Wednesday, December 18, 2019

It's so easy to mess it up (A call for support)

Whelp, here we are. I was finally able to go work out this week and the number staring back at me when I weighed in was a far, far cry away from where I wanted to be.

This is me owning up to it. I'm 217 lbs as of today. This time two years ago, I was 185. What happened? Where did I mess up, and how can I fix it?

My story, like so many here, is one of growing up with bad habits. I was a proud member of the clean your plate club, and avid and avowed snackers, and a lover of all sugary drinks. That was my life and lead me to living my life from mid-20s on as an obese dude. I was 265, and at 6ft, that was far from where I needed to be. It was primarily fat, as I never worked out and muscle eluded me.

Then in 2014, my wife had our first son. In May of 2015, he was six months old and starting to move around. I was 30 and watching him, I resolved to not be the fat Dad. I embarked on a mission of sustainable weight loss. The only thing I cut out was soft drinks, everything else was CICO and exercise. By fall of 2016 I was at about 195. I got down to about 185 and fluctuated between 180-190 from 2016-2017. My son got older, I was able to be active with him, it was awesome.

In fall of 2017, we found out my wife was pregnant with our second son. At that point I had told myself I had "figured out this new lifestyle thing." HA! I started sympathy eating with her, life got in the way and I stopped counting calories. From Fall of 2017 to 2018, my trendline went up. I hit 200 again in October of 2018.

I thought I'd get back on it, so I worked at it a bit, but I let myself excuse away my poor eating habits. By this past summer I was still hovering between 195-200.

Then I got a great new job. It pays more, but there are longer hours. More time in a car, more driving around, more moving. Less time for paying attention to my meals, less time for working out, less time for self-care. I returned to the me of the mid-20s that eats when stressed.

From September of 2019 to today, I have gained about 20 pounds. At my weigh-in today I was 217.

Today that changes. I want to day that on here, to a community that was so supportive the first time around. Today I get back to it. I've logged my breakfast, I went to the gym today. I'm downloading a new "30 day challenge" that used to motivate me so much in the past. It changes today. I want both of my boys and my wife to have the best Dad and husband possible. I want to live a long and healthy life and be active once more. The driving, fast food snacking...that's all excuses. No more excuses, it's time to put in work.

submitted by /u/NameIdeas
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The Holiday Binge and Weight Loss: What You Need to Know

There’s nothing more relatable than a holiday binge: During the holidays, everyone has an occasion—OK, maybe a few occasions—where they go overboard on an eating binge.

Sound like you? Don’t beat yourself up about it. Even if your festive feast makes you feel like you’ve gained 10 pounds, it’s not too late. Stressing about “going overboard” a single time can actually make things worse. In a 2014 study, scientists found that women who were stressed burned 104 fewer calories in the seven hours after a meal than those who were feeling stress-free, says The Ohio State University.

But if you’re binging throughout the holiday “season: instead of on one or two special occasions, the results can really add up. Research published in Nutrition & Metabolism shows that Americans gain an average of one to two pounds during the holiday season, with most of the weight gained being fat. And trying to lose weight during the season can backfire for some: In a study, published in the Journal of Obesity, obese participants who attempted to drop pounds during the holiday season actually wound up gaining weight instead.

5 Holiday Hiccups That Can (Seriously!) Hinder Your Weight Loss

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Control Binges and Still Enjoy the Holidays

holiday binge

If you’re worried about setting your weight loss progress back significantly, think about limiting the number of times that you binge to focus on the holiday meals and occasions that you really love. Maybe your Mom’s Christmas dinner is legendary, but the food at your office party is just ordinary. In that case, indulge at Mom’s house and focus more on networking when you’re with your coworkers.

Nutrisystem dietitians say that eating the foods you really crave—like Mom’s famous, buttery mashed potatoes—can help you move past the craving instead of grazing on less-satisfying fare. This can especially work if you savor the holiday foods you really love: Eating mindfully and paying attention to the tastes, textures, aromas and feelings associated with eating a food has been shown to help eaters feel more satisfied and lose weight. In a three-month study, published by Ohio State University, mindful eating practices helped diabetics significantly lower their blood sugar, says Science Daily.

When mindful eating involves a favorite food, it can work even better: In another study, published in the journal Appetite, scientists studied participants who ate chocolate. Those who did so while practicing mindful eating experienced more mood-boosting affects from the chocolate than those who just wolfed it down without thinking.

