Friday, January 17, 2020

One week down, eleven to go

I have finished my first week of my medically supervised weight loss journey. So far it's been a bit of a challenge, mainly because where as I'm only consuming my 4 shakes a day, I'm still surrounded by lots of people eating, and while I'm not physically hungry I find myself really wanting to partake in the meals too.

On the plus side, I've lost enough weight already that my back and hip pain has started to lessen. We talk a lot about the difference between ideal weight, wish weight, and healthy weight and I'm starting to realize that this journey is less about reaching a goal number, and more about stabilizing at a weight where my quality of life is as good as possible while still being able to enjoy my life.

Thanks for listening and I welcome any advice on how to handle my cravings, or of you have questions about optifast (the medical program I'm going through) I'll answer to the best of my ability.

submitted by /u/Tr4sh-P4nda
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

4 months of weight loss/workout progress. I don’t feel amazing about it, but I also don’t know how well or poorly I’m really tracking

Before and after Front and Back

So I started to get a little more serious about my fitness near the end of September of 2019. I was on an unpaid acting internship that included a gym membership so what basically happened is that I couldn’t afford to eat that much, so somewhat of an automatic intermittent fasting started to become a practice, and I worked out (45 minutes of lifting and 30 minutes of cardio) about 5-6 times a week.

I’ve definitely made some progress, which I am happy about, but I always get super frustrated that I’m nowhere near perfect or where I think is acceptable for my career. I’ve lost around 20-25 pounds, and definitely gained some muscle, but I can’t tell how I’ve shifted my body fat percentage. Any insight of just visual cues on that would be super welcome.

Anyways, I’m keeping with intermittent fasting by choice now that I’m finishing up at college, and trying to keep with the same workout regimen. Any insight on what a reasonable timeline would be for me to look at least relatively toned?

Sorry for the word vomit, I’m weird with my body and looks and get very self conscious. Any insight or comments welcome.

submitted by /u/Sweeney_Toad
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

2020 Goals – New Everything But Also Back to Blogging

Hello!! How are you? I spent some time over the last 2 weeks really thinking about my New Year’s Resolutions and Goals for 2020. Some of them are things I’ve been working on for a long time and want to continue to improve on… some of them are new goals that are really important to […]

The post 2020 Goals – New Everything But Also Back to Blogging appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

I’ve lost 4kg and my skirts are looser, but can I believe the fat loss?

So as the title says I’m constantly around 80-81 kg when I weigh myself throughout the day. Weighing doesn’t mean anything unless it’s a huge different but it’s been like that for a few months so I think it’s correct.

I’ve been watching what I eat - eating more fat and less carbs. So it makes sense that I’ve lost weight.

Here is what concerns me. I work in an office and wear casual skirts to work. They all don’t fit me very well but I’m kinda thinking that perhaps they didn’t fit very well to being with. That they got bigger in the wash. I should have taken measurements but I didn’t.

What also confuses me is my leather skirt doesn’t fit any better, so I’m not sure if the 4kg of weight loss is just water.

Am I making sense?

No one has noticed my weight loss.

*oh yes I’ve started to not binge eat at night. Lol.

submitted by /u/ecclescake123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Not losing, but maintaining weight?

I’m a 26F and 324 pounds (ughhhh) with a pretty sedentary life style (aside from work I’m usually just sitting around at home). I’ve been counting calories for a couple weeks now, but seem to be maintaining my weight instead of losing? MFP says I need to eat 1790 a day to lose 2 pounds a week but I’ve been staying under that, around 1400 calories a day. I haven’t even shed any water weight over the past two weeks! Which I find odd because past weight loss endeavors I’ve taken part in, I’ve lost at least 7 pounds in water weight the first week, and that was with a higher calorie intake than 1500. Is it possible I’m eating too little and my body is hanging onto my fat?

submitted by /u/hotdoggydogboy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Pro-tip for finding TDEE based on your Fitbit/Are you really sedentary?

Or any other heart rate tracker.

I am very short and not so overweight at this point that my sedentary TDEE getting pretty low. I am also breastfeeding a toddler, which further complicates my hunger levels and calories burned. For months, I have been angry at my sedentary TDEE, which is ~1,500 calories. I keep thinking to myself, "How am I supposed to cut 500 off THAT? so I cut 250 and I can't last more than a morning trying to spread out those calories, so I will just eat based on hunger and I will be fat forever."

Over Christmas (3 weeks of vacation), I was eating around 2,000 a day and maintaining. That shouldn't be right... my tdee is 1,500, how am i maintaining at an amount i should be gaining 1 lb a week at? Even with the minimal amounts my toddler is breastfeeding, this doesn't sound right.

Spoiler: it wasn't.

As I was going through my fitbit app the other night, I realized i hit and exceeded my "calories burned" goal every day, sometimes just scraping past 1,800, other days hitting 2,400 or higher. I had this sudden realization that my lifestyle is not "sedentary" at all. I have a toddler, a job, two dogs, I love to exercise... plus breastfeeding (which again is minimal but impacts my hunger more than anything). When I am eating 1,500 calories AND breastfeeding, my deficit is closer to 750. WHAT THE WHAT?!?!?!

Knowing that my TDEE is much higher than I expected has significantly changed my mindset and how I view my calories. Before, I thought eating 1,500 was a personal failure and I could not, for the life of me, figure out why my "maintenance" calories were so difficult to stick to. Had I been persistent, I would have seen a loss, but instead I regularly ate over my allowance in a "woe is me, i'll never lose weight" kind of way.

Anyways, I am back to losing weight with over two lost in two weeks, proving accurate that I do have at least a 500+ deficit.

Just thought I would share with you, if nothing else, it's helping how I view my calories, which is a huge part of weight loss!

tl;dr: thought I was a lazy bum but I'm not.

submitted by /u/Inorganic-Marzipan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What weird food helped you lose weight

Hello, beautiful people of r/ lose it I have been a long time lurker but now first time poster on this Reddit. When I started my weight loss, I made a healthy snack option for every craving I often had, and this has made my life so much easier. I definitely have some things and snacks that I never used to eat but now can live without and I want to know yours because we are all here for a good time.

My top four,
- cold brew with a protein shake instead of creamer (not less calorie dense per se but the macros are nice - students cant be buying that much meat sometimes)

- yoghurt cups for dessert - I really like the key lime with one or two mini ginger snaps crushed in it my weird version of key lime pie

- halloumi cheese- its 100 calories for a small amount of fried cheese but it completely kills my chip/ salt cravings

- lightly watered down hummus - it has more of a creamy ranch texture and adds no calories with more volume

you don't need to read this but a bit about me, I guess. I started in august and lost 20 pounds gained 8 but back on my bs and almost back at my start in a few weeks. 5'10 F 200 pd start - 184pd now GW 160ish. Doing CICO (1500-1800) and mixed strength and cardio five days a week.

submitted by /u/fxsvg
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from loseit - Lose the Fat