Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Munchie Suggestions

I'm looking for some advice on healthy snacks. I've been slowly restarting my weight loss journey, I've done it before (it lasted for a while after losing 60lbs, but I gave into the stressors of some major life changes and I'm back to square one)

My issue this time is I've started smoking pot at night, my job is hard on my body and I'm finding it l helps more than most things I've tried to help with my aches and pains, and when I get high I get real munchie. Dose anyone have some snack ideas that they like to have on hand for when they just can't help themselves? I simply can't keep having late night pizza and ice cream haha.

Thanks for any recommendations!

submitted by /u/captinc
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2QhO7ph

Don't Get Discouraged During the Holidays

Over the past 3 days I've had my self control tested in every way possible. I never knew how easy it is to eat nothing but fast food when you are Christmas shopping. Up until this year I wasn't the one who helped with the shopping. I don't normally eat fast food that often. Yesterday I saw a movie with my family and let myself indulge in the treats there. My point is that don't be afraid of making mistakes. We are all going to make mistakes when it comes to weight loss. You will have bad days and you will have good days. Don't give up.

After 3 days of craziness and gaining 2 pounds of water weight I am not giving up or getting discouraged. It's important to move on and keep trying. Christmas is one of the hardest times of year to keep the weight off. Don't get mad at yourself if you slip.

My biggest hurdle is yet to come. My family is doing our annual fondue party on New Years Eve. I'm a little nervous because that is the easiest day of the year for me to pig out on everything. I know I can find a way to get through it however. Somehow, even if I have to eat at maintenance I'll get through that day. If I mess up I'll just try again the next day.

This year has been great for me and hard at the same time. I almost lost all my progress. My starting point in 2014 was 204 and I hit the 190s in July again. then I had one heck of a plateau that lasted 3 months. I pushed through and now I'm back to 173 as of today. I got here because I pushed through my mistakes, and you can do it too. I just had to find my self control again.

I'm so close to my next goal of 169. I am hoping to get there by early next year. I haven't been in the 160s since 2015. My ultimate goal is somewhere around 120 lbs I think.

Happy Holidays, Metty Christmas, and Happy New Year. You can do this!

submitted by /u/Starya
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Qgqy07

Resources for the comfort/stress eating mentally ill addict

Heya r/loseit! I'm writing today because I could really use some help with my weight loss. I started in April and it's been a remarkably slow affair, because I'm battling PTSD, depression, anxiety and alcoholism, as well as trying to tackle my waistline.

I started at 286 and currently sit at 273, which is nice! I'm on a new brand of antidepressants, and Weight Gain is the most common side effect of this particular type. I've managed long periods of sobriety this year - this, combined with increased water intake and reduced snacking, is why I've lost a bit of weight. I still eat mostly the same foods as I did when I was gaining.

I suspect I might be addicted to food as well as alcohol. But while abstaining completely has worked very well for the sauce, I cannot abstain from food, and I find myself reaching for it when I get sad. Junk or snack-type foods are my favourite. I also eat in secret.

I would really appreciate some recommendations from people who have had to tackle emotional eating. Although I've got a lot of other problems to try and tackle, I truly believe CICO will work, and I think a well balanced diet and weight loss will improve my moods and mental health.

Podcasts, movies, books, apps? Anything to reign in eating my many, many feelings.

Please don't recommend therapy! Unfortunately I'm poor, so that isn't an option. Being on antidepressants I'm in good contact with my GP, so I'm exploring options there at the moment. :)

submitted by /u/recoverytea
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Qglitn

What I've found that works

I started weight loss almost exactly 11 months ago. I started at 285, and began powerlifting (the first exercise I'd ever really done) 4 times a week. Now, I sit here and have only lost 10 lbs, BUT I have lost maybe 6 inches off my waist, and am progressing quickly. The thing that made me lose the most size quickly was intermittent fasting, but I understand most don't want to do that (and I don't blame them). Just want to say, stick to it! Powerlifting is a ton of fun if you have someone to teach you, and for a person like me (hated team sports, asthma, etc) it is a good intro to heavier exercise.

submitted by /u/AlexLevers
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2ERZAqu

How I lost 15kg (33lbs) by watching YouTube videos

First of all, I know the title seems misleading, but hear me out.