Even by limiting your binges, the holidays may slow, stall or set you back with your weight loss progress. However, research published in Physiology & Behavior says that the most important thing for sustained weight loss is to not let the binges and weight gain continue into January. It’s also important to lose any weight you might have gained due to holiday overeating. Some scientists theorize that little bits of holiday weight gain—weight that most of us don’t lose—is actually to blame for the slow, creeping advance of our overall weight as we age.

10 Ways to Prepare for a Healthy and Happy Holiday Season

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Breaking the Holiday Binge Cycle

holiday binge

“Lose the holiday weight you’ve gained” sounds obvious enough. After all, almost everyone has a New Year’s resolution to clean up their diet. However, most of us don’t succeed, according to research in Nutrition & Metabolism.

In a study, published in the journal PLoS One, scientists found that people actually buy 9.3 percent more calories of food overall after the holidays than they do during the holidays. They also continue to buy “less-healthy” foods at the same rate that they did during the holiday period.

That’s why having a plan that can help you feel full and stay feeling satisfied—instead of crash dieting—is so important after the holidays. With a plan like Nutrisystem, you’ll re-train your mind and body to eat in moderation instead of bingeing, providing your body with the nutrients it needs, the types of foods you really want and in portions that can help you lose the holiday weight.

If you feel like you can’t stop binging—not just during the holidays, but all year—seek medical attention. Binge eating is a real eating disorder that can have real health consequences. Speak to your doctor and he or she can help you determine if your binges are a disorder and provide physical and emotional treatment that may help.

Christmas Workout Challenge: 12 Days of Holiday Workouts

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The post The Holiday Binge and Weight Loss: What You Need to Know appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

After a 5.5 year journey, tomorrow I say goodbye to fat me

Progress Pics: Summer 2014 - Fall 2019, F/30/5'3" SW 200, CW 120

After being fat most of my life and slowly but steadily increasing, I woke up one day back in the fall of 2014 and decided enough was enough. I've posted about the journey here before, but it was such a huge lifestyle switch. It started with the basics; tracking calories and then getting into the routine of working out. I was too fat to really run but joined my local YMCA and started going every night. I lost the bulk of the weight between the fall of 2014 and early spring of 2015. At that point, I had started to make friends through a reddit fitness group and they encouraged me and held me accountable. One of them lived near me and we started doing races together and I caught the running bug. And now here we are. I've done 7 marathons, 1 ultra, and just qualified for the 2021 Boston Marathon.

The journey hasn't always been smooth, but as you know, that's how it goes. I wish someone told me at the beginning of this that weight loss is a choice EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. And that never goes away. Even now, I track every day and make stupid choices like bike commuting in the Chicago winter as a way to maintain. Most of those in my life never knew me when I was fat and make snide comments about my body and lifestyle and I'm always quick to point out that I earned this. Don't lecture me about being a size 0, I have worked VERY hard to be here and I have every right to feel bad about how I look.

Which brings me to why I'm posting this. I wish someone had told me at the start that I would not have a chance of looking like how I wanted without surgical intervention. Weight loss take a toll on the body. Size 16 to a size 0. Not only is there extra skin, but my abdomen has stretched out. I have a pooch. A pooch of my sagging muscles that gets bigger the stronger my abs get. Yes, I know I look better, but I am deeply unhappy with how I look. Despite all the working out and calorie counting that I will always do, I have done all that I can. I still look in the mirror every day, or just look down at my abdomen, and see fat me starring back. I hate fat me. I've done so much to move on and evolve. Even those who knew me back then barely remember because I am such a different person. But I carry her still.

I started to think about plastic surgery a few years ago, before I was at a "goal weight" and decided that if I could hold steady for at least a year, I would pursue. Well, it's been over 2 years. So I started to go on consultations. It was a relief in many ways because they confirmed that I had done all I could have. The only way to get rid of the pooch was to repair the muscle and remove the extra skin. And that's happening tomorrow.

Tomorrow we send off fat me. I am not her and I am elated to finally move on.

submitted by /u/more_paprika
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I don’t even fucking know.

This is a throwaway because for some reason in a way I feel embarrassed about trying to lose weight. I don’t wanna tell anyone that I’m trying to lose and honestly I DONT KNOW WHY. There’s nothing to be embarrassed but I just I don’t know. I see all these girls in bikinis being confident of themselves and I want so fucking badly to be them. I love the beach n feeling the wind in my Hair is the best feeling but I can’t help but feel insecure when I’m out even in a one piece. I wanna post photos on Instagram feeling and looking my best self. I wanna be pretty not cute n chubby.

The thing I fucking hate about weight loss is situations. It sounds like I’m complaining but I’m a full time student and I have a part time job. Sometimes I really have no fucking time to food prep, to count calories, to go to the fucking gym and to not eat just the fast food or cafeteria shit. This bitch has to fucking study n chase her dreams. It’s just so frustrating to have this added task to lose weight. It sounds like I don’t wanna but FUCK I WANT TO SO BADLY.

