Thursday, January 9, 2020

Required annual physical examination at work last year told me I'm at 360lbs (my heaviest in 31 yrs of existence). Decided to do something about it..

Hi guys! I'm a long time lurker here, and have been sweeping my weight issues under the rug for almost 3yrs. I made a lot of excuses to justify that I was stressed enough that I can't handle the additional stress of losing weight. I was the lone breadwinner in our family, and my Mom has undergone a spinal column operation last yr, adding to the financial burdens. So I was thinking that this weight loss plan can wait..

..Until last October 2019 at our work-requured AP exam did I receive my biggest slap in the face. I WAS WAY ABOVE 300lbs. No wonder my feet always hurt during the night when I got home from work. No wonder my clothes and pants are almost bursting at the seams. TO ADD INSULT TO INJURY, I was diagnosed with diabetes 1 week after.

I was on the chubby side all my life, but my Mom and friends told me all the time that I "carried the weight very well" and I didn't have any of the typical "fat person illnesses". But after reading all the complications of diabetes, I was heavily mortified and decided to do something about it.

I started limiting my food on November 1st week, and slowly transitioned to removing all major carb sources on my diet. By the 2nd week of December, I'm not eating any bread, rice, pasta, and sweets. I was so happy because I never thought I could lose weight, and in this rate! Clothes started to fit much better, and my feet do not hurt now (small slice of heaven) and most importantly, I do not run out of breath after a couple of set of stairs.

I am thinking of adding exercise now to my regimen, but I'm afraid of messing up my knees. On what weight should I start exercising? And can exercise also help prevent loose skin?

Huge shoutout to those who share they own journeys, they served as my motivation pills during this run. Everytime I feel that I was on the verge of binge eating, I just fire up reddit and head to this sub to remind myself why I started this journey.

submitted by /u/mysticshot04
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

HAES is just as much of a science denying load of crock as the anti-vax movement is and I'm sick of it.

I've got a couple of friends who have fallen hard for the HAES movement, they use it to validate their choices and it does upset me but you can't make people change so I generally leave it alone.

Now I'll get behind body positivity and body acceptance in a heartbeat, nobody should be shamed for what they look like and everyone should love their bodies even if those bodies aren't 'perfect'. But you can do that while accepting that being overweight is not the healthiest state to live in, they are not mutually exclusive ideas.

Too much or too little body fat is just not healthy and to deny that is to deny science.

I'm also sick of my weight-loss being put down to luck by these same people who preach HAES. To them, I lost weight because I was lucky. Because I wasn't meant to be fat and was just returning to my bodies natural size. Because I don't have any medical conditions that make it hard to lose weight.

Firstly I lost weight because I decided enough was enough and I worked hard at it, you don't lose 75kg by fucking happenstance and luck. Secondly, I fucking have PCOS and hypothyroidism, the two most common conditions people say they have which makes it impossible for them to lose weight! I am sick of my weightloss being invalidated, I don't want fanfare I just want certain people to stop pretending like I had it easy and didn't work my arse off...literally.

The really sad part is I am so close to ending a friendship over this nonsense. This person keeps sending me HAES articles even though I've told them I'm not interested, even though I've stopped talking about weight at all with them ages ago, hell I've stopped talking about most anything with them. The final straw was when I posted a '10 years and a lot of hard work' before and after picture and they sent me a message saying that that was insensitive to post because my post implies that anyone can lose weight when that's not true and that it gives people false hope.

I just needed to rant I guess, back in the beginning I tried to explain this calmly but it fell on deaf ears and I just can't be fucked anymore. Especially since I never once actually broached the subjects of weight loss and fitness directly with her, she'd always accost me via messenger after I'd post something on Facebook.

submitted by /u/vivian_lake
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

after a whole month of bingeing, I am committing to making a change!

I binge eat and my weight yoyos as I gain (and lose, until a point) weight quickly, It used to be I'd barely eat for a week and then binge but now even when I am eating normally and healthily, I still binge. And it makes me feel like shit.

