Monday, January 27, 2020

[26F, 5'6" 190lbs] How do you replace food when it is a main source of comfort and self-soothing?

For the past 4.5 years, I have yo-yoed through losing and gaining the same ~15 lbs. I am now a few lbs short of being back to my highest weight.

I love food and I love eating. Eating excessive amounts of garbage is common when I am stressed or bored and I want to escape and ignore my problems. Even when I'm not as stressed, my eating habits tend to revolve around getting carbs and cheese into my body with the least amount of effort possible. I also love to reward myself with food or use it as a motivator to get out of the house and do errands or other activities.

A lot of aspects of weight loss are challenging for me, but I think giving up food as a source of comfort wears down on my willpower the most. Feeling hungry all the time in stressful. Ignoring cravings is stressful. Resisting tasty food that others are enjoying is stressful. Being in a bad mood from all this stress, and worrying about being grumpy with other people, is stressful!

I'm looking for strategies others have used in this situation. How do you cope with all of the stress of weight loss without relying on food? Is there something I can actually replace food with as a source of comfort? Are there any methods to helping me not feel so much stress about this? Is the only solution to just suffer and tough it out? (I really hope it's not)

submitted by /u/fexofenadine_hcl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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