Not to mention I have siblings! yay n their skinny lol,, I’m just so fucking sick of being the fat sibling. I was never morbidly obese but being called fatty or 胖子 (fatman) is so fucking tiring. for so Long I told myself I’m not that fat right? That’s till recently I saw this picture of me and I was so fucking disgusted. u know when bitches see a pic of someone n judge them sayin like oh that shirt is too small for her or she totally shouldn’t be wearing that. I was doing that to myself. I tot I looked so fucking disgusting. Man. I’m just so sick of looking like this n I wanna change something.

Next year I’m one year older (Oh mY God RIgHt) but next year my goal is to go to the beach in a bikini n be fucking proud of myself n post a picture on my Instagram of me in it. I’m ready for the pain. I’m ready for the suffering. I’m ready for the occasional hunger strikes within myself. I’m ready to cry n work hard and I’m so fucking ready for my weight to be gone.

goals: lose 28kg by December 2020 flat stomach Better outlook on my body image and food in general. post a pic of me in a bikini n not archive it immediately lol Better mental health love myself.

submitted by /u/sparkyung
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Please help me. I am desperate to lose weight. I need your best advice!

F / 34 / 5'5 / 307 lbs.

I am now at my heaviest weight. I've been battling my weight for two decades and failing miserably. I have multiple autoimmune diseases and need to lose weight for my quality of life. I am a competent, talented woman but for whatever reason, I can't figure this out.

Please send me any and all resources you have so I can sort through them. I need your best advice. What worked for you?

Here's some backstory:


I had bulimia for a decade, but am now in remission, but this did slow my metabolism. I also have hypothyroid so weight loss is on hard mode for me.

I lack consistentency. One day I follow a diet well and the next I crash and burn. I can't seem to find something that is manageable long term.

I absolutely detest calorie counting. It makes me obsessive and the numbers and measuring end up completely ruling my thought life.


I'm a skilled cook and I love to eat at home. I'm a big fan of veggie dishes.

My husband is supportive and trying to lose weight with me.

I don't drink sodas or empty calories and I eat gluten free the majority of the time.

submitted by /u/GronkVonHaussenberg
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss from eating more?

Hi there :) I’m slightly confused as I’ve been trying to lose weight for a really long time by now not being able to lose much despite working out multiple time a week, not eating much and cutting out unhealthy stuff. From March to November I managed to lose 4 kg, but for some reason I’ve lost another 2kg from December 5th to now! The difference is that now I eat Christmas biscuits and sweets and more food in general! I really don’t understand how this makes me lose weight? Anybody who has experienced something similar? 😊 I’m 23F 173cm and now down to 76,8kg! (In total I have lost 10 kg since my highest weight of 86,9kg so I’m very happy and tend to have way more energy and less joint pain 😊 still have like 10 kg to go until I reach my goal weight 😜 just through it was kinda strange how fast I’ve lost weight am of a sudden 😅 -side note: I’m a type 1 diabetic and my dietician and diabetes doctor both think I have a harder time losing weight due to my insulin. I also gained 20kg the first 1,5 years of my diagnosis despite doing gymnastics 3 times a week and running 2k 4 days a week :)

submitted by /u/Qhalira
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wanting to begin a weight loss journey

14 M
So ive read posts on this subreddit alot but never really hit the join button until now and i want to make a post.

For the past 5 years ive been steadily gaining weight and am currently medically obese, i weigh 124.6 kilos and ive decided i want to start losing weight. This is the first time in my life that ive really had any motivation to do something like this but im afraid that going on it will be difficult enough for me to lose motivation again. i came here because i wanted help to lose weight and hopefully put on muscle while doing it.

Because ive never done something like this before i dont really know how to go about it, i have some exersice gear in my room (2 3KG dumbells, Yoga mat, Skipping rope, boxing gloves, boxing bag and a bike) but because i havent properly exercised before i dont know how i should properly work out. Lately i have just been doing 2 Sets of 100 reps on each arm with the dumbells and trying my best to do pushups. But i cant go low to the ground while doing pushups so i just do shallow ones and try go lower and lower each day. I think the reason i gained alot of this weight was mostly because i never exercised and i ate too much food, i eat about 3x as much as a normal person should eat a day and although alot of it isnt sugary food, i eat alot of bread and other things with alot of carbs in it.

I was hoping this community would be able to help point me in the right direction in my journey.

submitted by /u/NNautiluss
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from loseit - Lose the Fat