At the start of September I weighed myself and found out I weighed just under a 100kg (220lbs). I wanted to prevent myself from hitting triple digits on the scale so I started my weight loss journey.

It's safe to say that it's been going great. After almost 4 months, I now weigh just over 84kg (187 lbs) and I'm getting lots of compliments from the people around me.

One thing I thought I'd struggle with the most was the snacks. Not gonna lie, I do like me some fast food, cookies, chips and sweets. But it has actually been quite easy to resist those temptations.

How? I watch YouTube videos.

Not just any videos, but especially the videos related to food. I love watching videos of people eating (lots of) food. You probably know mukbangs, but I especially love the videos where people try to eat as much food in a short amount of time.

Think of people eating 25k calories in day. Or 100k in a week. Yeah, it's crazy.

After watching the videos somehow those temptations to eat fastfood seemed to be fulfilled. Or I'd feel so disgusted that I'd lose all interest in eating.

I know it sounds weird, but it really works for me.

I don't know if it's allowed here or not, but here are some channels I would recommend if you wanted to watch these videos too: * ErikTheElectric * Matt Stonie * MattDoesFitness

submitted by /u/Br41nD4m4g3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2s9a4Pw

My calves are not slimming down even with weight loss?

Hi yall,ive been lurking following the advice i find here and im losing weight pretty steadily now! im very very happy and proud but there is one issue:

i used to walk on my tiptoes as a kid (until i was like 11) and my calves have aways been rock solid and almost larger than my tighs,and it doesnt help that used to be in a group that performed a tradicional dance around 3x a week that requires A LOT of calf exercise...they are solid muscle and very large.I tought that by losing weight they would slim down as im not so heavy anymore and i have been avoiding doing any exercises that puts a strain on them but they wont go away :/ its unproportional now that im skinnier

is it even possible to lose muscle there if i need to walk everyday?should i be eating even less?

submitted by /u/mi4572
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/35Vru0q

X-post from LPT: If your 2020 resolution is to lose weight and you want to step on the scale everyday, be consistent on the conditions in which you weigh yourself. Water and waste weight can make your scale fluctuate around 5 lbs on a daily basis.

If you are losing weight for the first time, you can be easily discouraged if you are weighing yourself on a daily basis and you do not understand how to properly weigh yourself. Be consistent. If you weigh yourself after pooping and working out, do that every day so that your weight is sans water and sans waste. If you do not, you will see your weight go back up after the previous day showing a loss. That's disheartening but is deceiving. A gallon of water is 8.34 lbs. Think about that. After pooping and exercising, you weigh 180 lbs. If you drink half a gallon of water without dispelling any urine, you will weigh 184.17 within that time.

Here are some additional tips to for your weight loss goals in 2020:

  • Goals because you should take this a week at a time. Aim to lose .5 to 1 lb a week. Set your first goal to 5 lbs loss. If you aim too high, the process will seem to take way too long.
  • To lose weight, there is only ONE program that works, the caloric deficit. You can do this with or without exercise. There is no magic program otherwise. Use an app to log your calories and log it every day. It doesn't have to be exact, but do not lie to yourself. No one cares but you.
  • You should exercise with your weight loss. Exercise will not only help you accelerate the process, but it will make you look physically healthier. It does not matter how you exercise. Cardio, strength, or whatever else works at this stage until you figure out your long term goals at a later point. For both the ladies and gents that do not want to look BufF, you will not unless you intentionally try. You will look fit but no way will you look like a bodybuilder unless you are aiming to. That takes a lot of work that, quite frankly, you do not have the discipline for in your current state.
  • NO. Muscle will not displace fat weight when you are in a caloric deficit. You will still lose weight if you are exercising and eating less.
  • Do not worry about all the noise. Macros this and paleo that. None of that matters unless the gimmick motivates you, which it does not. Eat less. Be consistent. That is all.
  • Go to the gym. Ask for help if you are lost. The only ones that will judge you are those who have more insecurities than you. Planet Fitness, despite their judgement of fitness junkies, is an amazing place to start your fitness goals. Cheap and no bullshit.
  • Good luck. DM me if you need help with your 2020 fitness goals.
submitted by /u/LightSlayerPantyOn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2tPzeDd