Weight loss is such a struggle and I only have like 10kg left before I'm at my healthy goal weight but I've been trying to lose that 10kg for like 4 years now lol

I think an issue of mine is that when I'm at home with my parents or visiting family , I can't refuse food, especially homemade food , it SLAPS. But I'm moving out next week for Uni, signed up for a 10k and re-registered at my Kickboxing Club so here's hoping I can overcome this month-long binge I just had.

What helps people get over binge eating or at least binge less? I always do when I'm stressed, or when I'm at home ( wayyy more sweet stuff available at home since I don't buy any at Uni). It's like I blackout and then wake up with sweet wrappers everywhere. Even times when I don't have anything at my dorm, sometimes the urge is strong and I'll go to the supermarket ( literally nextdoor) and buy whatever I crave ( usually candy and biscuits).

Sorry this is a weird post, I just need somewhere to express to myself, that it stops here and I'm going to lose this 10kg! And not binge eat!

submitted by /u/glumgrrl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss advice

I’m at a place where I need advice on dieting/ workout plan. For the last 3 1/2 months I’ve been being dedicated to loosing weight and leaning out my body. I have seen small progress but nothing intense. For the first two months I worked with trainers but didn’t feel like there nutrition plans aligned with my eating habits and preferences so it was hard to stick to and in return I didn’t really loose weight. In this last month and a half I have tailored a meal plan that I can follow and I enjoy (clean eating) I incorporated HITT 4 days a week and just recently incorporated strength training. So far I have lost 9 pounds. My problem is I haven’t gotten any lower than 9 pounds of weight loss and would like assistance with how to drop more weight. My goal is to loose 45 lbs in this year. My macros are 1300-1400 calories , 131g carbs, 188g protein and 25g fat. Please help me!

submitted by /u/starnina
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is anyone successfully doing this without counting calories? What are you doing that is working?

So, I used to be a CICO-er, I managed to go from 230lbs to 185lbs using this method. I've since gotten back up to 250lbs due to some laziness and getting pregnant (which I used as an excuse to eat whatever I wanted). I am trying to lose weight again, but since this is like my 5th time starting over I have a lot of stress over this and I've been talking to a therapist. She recommended that I avoid counting calories this time, because it seems to her that while I did lose weight doing this in the past it never stuck because I would get in a bad mental place and fall off the wagon. She recommends that I instead focus on making nutritious food choices and good portion sizes. This makes me really nervous though because I liked the control I had doing CICO even though it ultimately led to a bit of a mental breakdown and bingeing when I finally got tired of feeling so restricted. I tend to be a person who needs a lot of control. I'm looking for advice from those of you who are having success with your weight loss without doing CICO, what is working for you? What tips can you give me?

submitted by /u/wolf_kisses
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I got my first compliment today and I'm really happy!

I joined gym in the first week of December and I haven't really noticed a significant weight loss. I lost some weight but I gained some grams during my hiatus near New Year. I came back from vacation and resumed going to gym. Cut to this afternoon, I entered the office and my HR complicated by saying "patla dikh raha h (I look slimmer). I was somewhat baffled thinking why someone would say that. Then I realised people have started noticing it. That has now motivated me to work harder! I really hope to lose more weight which would bring bigger changes in me life. Also thanks for posting your encouraging stories here. :)

submitted by /u/TheCuddlyWhiskers
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I've reached my weekly goal two days early!

So thanks to this awesome community I had decided to start CICO to see if it would work for me. I started last Saturday by meal prepping, getting my gym routine down and also by charting down on my calendar my weekly weight loss goals. I am taking in 1350 calories a day and since I am eating the same things everyday this week and measured everything to a "T" I know that I am hitting that exact number. I have also worked out so far 4 days this week. Legs on Monday and today, arms Tuesday and will be tomorrow, and then a light stretch cardio day on Wednesday. My first weight in on Saturday was at 166.8 and my goal for this Saturday was 164.6. Well this morning curiosity got the best of me and I decided to see how much I weighed. 164.2! I literally was SO happy to see that number! This shows me that CICO is working for me and that I can get to my weekly goals and even come in lower. If I am in the 163 range on Saturday I may cry. My goal weight should be hit in April which is 140 lbs. CICO IS WORKING!!!!

submitted by /u/Tired_ass_Mom
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from loseit - Lose the Fat