Friday, January 17, 2020

One week down, eleven to go

I have finished my first week of my medically supervised weight loss journey. So far it's been a bit of a challenge, mainly because where as I'm only consuming my 4 shakes a day, I'm still surrounded by lots of people eating, and while I'm not physically hungry I find myself really wanting to partake in the meals too.

On the plus side, I've lost enough weight already that my back and hip pain has started to lessen. We talk a lot about the difference between ideal weight, wish weight, and healthy weight and I'm starting to realize that this journey is less about reaching a goal number, and more about stabilizing at a weight where my quality of life is as good as possible while still being able to enjoy my life.

Thanks for listening and I welcome any advice on how to handle my cravings, or of you have questions about optifast (the medical program I'm going through) I'll answer to the best of my ability.

submitted by /u/Tr4sh-P4nda
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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