Wednesday, December 18, 2019

It's so easy to mess it up (A call for support)

Whelp, here we are. I was finally able to go work out this week and the number staring back at me when I weighed in was a far, far cry away from where I wanted to be.

This is me owning up to it. I'm 217 lbs as of today. This time two years ago, I was 185. What happened? Where did I mess up, and how can I fix it?

My story, like so many here, is one of growing up with bad habits. I was a proud member of the clean your plate club, and avid and avowed snackers, and a lover of all sugary drinks. That was my life and lead me to living my life from mid-20s on as an obese dude. I was 265, and at 6ft, that was far from where I needed to be. It was primarily fat, as I never worked out and muscle eluded me.

Then in 2014, my wife had our first son. In May of 2015, he was six months old and starting to move around. I was 30 and watching him, I resolved to not be the fat Dad. I embarked on a mission of sustainable weight loss. The only thing I cut out was soft drinks, everything else was CICO and exercise. By fall of 2016 I was at about 195. I got down to about 185 and fluctuated between 180-190 from 2016-2017. My son got older, I was able to be active with him, it was awesome.

In fall of 2017, we found out my wife was pregnant with our second son. At that point I had told myself I had "figured out this new lifestyle thing." HA! I started sympathy eating with her, life got in the way and I stopped counting calories. From Fall of 2017 to 2018, my trendline went up. I hit 200 again in October of 2018.

I thought I'd get back on it, so I worked at it a bit, but I let myself excuse away my poor eating habits. By this past summer I was still hovering between 195-200.

Then I got a great new job. It pays more, but there are longer hours. More time in a car, more driving around, more moving. Less time for paying attention to my meals, less time for working out, less time for self-care. I returned to the me of the mid-20s that eats when stressed.

From September of 2019 to today, I have gained about 20 pounds. At my weigh-in today I was 217.

Today that changes. I want to day that on here, to a community that was so supportive the first time around. Today I get back to it. I've logged my breakfast, I went to the gym today. I'm downloading a new "30 day challenge" that used to motivate me so much in the past. It changes today. I want both of my boys and my wife to have the best Dad and husband possible. I want to live a long and healthy life and be active once more. The driving, fast food snacking...that's all excuses. No more excuses, it's time to put in work.

submitted by /u/NameIdeas
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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