Sunday, January 5, 2020

Setting a goal weight

Like the title says. It's currently not a matter of the end goal, but a matter of *how* to get to that end goal. Back when I was in a serious effort to lose weight I always figured that losing 10 pounds at the end of the month was ideal. But now I'm not sure if that's a good goal to have in mind. I now know that the ideal weekly weight loss is 1.5 to 2 pounds (sorry I don't know metric).

As for short term, I'm trying to decide between a first goal of 200 or 190. In my previous effort I didn't make it past 194, which is why I'm leaning towards those initial weight loss numbers.

Wanted to know how y'all set your short term goals for getting to your goal weight. And if the numbers I have in mind sound feasible.

submitted by /u/neotokyounderground
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My cousin didn’t ask me to be in her wedding and I think I know why lol

Me and my cousin have always had a sisterly relationship. She got engaged last year and has talked about her wedding pretty often. Well, Friday night she calls and says she wants my son to be in it and my brother. She made no mention of me at all and I know it’s because she doesn’t want the fat cousin in her wedding pictures. I get it but it still hurts. So...I’m using it as motivation. I’ve been losing weight slowly but I’m going harder than I ever have starting today. I joined a weight loss competition ($2600 up for grabs). I spent $200 at Sam’s today buying healthy food. I got beach body on demand and will start actually using my gym memberships. I’m going to lose a hell of a lot of weight before her wedding in October and I’m gonna look great. I will be the most gorgeous girl in that church. I almost don’t want to let my son be in it, but that would be petty and bitter of me. I kind of feel that if she wanted to leave me out then she should have left my brother and son out too. Idk... anyway. Thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/Mommiana95
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A Good Problem To Have

I’ve been on a weight loss journey the last 11 months and have silently hung around this sub for awhile. I’ve already dropped a 175 pounds, but still have at least 75 to go before I reassess my goals. Obviously such a significant drop as lead to me having to buy an entire new wardrobe a couple times. Which I’ve been happy to do. But it’s also cost me quite a bit of money.

Here’s my question.

I’m travelling across the continent and out of the country (Canada) in March to a friend’s wedding. The dress code is black tie optional. I have zero formal clothing right now, and investing money in new threads right now doesn’t make too much sense when I still plan to drop a couple more sizes. Also the fact that I’m travelling out of country seems to make rentals challenging. Does anyone have any suggestions/ideas on what I should do?

Edit: should add, I’m 37m. Looking at suits/tuxes etc

submitted by /u/eastvanjeff
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m not afraid to have my picture taken anymore.

32F - 5’0” - SW:210 - CW:170 - Goal: 130

This was me before I moved to Hawaii back in March of 2017. I don’t really have any before pictures because I avoided the camera and mirrors. But my ID is a pretty accurate display of my misery. I left Hawaii at the end of 2017 and dropped 27lbs in those 9 months. I didn’t do any drastic diet changes just hiked a lot, like 5-6 times a week.

I kept the weight off for 2018 but then gained 14 of it back in the beginning of 2019. In April of this year I moved back to Hawaii. During my time here I experimented a lot with my diet. I’ve tried eliminating gluten and dairy. I went pescatarian for a bit. Cut back on alcohol. Ended with low carb. I’ve had the most luck with low carb. I tried the strict 20 carbs a day initially but then switched it up to 50 carbs a day with increased carb intake before hikes and the gym. I also joined a gym here and went 3 to 5 times a week doing 30 min of cardio and finished with strength training. I also started doing yoga out here. Lastly I started seeing a CB therapist which helped a lot with controlling emotional impulses that made me self sabotage my efforts in weight loss.

I’m moving off island tomorrow and I’ve lost a total of 40lbs. Started at 210 and weighed in 170 this morning. I was a size 16 and now I’m a size 10 in jeans. I still need to lose another 40 for my 5ft frame. But I’m no longer afraid to have my picture taken. This is me now.

submitted by /u/notmyaccount1987
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

3 months to a better me


I never post and only read on here but I created a profile so I could share :)

I have struggled with dieting, losing weight, gaining weight, etc etc for most of my life. It occurred to me that I never once thought about weight loss in the long term but always followed short term fad diets. They work while you’re on them but the weight comes back pretty quick. I have decided that for the next 3 months I am gonna work on my relationship with food and become the best version of myself mentally, physically, and spiritually. My goal is by March 31, 2020 I will be at a very good place with my body and how I view myself. I want a better relationship with myself and my body.

The plan is to eat between 1200-1400 calories a day and not eat any processed junk foods. The reason for cutting it out is because I get heartburn and acid reflux very easily when I consume highly processed foods. Fortunately, by cutting it out not only do I avoid those pains but it also leaves me with more calories to eat healthy delicious foods :)

During these next three months I want to fix my relationship with food. Sometimes I love food but that’s usually followed by an extreme hatred or fear of food once I have indulged. I am not sure how I will fix that but talking to my therapist will probably help haha. I also have a rule that I can absolutely NOT starve myself. I have a terrible habit of skipping meals and starving myself just for the sake of quick weight loss. This is such an unsustainable way to live and it’s also quite depressing.

Stats: Height- 5’5 CW- 142lbs GW- 120(ish) lbs

Anyways, if anyone wants to do this with me that would be great!!

submitted by /u/last-time-forever
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Back in the saddle

Last year I lost 60 pounds while using HealthyWage, and it earned us money for airfare to Germany as well as a much more comfortable flight for me. Lol.

After getting back from the trip, which ran into the holidays, I found it very difficult to get back in rhythm and subsequently put on 15 pounds and found myself not in the gym nearly as often as I was before.

But that ends today. Now, both my wife and I have signed up for new contest through HealthyWage (because they suspended their no yo-yo rule until 1/7/20) This time, I have my spouse doing the competition with me, so hopefully we can work on more sustainable lifestyle changes that we can continue once this is complete.

Set backs are part of life, especially weight loss. Now we just have to power through it and move forward. Good luck to everyone else facing the same challenges!

submitted by /u/Neidermeyer519
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Here we go again! I lost weight, I gained almost all of it back, and now it’s time to lose it agin. But this time I want to lose it for good!

So I (F30) definitely been on the struggle bus for a little too long. Back in 2018 I started a weight loss journey because I was going to be a bridesmaid in a wedding. I weighted 177lbs and felt horrible standing next to the other bridesmaids who were slim and looked amazing in anything! I was successful and ended up losing a totally of 35 lbs!! I was so proud and was able to maintain the weight for a good amount of time. Then in 2019 life happened... all of the sudden there was so much going on, a lot of change, and life became incredibly busy. That’s when I started to slide back, I went back to my bad habits because they felt comfortable and easy. Towards the end of 2019 I realized I have gained 25lbs back!! I feel so horrible and disappointed in myself that let this happen! But I do not have time for a pity party, I want to get back on track!! My fiancé and I set our wedding date so I have a goal to work towards, I have 607 days to lose weight and to learn how to make fitness and healthy eating a permanent part of my lifestyle.

Has anyone been through the same thing? Have you lost, gained, and then lost weight again? What was different the second time around? Some advice would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/SpaceTeaParty
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from loseit - Lose the Fat