So I had some serious medical issues that caused me to gain weight over the years and then a solid 20 lbs in the few months that I was near death. I'm finally in a place where I can start to work on losing all the weight I need to. I've been slowly working up my endurance by exercising and living normally, this made me lose 0 weight which was surprising to me. When I gained the weight I was eating like probably 3000 calories a day, i thought exercising a bit and eating my normal 1500 calories would help me lose some weight, but it really did nothing. After about 2 months of that I tried intermittent fasting and it worked but very slowly i lost about 4 or 5 pounds from that after a month but it really messed me up emotionally and my period so i decided to not continue down that path, especially after everyone in my family and my boyfriend telling me not to do that anymore. So since I had that outburst I've been eating fairly regularly and healthy about 1200 calories a day with a few cheat days but i know i put back the weight i lost.... i also started my first job in over a year which is a fast food job where I'm moving and walking my entire shift (i won't be eating the food there). I want to continue my weight loss journey, but working this job really hurts my body, I'm so sore after my shifts... I feel like I need to take some time to get used to this job then I can start focusing on my weight loss more again. I'm 5'2 21 years old and around 180-185 lbs (have been scared to weigh myself) I started at 188 lbs. I hope to get down to around 125-135 lbs within a year or 2, I really hate being overweight and hope to persue a career in music which looks are important in. My appearance is extremely important to me and I am willing to do almost anything to lose the weight, I was always extremely athletic and in incredible shape before I developed extreme health issues. I won't develop an eating disorder which I've had bulimia and probably body dysmorphia in my early teens. I guess I'm saying this to say that I have no problem working out or being miserable to get to where I want to be, I know that you have to suffer to see results, beauty is pain or whatever. What do you think I should do??? Maybe some of you have been in a similar spot and know some ways to deal with my issues lol! I mean I know some of this can sound bad but I guess you have to just trust me that I'll go about this in a healthy way, I have only purged like a couple times over about 7 years so I won't go the unhealthy route but I would not be opposed to going an extreme route in a healthy way. I have a very strong will when I have a goal and will work hard to reach my goals.
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from loseit - Lose the Fat