcorn in smaller tubs. In the case of fresh popcorn, those given large tubs ate almost 50 percent more than those given medium-sized buckets. If you aren’t just being thrown off by a sizable spread, ask yourself: If I could have seconds of just one dish, which would it be? Then opt for that option only.

19. Skip seconds if you plan on doing dessert
Survey the food scene before you dive in for seconds, and map out a strategy. If grandma’s rhubarb pie is on your radar, don’t stuff your face with more stuffing. If you yearn for candy yams year-round, don’t get chummy with the crumb cake. Decide on one or two indulgences you’d like to try ahead of time, and don’t eat everything in sight before you get to them.

20. Don’t be guilted into gobbling
While it’s nice that aunt so-and-so brought her world-famous pie, that doesn’t mean you have to eat it. If you’re going to enjoy foods you might normally avoid, make sure you do the picking. Feel uncomfortable refusing? Tell your aunt you’re too stuffed but you’ll take it to-go. If you’re lucky, she’ll forget, if you’re not so lucky and she piles on the pie, give a loved one your leftovers.

21. Fill up on fruit for dessert
Remember how we told you to bring healthier dishes (see #4)? A fruit tray is a great option. That way, when everyone else is pigging out on apple pie, you can enjoy some fresh apple slices with a sprinkle of cinnamon.

22. Leave the leftovers
If you can get away with it, leave the doggy bag for the other diners. While one day of indulging won’t destroy your diet, several in a row certainly can. Pass on the extra potatoes and remove all temptation tomorrow.

23. Don’t miss the point–family!
We bet that this time next year you won’t even be able to recall what exactly you ate at Thanksgiving this year. The taste of dessert is fleeting; memories with your family are forever. Take this time, when there is no work or school or real life to worry about, and enjoy the time you have with your loved ones. Cherish the company, not the food.

The post 23 Tips for a Healthier Thanksgiving appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Fight the Flu: 6 Foods For a Stronger Immune System

Excitement is in the air for pumpkin spice lattes, knee-high boots and autumn leaves. Fall is here. But so is cold and flu season.

We’ve all heard recommendations from the Center of Disease Control (CDC): Wash your hands, don’t share food or drink, and don’t touch your face.

But did you know that what you put on your plate matters, too? That’s right: When it comes to cold and flu season, food really can be your secret weapon.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends the following nutrients for immune boosting benefits: Protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc. Including adequate amounts of healthy fats and protein may also aid in cold prevention.

To make navigating immune-boosting nutrition easy, we’ve listed six foods to stock up on this winter to ensure you get important cold fighting nutrients:

1. Eggs
Eggs are nutritional powerhouses that are easy to incorporate into your daily routine. They’re chock full of protein, and protein is critical to the formation of bacteria and virus fighting antibodies, says Wesley Delbridge, R.D., a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics.

And it doesn’t stop there. Eggs are one of the few food sources of vitamin D. Research has shown that vitamin D benefits your immune system, muscle function, heart health, brain development and mood.

Hard boil a dozen eggs on Sunday. Pop them in your bag for a quick mid-morning snack, or slice atop your afternoon salad. One large egg counts as one PowerFuel for those following the Nutrisystem program.

The Mess-Free Way to Separate an Egg

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2. Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits contain one of most well-known antioxidants, vitamin C. Vitamin C protects you from infection by increasing antibodies and boosting immunity. Studies have not confirmed that vitamin C will prevent colds, but recent research suggests the use of vitamin C may shorten the duration and severity.

Consume whole versions of citrus fruit to limit added sugar (think oranges instead of orange juice). The whole fruit contains loads of fiber that will keep you feeling fuller longer.

The options are colorful and fruitful. Two medium kiwi or mandarin oranges, one medium orange or one cup of papaya or pineapple are wonderful options for those on the Nutrisystem program. Each counts as one SmartCarb; dense in nutrients with a low to medium score on the Glycemic Index.

3. Yogurt
Listen to your gut. It may hold the key to avoiding sniffles and fevers as the snow comes rolling in. Your gut contains both good and bad bacteria, and is responsible for more than just digestion. It accounts for 50 percent of the body’s immune response. The good bacteria boosts immunity and decreases cold duration, keeping you healthier and in fighting shape if that cold does come knocking on your door.

Choosing yogurt with live and active cultures will boost gut health with its powerful probiotics. Greek yogurt works well too and adds some additional protein keeping you fuller, longer. Choose plain yogurt and add fresh fruit to limit added sugars. One cup of nonfat yogurt counts as one Powerfuel on the Nutrisystem program.

Yogurt: Greek, Icelandic, Aussie… What’s the Difference?

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4. Sunflower seeds
Sunflower seeds may be small but they are mighty. They pack a double punch with vitamin E and zinc. Vitamin E fights those filthy free radicals roaming around your body that will weaken your immune system leaving you more susceptible to colds and flu.

