Saturday, January 25, 2020

cortisol in overdrive? menopause? eating enough? not eating enough?

TL;DR - I don't know what to do anymore. I just can't seem to lose weight. I actually gained 800g/2lbs on a tracked week with CICO netted at zero. Not new to weight loss game. No issues with hyper/hypoglycemia that I know of. In menopause. Could be having a bit of a stress/cortisol burnout. Work out moderately to very often. Help?

Let me first preface this by saying I haven't just started this CICO thing. I was overweight as a young adult, lost weight with WW (1999 - 2001) reached my goal weight and maintained that for about 4 years until I went through a life crises where I gained all the weight back that I lost (27KG) then added another 10KG on top of it for good measure. Follow that with several years of failed attempts and finally re-started for the last time in 2009.

I lost about 17KG in the first year and then it stopped. I was 40 years old then. I worked a stressful job with a huge commute for 7 years which - I believe - lead to nearly chronic fatigue. However, I also started running in 2009 and throughout all the time I had that job I trained at the gym and did all I could to at least stay at that weight. I basically was at 80 - 83KG for about 5 years. That's not a plateau, that's maintenance.

I quit that job and found employment only a 10 min bike ride commute away. I almost immediately started losing weight again, and eventually even saw my goal weight again - 70KG - albeit for what feels like about 5 minutes at this point (it was a few months - then I started training for and running marathons). Over the last few years I've been anywhere from 72 - 24 KG. Which is actually fine. I don't need to be skinny. I'm 166cm so not tall but not short. I don't mind my curves. But running FEELS better when I'm a bit less than I am now.

Which is currently 78, almost 79KG. Last year I was 74 and I had a (second) surgery on my foot (I had neuroma surgery 6 years prior and, well, it wasn't a success) so I was out of the running for a few months. Then I had a sudden "attack" on my body in August with a herniated disc. That was the most pain I ever had in my life. I was again out of the running.

Throw menopause in all of this. I get it. There are hormonal things going on. I'm 51, I accept that I have to go through this. But last year had me in a pretty dark depression + menopause + personal shit going on + not having my mental therapy available (running or just exercise in general) and here I am even heavier than I was last year.

I'm not new to "dieting". I actually know what to do. I did WW for a long time when I was still in the commuting situation and in between tried a few different things. I'm not interested in keto, very low carb, IF. I'm a CICO kind of person. I know what good fats are, I don't drink very much alcohol, I never drink sugary drinks, my food is pretty consistent. I eat all my F&V every day, I actually like it! I'm not an angel, I do like pie and cakes and cookies but I know when enough is enough.

For shits and giggles I tracked everything this week, weighed and measured, scanned etc., and put it all in myfitnesspal. I exercised Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (more than just my normal walking and biking). My TDEE is 2250 (indicating light activity) so my target for weight loss is 1750 per day. I had a calorie deficit every day from Sunday until Wednesday of over 1100 calories. Wednesday I ate not one but two pieces of pie at work (it was delicious too) but still logged everything and I was over 1000 calories. Thursday until today I've been right on target.

My weight however went up every single day, except Thursday (after the pie. should I do a pie diet? I could be down with that!) but technically with CICO I should have maintained as the overage and deficit are pretty much zero. But I'm up 800g. In 6 days. Or am I misunderstanding all of this?

This is just a small example of what my life is like every single time I try to tackle this again. So, WTF. Is my TDEE wrong? Am I eating too little? Am I not eating enough? Do I eat my calories burned? A portion of them? Is my cortisol out of whack? How TF do I fix it? Why would I GAIN 2lbs when actually CICO is netted at zero?

What do you think, reddit? I don't mind switching things up but I'm not going to do anything that isn't sustainable (keto, IF, very low carb - I already carb cycle; low on low movement days, med on med and higher on big burn days). I'm not a picky eater but I don't eat a lot of meat or pork; basically I'm a flexitarian. Help?

submitted by /u/runningtravel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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