Wednesday, January 29, 2020

How to deal with patience and frustration?

Hi all, I'm 5'1 & I started my weight loss journey on Jan 1 at 136.5 and am down to 132.4. I was really excited to get down to 133 by Jan 16th, but now I've only seen an add'l 0.6 lb loss in the past 2 weeks. (I've been weighing like every 3 days and I'm fluctuating between 132.2-132.8).

I'm eating between 1,000-1,300 cals a day, a long with intense workouts 3-5x a week and hot yoga 1x a week. I use a calorie counting app and have a food scale. I do usually eat back some of the calories I lose from my workouts, (use an apple watch to track cal burns) but only allow myself to input ~50% of calories burned to my calorie counting app to make sure I don't go over, but even then, my cal count is under the 1,000-1,300 under. EX If I ate 1,100 cals in a day, and my apple watch told me i burned 400 cals, I'll only add 200 cals burned to my app, so now I'll be at 900 for the day. I'll usually have a protein shake or small meal after the gym, bringing me back up to the 1,100 mark for the day.

I'm getting soooo frustrated with the fact that I saw such good results right away ( which could have been water weight?) and now I feel stuck and discouraged. I know it takes time but I always thought as long as I was consistent, I'd see consistent results ( ie lose 1-1.5 lb per week). Am I doing something wrong? Should I be doing something differently? Or do I just need to keep consistent and practice on my patience?

submitted by /u/mocaro
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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