Zinc is rarely mentioned, but very important to your health. Zinc has the ability to function as an antioxidant and also prevents free radicals from injuring cells. In 2013, researchers found that zinc prevents the immune system from excess inflammation. This gives us some insight as to why zinc lessens the severity and duration of our colds.

Zinc is often found in over-the-counter lozenges, but its best to consume zinc in its food form. Too much zinc can have adverse health effects so don’t overdo it. Rosanne Rust, MS, RDN, LDN of Rust Nutrition recommends adding sunflower seeds to salads or rice dishes for both a zinc and vitamin E boost.

5. Sweet Potatoes
The delicious orange potato has gained popularity over the years. Sweet potato mash, fries, chips and noodles are appearing in recipes and on restaurant menus.

This is good news for cold and flu season since these little sweeties are chock full of vitamin A, a fat soluble vitamin that helps fight off infection. One medium sweet potato provides more than the daily recommendation for vitamin A.

It’s no surprise that most germs invade your body through your eyes, nose, and throat. Vitamin A helps keep these mucus membranes open and healthy, aiding in the fight against cold season. As most vitamins are multifunctional, vitamin A not only prevents germs from entering your body but increases your body’s immune response if they do.

A half cup serving counts as one SmartCarb on the Nutrisystem program.

How to Make Delicious Sweet Potato Fries

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6. Tea
As far back as 2003, studies have confirmed tea’s immune-boosting effects. Researchers believe tea can fight against infection by priming the immune system for potential attacks.

A study published in 2011 by BMC Complimentary & Alternative medicine suggested green tea prevented healthcare workers from contracting the flu. The magic ingredient? Catechins, antioxidants found in green tea. As an extra bonus, catechins have been proven to fight prostate, colorectal and breast cancers.

Chamomile tea has been deemed an immune-boosting herbal tea. The Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry published a study in 2005 suggesting that chamomile tea boosted antibacterial activity when participants consumed five cups a day.

Unsweetened is a free food for those on the Nutrisystem program. Add some flavor with squeezed lemon, peaches, mint or ginger for a warm treat. Sensitive to caffeine? Herbal teas are naturally caffeine free.

The post Fight the Flu: 6 Foods For a Stronger Immune System appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Rice cake fiasco. Work colleagues suggesting that rice cakes are the worst thing for weight loss.

In the last year, I've had a very, very stressful year joining a new workplace. After the commute, workload, and everything life throws my way, I try to manage. My biggest issue is food cravings - I love food so much. I eat when I get stressed. I exercise daily and acknowledge that exercise is great for fitness and health, but only makes a small dent in weight loss (CI/CO).

I've tried so many things to alleviate my stress eating. I've taken up psyllium husk, Slimfast drinks, fruit, but I still end up binging on unhealthy food. It's a crutch that keeps me going during stressful times in my life.

I discovered rice cakes last month. They're fantastic and they are exactly what I've been looking for. Something that's crunchy, tastes great (flavoured and unflavoured) and low calorie (30 calories per rice cake). In this last month, I've been able to resist eating unhealthy foods and going towards rice cakes. I genuinely love them - taking them with a balanced diet, of course. I've actually lost weight (a first in a year!) and I feel full after eating them.

I normally eat about 3 - 5 rice cakes total spread throughout the day instead of going for unhealthy snacks, crisps, and chocolates.

My colleagues at work picked up on this and began lecturing me on the dangers of rice cakes. How I'll end up diabetic, how it's unhealthy for me, and how bad they are for you. I suggested that it was a better alternative for me than eating snacks. They responded that eating rice cakes is a worser alternative. I mean this in the nicest way and just for contextual information, but all of the staff at my workplace are obese. I am unsure if I should trust their opinions?

I'm completely unsure of myself now. I know this is silly but is it a bad idea to eat rice cakes in order to feel fuller and lose weight?

submitted by /u/thebains
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hobbies help [tip]

Sorry this is my first post so hopefully I do this correctly.

I’m a 5’2” 25YF SW:181lbs CW:156lbs GW:120lbs I knew I used food to cope with depression and anxiety but I didn’t realize how dependent on it for happiness I had become. Before food was so important and the focus of my day. It was the only thing that brought me enjoyment. Eventually something just snapped and i couldn’t take being my size anymore. I started losing weight by CICO/doing OMAD on the days I work and IF on my days off and weight lifting. I found that since I don’t preoccupy myself with food and I only have to prep 1 or 2 meals I have so much more time. I’ve been in love with weight lifting, discovered some amazing books, and this past month I started learning bass guitar, something I’ve been wanting to do for years. Now I don’t really spend that much time thinking about food except for when I’m cooking and entering calories into MyFitnessPal. I look forward to weight lifting after a stressful day of work instead of grabbing Jack n the box. And I can get lost playing bass for hours and forget I was even hungry. Anyways if you have the time and the means to learn an instrument/take a dance class/paint/write/whatever I highly recommend it. It’s been therapeutic and helpful to my weight loss journey.

submitted by /u/treesandhappyshit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat