Saturday, January 25, 2020

18lbs down since September, slow and steady weight loss FTW!

I’ve always looked for a quick weight loss fix, I’ve probably googled “how to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks” a hundred times. At my highest weight in September, I finally decided to take things seriously and join weight watchers. It’s been a bit of a slow journey, but so incredibly rewarding. I think it’s easy to get into a vicious cycle of looking in the mirror, wanting a change right away, but then giving up when you don’t see one in a couple of days.

With regular tracking, weigh ins, and really just committing to my plan, I’ve completely changed the way I see weight loss. I don’t get impatient anymore if I only have a .3 loss in a week, or even if I’ve gained. As long as the trend is generally downward, I’m happy. A smaller number on the scale is definitely not the only satisfying part of this whole process too, honestly all the NSVs have been the most rewarding. Like fitting into smaller clothes, not avoiding my reflection when I pass by a mirror, my smaller appetite and cravings for healthier foods instead of junk. I no longer need to snack all day long and won’t eat if I feel full, even if there’s a bunch of free pizza at work (which happens a lot lol). I would highly recommend Weight watchers to anyone who loves food & cooking, and can’t see themselves cutting things entirely out of their diet. I can pretty much eat anything I want, but I just have to watch the portion size and decide if it’s worth using my daily points over.

Overall, Ive learned to trust the process and my body. If I mess up one day or even a week or two (ahem, Christmas!) I don’t get down on myself but instead just pick back up where I left off. I think that’s the most important thing I’ve learned through this whole process, is that patience and trusting yourself & body is key! So to anyone who feels like 6 months or even a year from now feels forever away, it’s not, you WILL see change eventually and you’ll be thanking yourself 6 months from now that you took the plunge and did it! :)

And for anyone curious this is my background:

26F 5’5 Start weight: 174.5 CW: 156.5 GW: 140

submitted by /u/veryaveragegirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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