Wednesday, January 29, 2020

A month of intuitive eating: -9.2 lbs

TL;DR: After being on "diets" for most of my life, I switched to intuitive eating and have lost almost 10 lbs this month.

I've been "dieting" in one form or another since I was 9-10 years old (41 now). It's been hammered in that I need to count every bite/lick/taste and weigh/measure every food--FOREVER--if I had any hope in losing weight. I always knew that tracking sucked the joy out of eating, but figured that was what I get for being fat.

Last year I'd just fucking had it. I became heavier than ever and got so sick of the ups and downs and feeling so defeated. I decided to quit trying to lose weight; I'd rather stay fat than continue to fail at every weight loss plan. I quit counting calories/tracking, and quit weighing myself. I did my best to eat reasonably and continue with the good food habits I'd already established.

Curiosity got the better of me about 6 months later, and I stepped on the scale. It was the exact same number as it had been the last time I weighed myself. Maintaining for 6 months with no measuring/tracking/counting is nothing to sneeze at. It told me that I could trust myself and my food choices.

I spent the next couple of months cleaning up my diet a bit more, and also being a little stricter with intermittent fasting (generally do 18-20 hours a day). At the beginning of the month, I doubled-down on IF, and have tried to cut back portions here and there. I do dance and barre workouts for exercise, 30-60 minutes most days, nothing real strenuous right now due to my high weight, but I'm feeling stronger. I've lost almost 10 lbs this month doing this.

Most importantly, I have a normal relationship with food for the first time in my entire life. None of the conventional diet advice I've followed fits me. I do best with a higher-fiber (30-50 g/day) and higher fat diet (if I had to estimate, fat makes up 40-50% of my calories most days). No commercial diet plan would advocate combining fat and carbs, but it makes my digestive tract happy (my digestion is the healthiest it's been--ever). I don't track or count calories, but loosely calculate fiber grams. I'm losing weight and feel very comfortable.

I can still work in treats, as long as I don't throw more at my digestive tract than it can handle. Last week I went out to lunch with a friend and had a Philly cheesesteak sandwich and some onion rings. I noticed later that it's the first time I recall not feeling guilty at all, and I didn't start thinking about how I would atone for eating it (and if I follow my natural hunger signals, I tend to eat more lightly the rest of the day after a meal like that).

In any case, if you have been stuck and "tried everything," maybe it's time to give intuitive eating a try. I got my mental health in order, which has helped reduce the disordered eating (and tracking/counting calories was an epic trigger for me, which took me until last year to figure out). We all have different needs, and you may have the answer within you.

submitted by /u/UnlikelyGreen
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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