I've put on quite a bit of weight since this picture was taken of me in october 2018. But at this time I did not feel skinny at all, I still felt fat at a healthy weight. Currently at 19 years of age. I am just about 6'3 tall. I went from 116 kg(255 lb) to 86 kg(189 pounds) in a little over a year of eating properly, with portion control. I even indulged in sweets if I felt like it on the weekends because I did not eat a lot, and it only made a small dent. But it became an obsession for me, to be at my so called ideal weight of around 10 kg less.
This meant that I sometimes went a day eating a single piece of toasted bread for breakfast, and apple or 2 for lunch and a home-cooked meal from my parents which usually was eaten in one small portion.
I was still locked inside the mindset of being fat, or otherwise overweight even though I was at my best weight I can remember, I put on 2 kilos abroad on a trip to Japan, in the picture and felt terrible about myself but it was not at all warranted. I look perfectly skinny in that picture, and I can only realize that now that I am on the other side of progress again.
I put on weight again due to indulging back into snacks after being unable to work out for a month because of an operation at the hospital which made it so. Before that I was working out 3 times a week without having any problems with food whatsoever. When shopping I made it an exercise to just walk into the candy or cake isle, and just look at all the snacks. Then I would say to myself that I do in fact not need them but instead I enjoyed just the thought of eating them, or the thought of being healthy. Sounds quite strange typing it out but it helped me a lot when I was dieting to just accept that I would not be eating any of it.
As I'm sitting on the other side of the diet and going back in, I'm honestly excited to go back through my awesome progress in an even healthier way with a more balanced diet and a bit more food. But I hope to appreciate it more this time around, small victories are amazing for weight loss, and you should stay proud of yourself as you lose weight. Even if it's just 1 pound or maybe even less. Changing up your diet makes a huge difference too, I took out butter for my bread and weight started dropping like crazy, changed the sodas for water and controlled my portions. It's a battle and war but one you can win when you set your mind to it.
So please, when you are at your goal weight, or at the goal of the month, week, day, or hour, maybe even minute. Try to see what great progress you've already made. Take some pictures when you start and compare them to see what great progress you made, otherwise you will end up like me and just be looking towards losing more when you really are within healthy weight limits and look amazing compared to your starting point. Looking at your weight between 4-6 weeks can also make a large impact because you see a lot of progress at once. Getting to your goal also means, you now have to set a new one, otherwise you will likely fall into old habits.
Willpower is probably the biggest contributor to weight loss.(sorry for any grammatical errors or otherwise).
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from loseit - Lose the Fat