Tuesday, January 28, 2020

First Attempt!

Hey everyone

Not sure if this is the right place for me but I've done some browsing and found the posts/comments interesting, helpful and inspiring.

I'm mostly posting for myself just to get it all down but I would love any feedback/advice from you guys!

I considered myself fairly active (gym a few times a week, walk/bike to work) 30yr old guy, 6ft tall, with a background in competitive sports. Growing up, I was in great shape and until last week, I paid no attention to what I ate, how much I ate or how it effected my body. I recently noticed my clothes weren't fitting right, I didn't feel good, physically or with how I looked. I realized that I was at a cross roads- I could either go into my 30s complacent, sluggish and feeling terrible about myself or I could start to focus on my health and fitness. I weighed myself last week (1/21) for the first time in months and was shocked to see I had reached 203.6lbs. Honestly, I panicked. I had never been over 185 before and was so angry/embarrassed to have let myself get this heavy without noticing. It was a dark moment. I realized I needed to turn the ship around asap or that athletic guy I used to be would be in the past forever

180lbs by my Bday in early June (though I'd be happy with any sustained weight loss and diet/workout routine or even just feeling GOOD again). Weigh myself daily to avoid any surprises

60 min Cardio Workouts M, T, Th, Fri. Strength Training on W
Intermittent Fasting- 10PM-12PM, Flooding my body with water (2-3 Nalgenes during work)
Cutting Carbs, Increasing Veggie and Meat in the diet.
Weekends: limit alchohol and takeout

I'm one week in and I have stuck to the plan thus far. I'm currently at 198.5lbs (-5lbs)and feel fantastic and very motivated. My workouts have been tough but I feel myself in a bit of a runners high and look forward to them. I feel happy and alert (maybe all the extra water I'm drinking?) and am sleeping like a baby. I wake up excited to see how I feel, to weigh in and attack the day. I was worried abt staying motivated at the onset, but this first week has been so positive it makes me feel like I might be able to actually stick to a routine. It definitely helps seeing the number drop every day. I'm slightly worried I will get discouraged whenever I hit an inevitable plateau.

Any thoughts on the approach or my mindset? This is my first time undertaking something like this and I don't know what to expect. I'd love any and all feedback. Thanks for taking the time to read.


submitted by /u/joyride20
[link] [comments]

from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2RZwIlY

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